I am not an economics major, yet like most even average
Americans we can see the dominos being lined up to fall.
I am not one hundred percent sure a recession is coming, yet
if you lay off thousands of people especially concentrated in one area, yet
also some in other areas you can perceive what might happen next. Many local
businesses will suffer do to reduced business such as restaurants and other
local spots in D. C.. Once the local businesses start losing money then they
either lay off or close completely. Once they close then distributors and
wholesalers lose customers and you guessed it, they start laying people off. Company
by company up the corporate food chain will be impacted. More workers losing
work with less employment opportunities in an area either creates a spiraling
situation in that area or a drain of the workforce as they move elsewhere to
If this drain in D.C. starts to migrate then where does it
head next. Of course and as always the workers, especially the service industry
workers are hit hardest. If they cannot find work, then things start to get
dicey as they look to alternate means to survive.
Do they do the right thing and move to new locations and
start their own businesses or find employment? Or do they wallow and let
circumstances sour their attitude? Well lets not speak bad of those less fortunate.
And in our current Administration’s worldview, how would they
react to large scale claims to the unemployment system? If current direction of
cuts are the leading example, many people could be left with nothing.
That’s okay because Trump says he can fix it all and it is
only him. So Econ students get out your pen and paper and start taking notes because
Trump will save the day and you can record the great savior at work. Or you can
deal in reality and take notes about how bad things get when you let a fraud
take over the government. I bet you can even get a book or two out of it.
Have fun
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