Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Way too beautiful for January

Somehow, somewhere, this isn't right, but will take it and be grateful. Got spring fever bad way too early.

Somewhat of a Andy Rooney kind of deal

Does it irk you that everytime you go into a bathroom it says employees must wash their hands? I don't know if Mr Rooney had ever done a segment on this, but it just seems that restaurants should give employees their own bathrooms. And what happens if you see an employee not wash their hands? Do I get to throw up on the manager?  Just thinking

Monday, January 23, 2012

A few new posts

See below, this past week has been a hot bed of topics and I am not done. Wow.

Have a great day

The continuation of a long week....Obama may have shoot himself in the foot, but the blood isn't flowing yet.

Strange title for a blog on the pro life movement. Yet with everything I blog it seems the first point comes later.

Well it is always a busy week, but this past one has had its moments.(see other previous blogs) I attended the 39th annual pro life march here in Dallas just this past Saturday. This event is for the anniversary of the Roe v Wade case being filed in Dallas, but the anniversary starts from the year of the actual judgment.

The is the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, Ft Worth and other Catholic communities getting together to hold Rosary, Mass, and then the march to the courthouse area to hear more speakers, then march back to the downtown Cathedral. This event lasted about 5 - 7 hours depending on when you joined the proceedings. For my group we got downtown and into the Cathedral just in time to grab the last few seats. Many were outside and in other parts of the complex listening to the Mass on speakers. The local news stations put the march crowd around 8000. Overall a pretty uneventful march, nothing untowards, I didn't see any pro choice groups along the route, nor any other groups participating for or against. We did march by the First Baptist Church in Dallas and someone mentioned you could stop by there and meet with some people to discuss on the way back, saw a few go into their complex, more or less a friendly get together for the cause from what I heard. I think some of their congregation may have participated.

If you don't know and you would need to be an ostrich not to Dallas is a southern conservative city so the issue is pretty one sided for most of Dallas. So no surprise that the event was more or less just a march with no untowards controversy. Even so only sparse news coverage by the local stations, which sort of surprised me. I know the primary in South Carolina was the same day and Newt pulled off an upset, (and reallly did that truly surprise you from South Carolina. I knew Romney in New Hampshire and expected Newt in S.C. I got to start calling these, its Florida that will get interesting and then Colorado where the true pro in calling elections will stand out), but still thought the local news would be more attuned to the march.

Okay so where did Obama shoot himself in the foot, well it actually came the day before from I guess his Sec of Health and Human Welfare. The Bishop at the end of the Mass mentioned what happened and when a Catholic Bishop gets to stand up and start talking constitutional issues, well you got something there. Apparently the Obama administration has decided health care now includes the right to contraceptions and even possibly abortion must be available in a health care plan no matter who is the sponsor. Or better put the Catholic Church must give its employees health care that pays for birth control. Okay unless you are the same ostrich as above you know that the Church has a wee bit of an issue with birth control and oh yes, abortion. Basically the government which comes from our constitution has now decided that religion cannot hold true to its tenaments. (hope right word, its late and I am wanting to get this done and go to bed).

Our Bishop now is standing up at the end of Mass exclaiming that our government is infringing on the right of the Church and oh by the way isn't there something about freedom of religion in our constitution, and so now the Church is seriously looking at what to do about all this. The Bishop is speaking to the choir so to speak, it is a crowd about to go on a pro life march, but  President Obama this could become a festering wound for you.

I have mentioned before and still believe that most of this country is moderately conservative and Mr President you are going to need their votes to win again. This could tilt some voters and if the issue becomes hot, Mr President much to the surprise of many liberals you may find out that there is a silent pro life bloc of voters, the ones that don't go on marches, that sit quietly at home and hear things they don't like and could act on it if the right buttons are pushed. And quite frankly for me they are, I am a big believer that religion should be able to practice its faith as long as they respect the rights of others and this is a big deal. Yes I am obviously someone who will stand up and say I am a pro lifer so it is not my vote you just lost, but you may want to rethink this one fast.

Well its late and more does need to be said here, I will end for now, but this issue won't.

Trying to catch up" Are the winds of Southern Dallas really changing"

Okay I stole that title and if you can figure where I stole it from give yourself 50 points.

The Friday before Martin Luther King's holiday I got to attend the MLK award banquet here in Dallas, Tx. Strange, but true. This was a really good evening overall. I am not going to say it was a super eye opener, but still much was learned. The keynote speaker is new to the Dallas political and African American political scene and had some things to say and I will get to that in a moment.

First of all; the event was held in the new Dallas Omni hotel which is the convention center hotel the city put up. If you are coming to Dallas, yeah this is worth looking into as a place to have a convention or just stay. To be honest I am not a world traveler, but have traveled enough to know they did a great job with this new hotel. I would need to get out the thesaurus to find adjectives to describe it to give it justice.

Second it was a well attended event. There were many speakers. The Mayor spoke, many of the established local African American politicians either spoke or introduced people, there were representatives from four local high schools doing various performances which did a good job of breaking up the speakers and giving entertainment and variety to the program. Some of the performances were really good and one young man stood out. This has been over a week now and I cannot find the program to see his name, but some mention somehow should be done. He was one of the young men who did speeches from MLK. His was I guess the longest reenactment,  it was dynamic,held your attention the whole time, well I cannot do it justice right now, just a remarkable performance by a fine young man that deserves better mention than these last few words.

