Wednesday, October 26, 2016

a couple of thoughts

Is this saying; I am throwing money away paying for parking?

Are the fruits of our labor, more labor?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Another story and a few comments beforehand

Well good day to you all…… beautiful almost fall weather here in North Texas.  I will be starting another story today and once you start reading you will realize I want to finish this one fast. There is somewhat of a deadline to meet because of certain events.

First though the better half and I were watching the last debate the other night and she shocked me. She and I (as you know) are vehemently against both candidates yet we still watch hoping beyond hope that one of them will make us feel better about what might happen after they are sworn in and based on the last debate, to no avail. My better half has been trying, really trying, to at least accept Ms. Clinton and yet she despises her. I mean, real I do not like that woman feeling.   And Mr. Trump is just going nowhere in both of our minds.
Everyone already knows my thoughts and I won’t go into hers, suffice to say we are very wary of the future. And yet… about thirty minutes after the debate ended my wife says to me: I think it is about time I took a class on guns and got a license to carry. This is a drop jaw to floor moment. My wife has never wanted a gun, never liked them, and has been against us having one for decades. She fears them. And now after viewing the third debate there is this sudden about face.  To me that says much. This doesn’t help any good feelings about the future possibilities.

Anyway, on to the story. A couple weeks ago I had an idea for another story and yet after the last debate and this past week this idea has consumed me. I haven’t done any prep like I always do for my blog stories. I will write in the moment. I do have the ones I work on a bit more, but trying to get those published. The story today is just this idea and it is based on recent events. And this would normally fall under one of my paranoid blog posts instead I decided to turn it into a short story. You will recognize immediately where the idea for this story came about and why I want to finish it fast. At some point, though someone needs to carry this craziness to its illogical paranoid conclusion before it might actually happen. So here comes the high stress paranoid story… and remember it is fiction and I hope it stays that way.  Let us see how far I get today before I need to perform other chores.
No working title right now

Four days before the election another set of emails were released showing much more disdain for the opposition candidate and distrust. That was the first headline. No shock emerged from this headline.
Later in the day more information came forth that created more talk of the election being rigged. Some ambiguous statements in a few of the emails, yet for the people who believed all the hype about a rigged election; It read like a bonfire of information.

The candidate’s surrogates for the past two weeks worked furiously to keep this idea in the press. Many people were caught up in the frenzy and hype. Much chatter amongst the followers of the candidate and they blogged, tweeted, added posts to news stories at every chance. And for some reason many governors, current officials in Washington even the military did not give this much credence. After all everyone said the candidate was whining, a sore loser so these comments appeared as hot noise.

The surrogates kept at it day and night, encouraging more and more the ardent followers to prepare. The accusations flew and the followers digested this idea like a dying man drinking water in the desert. Consumption did not describe how they soaked in this crazy idea. The actual thought this was true ran through the veins turning rational people into fear crazed maniacs. They simmered for the first week after the last debate. The second week they boiled and now with four days to go they obtained proof it was the end of the world.

No one really knew where the plans and preparation developed, or to many they did not know. Yet the surrogates were ready.  And was it planned all the time or did it happen because of circumstances? We will never know.

At first the chatter talked of going to the inner cities, watching polls, and more normal political activity of getting out their voters. Four days before the election though, posts wrote what type of supplies might be needed to spend all day in the inner cities watching polls, what to watch for, how to approach the regular poll watchers with their suspicions, who to contact in the campaign when they saw irregularities because to the inner campaign and surrogates’ fraud was a reality. And they wanted to make sure they caught it. There would be no questions by the general public once they started proving how rigged the vote.

And unbeknownst to many in the government certain elements of the military and homeland security supported and wanted a new leader. One they could relate and respect. Their preparations coincided with the campaign. They were instrumental in contacting certain militia groups around the country and preparing them where needed. Communication lines of normal military and state national guards were being severed. Trusted units, and there were a few, quietly heard instructions about what they need to do once the riots start on or after election day. The officials worked to create statements to use once the riots started. Yes, once the riots started. They prepared well. They too, like the supporters of the candidate yet for different reasons, tired of the usual Government inaction and incompetency. People needed leadership and they knew their candidate. Their time had come and their excitement hid from themselves the truth of what they wanted.

Two days before the election a quiet mobilization began. The innocent and unfortunately misled followers of the candidates prepared to vote early then head to certain polling areas. Somehow they received specific instructions on where to go. They knew exactly what was expected of them and as good patriots they went, not knowing the true end result.

