Saturday, February 26, 2022

While the majority of the world cheers on Ukraine

 We find ourselves wanting to know what we can do.

And immediately there isn’t much unless the Western governments want to bring us even closer to a larger war. We could and should go help, but it would only make things worse.

And yet there are those in this country who think Putin is “stronger” and are speaking out for him completely forgetting that there is fantasy and there is reality. It is all wonderful to support an autocrat when you are on that person’s page so to speak. Once you cross that entity though your life changes dramatically.

What made our country great was a slow march to making our Constitution come to life. We are still working on bringing it to it’s vision to completeness and currently facing setbacks. Yet it was this slow march that brought an end to slavery, the vote for all people, for awhile a strong working and middle class, potential economic prosperity to large swaths of the country, more freedoms to express opinions, the ability for innovation and for people to benefit from this innovation, a large public education system (could be much better, but we are building), and much more.

Now we have people in our country who think greatness is taking this away. Some are even benefiting from the discourse of our destruction and prefer supporting a man that would shut them down in a heartbeat if anything they said crossed his plans.They benefit from what this country built, yet want to throw it all away because of their short term gain supporting a false sense of what is strength.

Right now the people of Ukraine are the strong ones defiantly fighting against an oppressor who only has his interests in mind. What military might he has he inherited from a previous repressive regime who fell because eventually people want more for themselves. Unfortunately before the people could gather themselves and start their own slow march to greatness this petty person took hold of power for his own benefit. 

Real greatness takes time and I hope one day the people of Russia are able to shake off the shackles of decades of autocratic rule and centuries of tzarist rule to become the facilitator and building block of Euroasian societies and cultures coming together to continue to make the world better for all. This should be their destiny.

Right now though Ukraine is fighting for what made us great. The right of people electing their leaders to benefit the whole of the country instead of crushing repression that only benefit a few. It is a shame so many in our country are forgetting who we were becoming.

Maybe the supporters of everything that is antithetical to our values and the values of our Constitution should go live in their false paradise of rule under Putin and let the real strong people come to the forefront. It takes real strength to fight for what is right in the face of extreme adversity than spitting out garbage from your mouth that benefits no one but yourself.

The people of Ukraine need all the support we can give them and the easiest thing we can do to start is quit propping up the lies of evil.

And a note to Xi Jinping. Are you taking note of Putin’s lies to justify his behavior? In the long run do you want a lying and untrustworthy friend or a worthy adversary? Is it better to know your competition or not know your friend?

Long live Ukraine!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

I do not know who got luckier

First there is the person in Arizona who was tracked down to be paid a slot machine win. I am amazed and actually proud that a government agency went to the effort to do something right for an individual citizen.

The bad news is they could since it was such a random situation. This just adds more to the laughable argument that the government took away our rights by making us wear masks to protect us in a health emergency. Our privacy is long gone so our rights were lost years ago. Snowden wasn’t enough proof?

Second is it the Republicans and Democrats? 

Third is it you dear readers?

I have obtained an injury that precludes me from being able to type effectively and the recovery is going to take some time.

So I cannot skewer all the primary madness with my inane wit and criticisms of the various madness and lies we are about to be inundated with for the rest of the year. 

And I cannot continue my constant drumbeat of the failure of the two parties, their policies, and lack of leadership all the while imploring you to find new leadership to do something better for our country. 

Or will it be me as I learn to type effectively and everything else with one hand which everyone that needs me to do my job well is hoping. Or I am stuck being dressed by my better half like a one year old for a bit?

We will see. At least I can still hold an adult beverage in one hand.


Saturday, February 5, 2022

You do not have to be a Mandalorian to know...

If you are not in a hurry then there is no traffic and every light is green. If you are running late then there is traffic beyond belief and you hit every red light even if you go at the same time as when not in a hurry....that is the way.

During an ice storm doctors and urgent care centers will be closed (as they should), yet liquor stores are open....that is the way.

People cross against red lights in good and bad weather and especially when a car is coming on icy roads....that is the way.

Sons are born to keep Mothers in prayer, daughters are born so Fathers are desperately in need of God just to get out of bed and to make it through the day with their sanity intact....that is the way.

IT will tell you a problem is resolved and you spot check it and it appears so, then next week happens....that is the way.