Thursday, January 16, 2025

The real reason for the TikTok ban, censorship is more monstrous than you think, and other assorted nightmares



Opportunity is the real reason for the TikTok ban. Many say and partially rightfully so that is competition. The American social media companies want to get rid of TikTok because it is competition to them and eating into their market share, profits etc, however, if you sit back and think about it, Tik Tok gives millions of people opportunity that people do not have in other areas.

The plutocrats or oligarchs, or whatever you want to call them, want to control the world, yet if there are avenues for millions of people to have an opportunity that is a threat to them. If people can be successful in areas they cannot control this is a threat to them. And as we know, the rulers do not like threats to their rule. So what we are really looking for to replace TikTok is not just another medium, but one that opens up doors for people to be successful on their own. And so much so that it threatens the elite because opportunity is what keeps us thriving as a populace.


So on way too many occasions I go out and make comments, snarky comments etc on other social media platforms or on the comment boards to news articles and so on. What I am finding is the infamous “community guidelines” or just “X” in general are out of hand. I cannot prove my “X” example, but I have been putting critical comments on “X” about Musk and Trump and then if I go back to check what I have put on there, those what use to be tweets have disappeared. Unfortunately I have not taken screen shots of the original post, but I am seeing a few of my posts not show up under a search for me. I don’t normally search for my stuff, yet I had posted a critical comment and then I went back to edit it or make a comment to it and couldn’t find it so it got me checking other posts. I feel some are missing.

Second the “community guidelines” are seriously out of hand. I entered this comment on a story:

We need new parties or independents to gain control of the House just to reset the power structure and give more power back to the people.

I copied the comment verbatim onto a word document  when I got back the message it violated the community guidelines for the site. Seriously I tried it twice and received the same message about violated the policy. How on God’s green earth does the above comment violate anything. There are no derogatory or vulgar words, no hate speech, no what?????? Please read this again and let me know if I am missing something. Otherwise this is serious censorship at a whole new level. I understand a site can create their own rules, but this???


And with Trump’s second term upon us, do we fear the worst? Or is it all bluster and nothing gets done. The acquiescence of Republicans towards him is more than pathetic, but what really burns me is his cabinet. Only loyalists to a fault and with many of them very wealthy it is beyond the pale that this government represents anything other than a grab of greed and power for a very select few individuals. And add in Trump and the rest of the Republicans have bad public policy as a goal, what is the average Joe and Jane supposed to do. And as David Bowie once sang, but even more relevant today: scary monsters, super creeps, keep me running, running scared.

Hopefully I am wrong, but I am not too thrilled about the next four years, especially since the clueless Democrats still haven’t figured out what hit them.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The so called first MAGA drama is the visa question, but a bigger one is on the horizon


First of all, Merry fourth day of Christmas

And I am not original, I saw an article that talked about what happens if the Republicans cannot elect a Speaker of the House in time to certify the election.

My questions are, do they just postpone the certification or can they? And if they postpone how fast does Trump get involved so he will be certified?

Yet what happens if they duke it out significantly for Speaker and the certification drags out? Who does Trump back just to get certified?

So will Johnson prevail or has he hissed off the Republican/MAGA world and they don’t have anyone with general support to replace him.

This can be some popcorn generating entertainment if this drags out. I am sure some of the HIB visa question will play into this morass, but realistically what happens if Johnson falters.

I think, but am not predicting they re-elect Johnson for two reasons. One they don’t have a replacement they can coalesce around and two pushing off Trump’s certification will be on the back of their minds and no one has the spine to tell him to sit down and shut up until we figure this out, well no one beyond Chip Roy. Maybe he should be Speaker. If so definitely need to buy more popcorn before the tariffs hit because with him things will get real interesting, debt limit v. no debt limit, spending and I haven’t followed him enough to know how he feels about tax cuts. Hopefully he goes full financial responsible and doesn’t support any, would love some for us middle and working class bees, but not giving any cuts would sure be fun to watch play out. Those billionaires in the budget cutting department may not be too happy. And it almost seems an oxymoron to say billionaires in the budget cutting department, but we all know the real truth, cut other programs so I get more government contracts to expand my businesses.

It will be nice if we get someone who doesn’t kow tow to Trump, three branches of independent government and all, ya’ll.

From what I read the House has to be sworn in to certify the results and they cannot be seated without electing the Speaker first. Folks it is December 28, we have 6 days until the Speaker election.

We also have 8 days of Christmas left, let’s enjoy them all because 2025 is going to be an interesting year to be alive.

Also don’t forget to stock up on your tequila and Canadian Whiskey before January 20th.

So cheers quickly now!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Quick blurb on shutdown

This was originally posted as a response or comment to an article on raising the debt limit for a current CR bill.