The candidate wanted to win. The candidate felt winning solved the problems and the campaign’s success begins the change everyone wanted. The military and bureaucratic leadership already in government did not feel the same optimism. They knew the truth yet they knew they needed to take charge and save the country. If the early exit polling did not show a fighting chance to win, mobilization begins. Plans called for the poll watchers, the average citizens to start the protests. The press needed to think a groundswell of support arose, not a top down action. This supported the notion that military and national guard intervention protected the people. Little did the press know only certain parts of the military would intervene. And then there were the meth fueled paramilitary individuals, their whereabouts known and their instructions given. This creates scapegoat for the press, yet tools of the established leadership. “Right wing nuts” so to speak whose actions set up a series of steps in the first few days where some may be sacrificed and some hidden immediately for use later if needed. Not all of them were meth addicts, but enough to help the cause. Their madness tools, only tools in the eyes of the leadership. They were the front-line soldier that in any war becomes the first casualties.

Election Day:

Surprisingly a large turnout arose. The hatred of each candidates’ supporters of the other candidate fueled a much larger turnout than expected. Third party candidates received a larger turnout also. This created long lines even early in the morning. The established leadership hesitated early on since they did not want to upset the results if their candidate actually did start winning. Then knew this would backfire on them.  They felt confident their candidate would not, yet now they wanted to make sure. Luckily for them, the normal followers of their candidate did get up early, hours before the polls opened becoming first in line. They voted and moved quickly to their assigned areas.

This immediately created friction between these unauthorized poll watchers, the people in line and the authorized polling officials. People knew right away this wasn’t going to be good in some areas.  A couple of Governors immediately called their State National Guard into play. Not knowing the specifics well of mobilizing them, they did not realize the groups they wanted to call up, were not receiving the message.

The established leadership knew these attempts failed and prepared their alternate call ups so the Governors would not get suspicious if no one showed up. Of course, any paramilitary groups arrived first. They hoped this would cause the first riots. They communicated with these groups where to go and to wait for further instruction.

Lines grew all over the country. This information caused some more hesitation in immediate action by the established leadership. If large crowds of the general public perceived some irregularities, all this may backfire. They knew many of their candidate’s followers were not going to be involved and could fall back and not remove themselves from the situation. This might create a much larger fight and give time for the regular National Guard units to get involved. Their side would be outnumbered quickly if this happened. They needed surprise and swift action so they could establish martial law and then assign these troops to “protect everyone” with curfews, restricted movement, and communication links of the media and public cut. They needed all information coming from them right away. Any delay and people might start choosing and merging sides. This definitely did not help.

Around noon they started receiving the information they wanted and their candidate jumped on social media and began his firestorm of comments about the election being rigged. Exit polling was showing the other candidate coming out ahead not by sizeable margins, yet by enough that the media began calling the election. This became the first huge mistake.

All over the country the unauthorized poll watchers began seeing all sorts of irregularities. There were none. Their anger of hearing the election rigged comments called them to action. They immediately confronted people in line about voting. Fights broke out on the streets. It quickly turned to fire fights. The unauthorized poll watchers had guns on the supply list and they didn’t hesitate to use them. Riots broke out as people watched their friends shot. The regular poll watchers tried to call in local authorities, yet certain lines of communication jammed quickly. The system overloaded fast. Partly because of the actual problems in the cities and partly because the preparation plans already disabled some areas.
The established leaders knew the potential volatile areas. The paramilitary groups arrived there first. Hyped up on a twisted motivation, meth, ignorance, and easily misled they jumped into the inner-city riots and began shooting up any and every one. Even good followers of their candidate were shot in the melee. This worked. The press now being fed information from DC reported specific yet unknowing misinformation so even more riots broke out in the inner cities and now spreading to the suburbs. Other members of the military, national law enforcement etc not involved followed suit as expected. Their orders seemed rational due to the fast rising violence all over the country.

National guard units were ordered up all over the country. Martial law was being announced by certain leaders so others did not question. One tiny problem, the sitting President seemed to disappear. Per released reports the government moved him to an unspecified location for his protection.
And he tried greatly to communicate with leaders he trusted, he received instructions to wait till the day settled down. He knew the danger, yet felt hopeless surrounded by the very people paid to protect him, now his prison guards.

The candidate in question spoke to the nation. Not elected, no results announced, yet under instruction from the established leadership, it became their candidate who spoke first to the nation. The candidate’s appearance first created the impression the established leaders wanted. Their candidate’s image appearing as the person in charge, the leader now, and where information about the country originates. They cut the media off, established control of communication and everyone followed suit. The day went off to their best of dreams.

The day after the election:

Fighting raged all throughout the country, not since the Civil War had Americans fought amongst themselves with this much anger and vigor. Unfortunately, there were too many sides fighting not against the establishment that took charge or their candidate. Too many sides developed. Fighting amongst various groups continued. Outside of the established leadership, no one had the ability to coordinate and work with different groups to put together yesterday’s events.  Groups did not trust each other, yet the groups that fought each other were the ones needing to communicate.

