Thursday, March 6, 2025

Trump’s yo yoing tariffs and the Republican tax bill


Pretty straightforward. How can we trust any numbers the Republicans introduce about tariffs to offset their income tax cuts for the rich if we have no idea how much (even) potential revenue will be collected from tariffs?

It is madness to even think the American public can trust what the Republicans are doing if their leader changes his mind as consistently as Trump does. First of all most of us don’t trust what they say from the beginning, yet it just becomes more and more obvious they have one goal in mind and that is the tax cuts for the rich. Somehow or another they will talk their way into it no matter how much they destroy this country. Maybe one day the rich will realize if this country falls apart at the seams and no one has any money those tax breaks are worthless. Let’s hope it is today, tomorrow at the latest.

The performative show the other night was a waste of time since it was all bluster and show and tell. Nothing substantive mentioned except we will screw you to get what we want. Of course they didn’t say that, but they did.

Musk needs to be fired. Vance needs to go back to Ohio and stay there. Johnson needs to find God and listen to what God says. And if anyone thinks a crypto reserve is no more than another sham or like Musk says a ponzi scheme then they deserve to lose their money, yet the rest of us still remember 2008-09 and do not need nor want another financial disaster. And that will happen if Trump starts investing America’s tax dollar into that scheme. Or cuts taxes with no real budget in place, or keeps cutting the government with no real plan in place, the list goes on.

Trump is driving this train high on narcissism and Casey cannot find the damn brakes, much less any reliable track. My apologies to the Grateful Dead.

And ironically Trump is making the President of Mexico very popular in her country. Heck she may make Mexico great (again?).

Too bad the man who needs our help the most and deserves it since he is fighting for liberty and against oppression is treated like the third step child once removed from an abusive parent. Again Vance needs to go back to Ohio and sit on the porch and chew straw. Nothing he says shows any competence. And too bad Trump wants to gut the Department of Education, we certainly need better public education right now.

The list of madness goes on. And tomorrow will bring us more because in two weeks the government shutdown madness reaches another crescendo.

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