This is further proof the Democrats and Republicans have lost touch on running our government. We shouldn't keep raising the debt limit because it will keep adding to the interest payments we have to make each year and continually eat into whatever budget these two incompetent political parties manage to pass or keep going through these continuing resolutions. The budget can be managed, yet each year we you know what around it makes it tougher.  We could easily lower spending each year with a step down budget. It would take time, but the first few years should be easy since there is definitely some bloat and over spending going on each year. Real cuts can be looked at over a two or three year period and be prioritized so it doesn't impact the average American too dramatically all at one. Yet this takes real work, something the current two political parties are incapable of and please do not say it is the other parties fault if you support one of them because for years it been all finger pointing and no work. NEITHER PARTY has done anything substantive in decades.  We need new leadership and/or new parties. And Trump is not new leadership, just America's greatest snake oil salesman. And if you believe differently what flavor is the snake oil kool aid you drank so I can avoid it.

If you listened to my last podcast two days ago you heard me say I wasn't ready to talk politics yet, well that apparently ended since they just hissed me off with all their nonsense.

Why can't they just run the damn government? This country deserves better.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Monday, December 2, 2024

They all do it, Republicans, Democrats, MAGA, and even Trump


They all bow to the rich.

And for MAGA I am not talking about the guy and gal on the street, rank and file person (who are about to be left out of the party), but the Trump political sycophants.

Don’t think the Democrats bow to the rich, then how the heck did Harris get up to One billion dollars to blow on the election? It sure wasn’t ten dollar donations from the Democrat rank and file.

Republicans have always been kow towing to the rich, especially large multi national corporations etc with targeted tax cuts and other policies they implement.

And yes even Trump, and it will become more obvious in this next administration, with much of it being directed to the people who have helped him, yet overall general policies will benefit the wealthy and hurt the working and middle class even though they are the ones responsible for him winning.

And it is getting tiring fast of all the Non Trump supporting conservatives now being Trump apologists because they didn’t like Biden’s policies so they think well Trump may not be so bad. It still ain’t going to be pretty no matter how much sugar you coat on Trump.


And in the end, we still need new parties, new leadership and new public policy that benefits that majority of this country, but no Cheers today.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

One of Trump’s first tells


First of all I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Mainly though I wanted to just touch on Trump’s pick for Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent. When CEOs and Wall Street breath a sigh of relief as one headline stated then you know where his economic policies are really headed. And for all the working and middle class people that voted for him, well you won’t be the benefactors.

I certainly understand why so many people voted for him since for years I have been calling the National Democrats clueless elitists, however, what drove these people to Trump will not be rewarded by Trump. He got their votes, but Trump won’t be initiating economic and tax policies that in the long run will help his voters. Sorry guys and gals, two years from now you will be wishing the Democrats had a clue.

Friday, November 22, 2024

More corporate greed, well in a weird way


Have you called an 800# to request help with something or to buy a product or to follow up on something? And you get hit with the infamous hold time. You know the drill. The wait time is approximately “x’ number of minutes or you can request a call back instead of waiting on hold.

You can choose to wait and hear upteen number of messages of them telling you your time is valuable etc etc etc or you can request the call back and hope you are not doing something when they call back.

And then the “x” number of minutes goes for an extra hour or you never receive the requested call back.

What gives?

Why cannot the entity hire enough people to take care of their customers? We all know the answer. They do not care about you. No matter how good of a customer you are or how important “your time is”, they do not care.  Not one iota. Sure maybe the people you speak to eventually care, and will try to help you, but the corporation or entity or whatever in general does not care about you.

Or they finally answer the phone and then you hear oh you need one of our specialist agents I need to transfer you and boom you are back into the “x” number of hold minutes for this new group.

And younger people say, we just go online, but really do you get the service you need when things go wrong. Some corporations offer a chat feature, then it takes forever to find out they cannot help you.

Corporations are in the business of making money and I certainly understand that. We wouldn’t have their product or service if they couldn’t make a profit. Yet lately, they keep cutting and cutting service to the point that it costs me more to try and be their customer than it is worth.

Yet so many people accept this as a it is what it is. No, it is wrong, but as long as we accept it, we will get this.

Switching gears, is it worth it to work 60, 70 or more hours a week? Who benefits? Do you? In some cases you might. Yet so many entities expect us to work an absurd amount of hours for them. Do you get paid enough in overtime to make it worthwhile, but after 2, 3 year of it are you burnt out? And once the overtime stops what do you have. Your same old weekly job with no future.

So you can give it up and hope you do something successful for yourself by working serious amounts of hours. Or you can work for your “job” until they lay you off. Either way you are taking a gamble.