The plan worked of the country dividing quickly so many people just wanted stability and followed the orders of the National Guard and leadership on TV all the while not knowing they were being controlled. Democracy fell within the week, fighting raged on for months, and in January at the normally scheduled date at noon, the candidate who called the election rigged was sworn in. No one ever knew the final vote tally.

Overall it took about 6 months for normal day to day living to come back into play for the majority of the country. There were pockets still holed up; some in the inner cities where the law knew they would have to go in building to building to root it out; some in distant rural areas and a bit of irony, the bunkers the paramilitary people had built up in the play war games became the home of some the more philosophical dissidents who cried about and fought against the demise of the Republic; others fled the country hoping to build up enough support to go back and retake the government. Unfortunately, none of these groups ever coordinated, nor even if they did, it probably wasn’t enough to mount a real fight.

The majority of the country eventually went back to work, grateful the madness dissipated, and supported the new government because they were told the USA had survived an upheaval against the Constitution and the new leader was the greatest protector of the rights of the people anyone would ever know.

True standards of living diminished for many Americans, the rich got richer, or most of them, a few had fought and for some reason their businesses and wealth quickly disappeared, then they did. Overall though most people were told and believed the lies now being fed through the new media outlets that managed to “survive” the upheaval and everyone should be grateful that freedom of the press continued, freedom of speech and all the rights guaranteed still existed. Yet no one seemed to notice that there was no dissidence to counter argument to the new leader and new Congress reelected every two and four years. They were too busy trying to feed their families and keep their jobs. They took what pay they received and well didn’t complain about it. You never knew when your job might be shipped overseas by the Wall Street consortium of corporations, yet again, the ones that survived the consolidations kept getting richer.

There just wasn’t any opposition party of any consequence. A few crazy fringe parties marginally existed and campaigned, yet no matter how much support they might start to achieve come election day they were beat in landslides. So, the people continued to speak and support the current government day after day, year after year, and now decade after decade.  The Candidate had won, and the new party grew. At least a small group of people were true believers the USA was now the greatest country it had ever been. Everyone else grew up taught that.

And if you ever want another idea, I still have my 2012 fictitious party platform you can always read, just in case you want to make real change.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Some quips and comments

Irony is bringing donuts to the gym

If you really want to make America great again, start by changing some of the programming on daytime TV

Can someone please tell me what happened to the Texas Rangers other than the Toronto Blue Jays is a good team?

Are you ready for Tony vs Dak? Dallas sports media is already hyping the question.

We have spent decades staring over the edge of the cliff with incompetent politics. This year both parties have decided to push us over.

I will start work on another story soon. I have a vague idea for one. Same as before, just write it down when I sit to write it down, no editing and hopefully not much thought in advance. Think of it as traveling and forgetting to bring the map. It good be a great trip or you could drive off a cliff.  My brakes don’t seem to work well.

Why is it people will tell you how to raise your kids and then you go and listen?

Some friends came by for the weekend, had a great time, went to the State Fair,,, (still in play for another week or so, don’t miss out) and then to the Cowboys game against the Bengals. It was a great weekend.  Monday was a bit rough in many ways. Gotta start listening to people about what I eat.

Still feels like summer most days in North Texas and I love it and yet some fall weather does sound good.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Ultimate Fart

I am talking about the Libertarian Party and more specifically the brain farts Gary Johnson seems to be passing.

I am sure you are all aware of Mr. Johnson’s lack of foreign affairs knowledge by now. The mainstream media overall and Stephen Colbert this week have done a pretty good job of disseminating that information. And yes I know I am piling on.

It is a shame that such a great opportunity for a fringe party to attract a mainstream audience in this election has been squandered. I do not believe in much of their platform and I know some of their platform would like to get us out of many foreign entanglements, yet at some point you have to know what is the reality of the world stage. Basically he has turned this opportunity into one small noise that will drift into the atmosphere of political history like a whiff of gas passes us by then disappears.

And it goes back to one of my incessant points that we need new mainstream parties to make a difference in the future of our country.

One quick point about the Clintonians and Mr. Trump. Other than they are just as blind to her faults as Mr. Trump supporters are to his, they do not see that he has a good grasp of populist vocabulary or at least some type of modern populism. He will never implement it and even the few ideas he has come close to articulating will take a flood of election change in Congress to get passed.

I ask you: how many of you believe that Mr. Trump could walk into DC and get import tariffs on companies’ products that have taken jobs overseas and sell products back to us actually passed this current Congress? Those headquarters are still here hiring the same lobbyists. This is just one reason I see nothing Mr. Trump says will ever be or even truly attempted to be implemented. This just goes back to the gas problem mentioned previously.

 So Mr. Trump can speak the language of populism well, unfortunately none of his supporters realize it is all vocabulary. And none of the Clintonians realize how this verbiage plays well in Peoria.