Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Vote Independent or third party, why?


From MSN article by Andrew Lisa: “Even so, the rich get richer with every presidential cycle while the middle class continues shrinking.”

This may seem like it could be taken out of context. It wasn’t, this is from an article talking about what Trump will do for the middle class, by the way, the article goes on to say:

“A second Trump presidency could affect middle-class finances through potential tax policy changes,” Pace said. “During Trump’s first term, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 offered limited benefits to middle-income earners and more extensive benefits to the wealthy and corporations. Similar future policies could result in minimal tax relief for the middle class and possibly larger budget deficits, raising concerns about future tax increases or cuts in essential services.”

In assessing the impact of the TCJA, the nonprofit, nonpartisan Brookings Institute wrote, “The 2017 tax law doesn’t help the middle class. The benefits of the law tilt toward the well-off both now and in the future, according to the distributional analysis of the Tax Policy Center. By 2027, benefits of the tax law flow entirely to the rich.”

Yet don’t think I am supporting Harris. Go back to the opening sentence… the rich get richer in every presidential cycle…  the author may tend towards Harris, but the reality is for the last forty years or more the wealth gap has been shrinking, yet the stock market has gone up. So why does the gap shrink;  because no one in either party actually fights for the middle class. Sure every now and then a bill gets passed that sounds good, but overall the working and middle class have absolutely no representation in Congress.

Why? Because the Democrat and Republican party has only one goal, getting elected and re-elected. So you hear quite a bit of talk every election cycle, but by the next cycle you need to hear the same promises again because nothing was done for you.

Tired of it yet? Obviously I have been for quite some time which is one reason I keep beating the same ole horse all the time, but hopefully one day people’s eyes and ears will open.

And Trump will raise your taxes indirectly with tariffs and Harris will do what all Democrats do raise your taxes to pay for benefits our government can no longer afford.

To me our government could afford the benefits by making the distribution more efficient, but don’t expect a Democrat to figure that out. Oh by the way, Musk’s efficiency idea though is not what I am talking about. He will just shut down the government and shift all benefits to a few billionaires and you will be holding one giant bag of nothing costing you a fortune.

People will say you are wasting your vote if you vote third party or independent. Ask them when wasn’t my vote wasted. Everything is getting worse, wealth gap, quality of education, social security needs work (fixable, but nobody in Congress wants to do what is best for you) and so on.

A republican or democrat will tell you some inkling of an idea or fact that sounds like they did something, but again the slow deterioration is still happening. If either was actually doing something, then things would change. And then they will say, it is not us, it is the other side. That should tell you right away, that the blame game is part of the problem. If people really wanted to do something they would overcome the other side and do better.

So be bold, be strong and vote for your interests. Find a third party or independent candidate and vote for them. Sure they probably won’t win, but once you make the first step it is easier to start looking for something better. And once we get out of the mindset we must vote for the duopoly or the lesser of two evils others will see it can be done. Just think if third parties receive larger numbers then other people will notice and eventually people with viable ideas will feel that might have a chance to make changes.

I will be writing in a name for President and the Senate race in Texas. And both are approved write in candidates so my votes should be counted. I am going to go over my precinct results to make sure at least one for each and possibly two since the better half has come over to the force and no longer votes for the dark side. Research all your available options in your area and see which of those come closest to your values. No one may be perfect, but seriously if you are holding your nose and voting for someone you don’t like because you feel you have to, start researching.

And don’t let people say the other side is so bad you have to vote for my side, stop right there, wish them well and go back to researching. The hyperbole is insane and not real and this election is going to be close so voting outside the duopoly will make a bigger impact because both parties will realize you have learned they don’t care a damn about you, but themselves.

VOTE!  And check your precinct results, because you would have a very real and serious case if you know who you voted for and nothing shows.


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