Back in the day so to speak either option may have been opportunistic for you. Yet more and more it isn’t. You can try to start your own business, but it is hard. Even if you get it started, your labor costs will kill you and you continue to work excessive hours. And there is no loyalty ever from corporations for their labor force. You are always the first to get laid off if you aren’t salary. Why because if they can convince people to work salary and stick them with 70 hours of work they certainly will.

Mid management sucks because in the long run no matter how many hours you work, you will not get ahead. The people that get promoted are either predetermined by higher ups who are clueless or are people that kiss back ends not who work hard. And yes there are exceptions to this madness, but in the long run, most people are stuck. And this can be in a wide range of industries or services. The boss will always take advantage of you to their benefit. Even mid management tries to get people to work excessive hours so they can look good and most times it really doesn’t benefit them because they are stuck in the same loop you are working extra to make their boss look good.

It would be great if working extra meant something for you, yet in the long run it doesn’t except for a small few. Even in areas such as non profits or whatever, people are expected to work enormous amount off hours because of the cause or need. And good people do. It is a shame that this happens. Why cannot we receive an even trade?  The upper echelon of management of whatever entity you work for will always say your sacrifices are worth it, but in the long run it only benefits them, not you.

People seem to expect this though. And I am one that will say working hard is not bad, but we have to evaluate is it good for me. I may get a promotion or a small raise, but in the long run, am I allowing some person to make millions or billions because I am a cog in that person’s machine. If they are making billions, why am I struggling.

And I know people will say that is lazy talk. No it isn’t. You have a right to be paid. And the best recourse is to start your own business, but that is a gamble and if it fails you are back to square one.

So why in 2024 are so many struggling. Inflation is one answer, but by no means the large answer.

We are struggling because a small select group of people make a fortune taking advantage of a system that benefits those at the top. So many will say that is because they worked hard and they earned it and for a few that is true, but when you put the pieces of the puzzle together, most people are taken advantage of to benefit the few that somehow through fate, family luck, or other reasons have risen to the top and do not give a rat’s back end about you.

What to do? Not much unfortunately if we just sit here and complain. How do we effect the people that put us on hold for a hour and then never answer the phone even though it is our money that supports their business. The more and more the world is consolidated into fewer and fewer hands the more we are going to struggle.

As always we need change, politically we need new parties, economically we need to quit bending over backwards for people who live in world detached from the reality of the rest of us. Support small businesses that care about  you as a customer. When on hold, spend the time looking for new companies that do the same business and try reaching out to them to see what they offer in regards to customer service.

If you are willing to work for someone for 70 hours a week because you are told that is what the job requires then why are you supporting a business with your hard earned dollars that doesn’t care about you. And by the way, quit working 70 hours a week for someone that isn’t interested in your future. They may say they care, but if you still are working 70 hours a week and nothing changes. It is time you change.

You should do your job and you should do it well. I whole heartedly believe that, yet I also believe if you are working hard and producing quality work then eventually the company needs to recognize that and reward you. If not they have no reason to expect you to go above and beyond for them. If they treat you as a mediocre worker no matter what you do give them mediocre work. Eventually they will run out of good workers and mediocrity will be their product. And then hopefully customers will look elsewhere to spend their money.

We accept so much bullshit because we are told hard work is a requirement and yet we do not receive it in return.

In other posts I rant and rave about how the wealth gap is growing and that is a problem for our society, one reason is the macro economic policies they  have Congress implement that benefits them only.  The other is the two reasons I very un-succinctly described here. We let these entities abuse our time either in trying to get them to help us as a customer or abuse our time in what they offer in return for our efforts.

I do not have many answers, but first I offer if you are willing to work hard, start your own business and treat your employees well that help you succeed. Or second look for employers that treat you with respect not just for your efforts, but also for you as a person. Maybe some days you do need to work extra because of business and there is nothing wrong with that, but in the long run, how do they treat you. Finally take the time as a customer to go where you are treated well even if it costs a few extra cents. Support businesses that care about their customers. Don’t accept being treated as a customer by a business that has the attitude it is your responsibility to help them make more money, not that it is their responsibility to earn your business. We don’t need more wait time, we need more people willing to resolve our situation and that is the responsibility of the entity to hire enough people to care about our issues. Yes it will affect their bottom line, but we are at the point that a few billionaires don’t need anymore money. What they heck do they need to make 3 billion instead of 2 or whatever.

Time for those extra unnecessary profits to go back to the full economy so we can all benefit.


And on a side note, just like websites get hacked and all your personal information is now on the dark web, someone is going to figure out “apps” and so many people are going to be screwed. Will the customers be protected? Sheesh