Sunday, March 2, 2025

Americans just don’t want the truth


And this is any American, they fight hearing it daily. And this goes back decades. I think in the 1960’s there might have been a desire for truth. Then the seventies happened and people either got too high and effed up or they became Republicans. So the need for the truth wasn’t put on the back burner, it was put out with the trash.

Think about this for a moment. When the Republicans introduced trickle down economics, they should have been tarred and feathered. Even the name was the biggest hint. It was the rich saying we come first and you come what fifth, you will get what trickles down. At that point working and middle class America should have brought that government down in a heartbeat. Called for elections the next day if they really cared about themselves, much less the truth.

Trickle down is the biggest joke played on the American body ever. And yet here we are still talking about it today in one shape form or another.

Please don’t tell me it works. Please don’t tell me the Democrats are against it. Please don’t tell me squat until you are ready to make real change.

The first sign the Democrats aren’t against it is the fact, we still need major campaign reform, we still need lobbyists out of Washington, we still need to support the middle and working class, we still need better public education and I could go on.

And the Republicans still support it in its current Donald Trump tax breaks for the rich and then whatever else falls from the table you might get concept.

Neither party cares about a better America. They only care about staying in power, which means lying to their base and taking millions in campaign contributions. Did anyone try to legislate Citizens United away? DID THEY EVEN TRY??????!!!!  NO!!!!!!!!  Or were any significant campaign reform ideas legislated, much less passed? Nope

We would rather complain than work even if the work is better for us. Hate me, I don’t care, but I am telling the truth. You don’t want the truth, heck like the movie says, you cannot handle the truth because that takes real work. It is easier to be lied to than make change, even if it is the change we desperately need.

You might say, you just ate a great dinner, had a nice fine table wine (even the better half enjoyed it and she doesn’t like white wine), are digesting and should be at peace, and I should. Yet, I watch what happened with Zelensky and watch people act like he is in the wrong. Sure some people stood up and said that was a bunch of crap, but where in Congress is anyone pushing bills to change the narrative. Too much work. Too much reality.

We let the power brokers lie to us, fail us, ignore us, and sit here with our fine table wine and whine. Yes I am just as guilty since I am not beating my Representative’s door down. I should be, we all should be.

Go back and check the history if you believe we shouldn’t help Ukraine. Just in case you don’t know, we signed an agreement as the United States to protect them if they gave up their nuclear weapons in 1994. And now we watch Trump tell the world our word means shit. Again some outrage, but for the body politic as a whole, we fail Ukraine, we fail ourselves and we don’t give a damn about ourselves because if we did we need to hold our government accountable.

The tax breaks are crap. So the next time you are outraged either as pro Trump or against Trump or whatever remember the concept is trickle down. So when you don’t get yours, don’t complain because the rich are getting theirs first as always.

Nothing wrong with the rich until WE, THE PEOPLE, let them run roughshod over us. And they have been for decades.

I guess we get to enjoy our spring of discontent wine or no wine.

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