Many of the adult speakers were chosen because they were able to tell first hand stories from the MLK era and the Alabama marches.  Some excellent stories were shared. One of the speakers was expecially animated not in style, but in storytelling and also presented some questions for today's world.  Many other speakers stepped up about the need to develop Southern Dallas. (aside,,,, I don't follow local politics with a huge fervor, but the term southern Dallas seems to be the correct way to talk about an area long underdeveloped in this town. You can go to any big city in this country and find an area comparable. The phrase Southern Dallas hasn't been the historical way to refer to what I would have said South Dallas up till very recently. So it was interesting to hear this slight shift in the way people are trying to address this historically underdeveloped part of the city.) The Mayor started off the evening and mentioned the development of Southern Dallas, the next speaker did a slight rebuff of the Mayor and the City's commitment to this development. More of a we will believe it when we see it statement. Most of the speakers spent the evening relating MLK stories, but the theme of Southern Dallas was always present. This leads me to the keynote speaker.

Eric Johnson is new to the political landscape to all of Dallas and is becoming a star within the African American community from what I could tell. As a speaker he did fairly well, but really had a better message, but I do have some thoughts I will share in a moment. First of all his speech dealt with the history of the civil rights movement and worked to put the MLK era into perspective for the audience ( another aside and more to this in a moment, but I felt he felt the need to put this into historical context for some of the audience). He divided the civil rights movement into three movements and the one thing I didn't like was he did get one definition from Wikipedia, okay a good one though. He mentioned that wikipedia said the civil rights movement was really civil rights movements. He described each for the audience and said the MLK era was the action era of the Civil Rights movement. And he spent a good portion of his speech breaking all three movements for the audience.

He then moved on to describe or put forth the fourth era or what he would like to see become the fourth era. And this is where a new person needs to step up, find the next part of the fight, define it, and put people to action to achieve the next goals. He talked about justice and broke it down to financial or economic justice, social justice, education justice ( another aside), and like I said it has been awhile and I think there were some more specifics he touched on. This message seems to be missing at least to a larger audience outside the African American community or is not getting out very well to the nation as a whole. I think as a casual observer of civil rights problems in this country you are not hearing a strong new message to recreate the energy of what someone like MLK did. So do I think Eric Johnson is this person, well I don't know right now. Again I heard a new fight trying to be developed in this speech, I don't know if it was the event or what, but Mr Johnson seemed a bit casual about trying to energize the crowd towards his goal. He is definitely passionate about it, that you could tell.  All in all it was a good speech, had its moments, but was missing something, actually for me two somethings. One I can address, the other : is Mr Johnson a very intelligent man who needs some oration practice or is it hard to emulate a passionate speech on a night dedicated to one of our country's greatest orators? So this second one I don't know, but I hope the Mr Johnson can find a voice because he seems to understand the next beginning.

So what point can I address, well basically my two cents. And frankly not a stretch compared to what I was hearing throughout the evening. Again the development of Southern Dallas was a side topic. There were speeches with specific examples of Southern Dallas not getting the help needed to grow or where they felt taken advantage of were pointed out. But as with all politicians hard bullet point ideas were missing. I don't fault the speakers, it seems to be the way of politicians nowadays. The Republican Presidential candidates all seem to be in the same boat. All talk and no new ideas, at least with Mr. Johnson he is putting forth a new campaign to address some very old and lingering serious problems for our country. He defined the fight, but what next. Well one specific idea comes to my mind.

And okay here goes a quote that seems pretty vivid so it was probably said by someone somewhere.I googled it but nothing exact came up. More or less the thought is to quit being a slave you need to become the owner. And this seems to be the problem in my eyes for Southern Dallas and probably the many areas in large metropolitans like Dallas that the development is not owned by the people who need the development. It is time to quit using resources outside the community and use the resources within the community to develop the area. Yes there are some programs already doing this, but the action is to get the whole community to buy and own. The specific example is to recreate the old Savings and Loan concept into something new for the 21st century, but the ownership is like a credit union. Everyone deposits into the new entity from the area. So as the area grows so does the ownership of the whole area. Now this needs some incubation and would have to start out slow. I don't know if you are familiar with the organization NACA. They help people achieve the goal of home ownership, but they do it with some very practical step by step procedures so people can get into a home that they can truly afford. This new banking entity would need to do these types of steps to help develop new businesses by the people in the neighborhood. So impatience could become a problem because you need to make sure each new business is set up to succeed. The community then needs to accept the business and patronize it. Each new business becomes the first choice for that product for the community. This has to be ingrained into the thinking of the community.

Many things are accomplished with this type of slow build up. One jobs, two individual wealth, stakeholdership of the community, shared pride, and then expansion to name a few. Southern Dallas needs to own Southern Dallas, not expect others to build it for them. This won't be easy, but will truly create Mr Johnson's dream of financial justice. I am a big believer that a democracy thrives when the wealth is spread out and this could be a beginning of a whole new wealth system. If you owned the bank that made the loans to your neighborhood would you not want the success this could bring. Too many big banks loan money soley to make money for themselves, maybe in our modern world we need smaller banks that have a strong tie to the community and ownership by the community. Yes some serious discipline would be needed and for any community this would be hard so the leadership in Southern Dallas would need to do things that no one else in this country seems willing to do, but if done could be an example of true capitalism and development for a country sorely in need of new ideas. (yes this is really an old idea reborn but with of course a 21st century flair.)  Yes the above is the simple idea and much would be needed to get all this put together, but hopefully people like Mr. Johnson can find the energy and people to create this dream.

And for the aside on education justice. I am sorry to say Mr. Johnson, but public education overall in this country is in need of help. Not just for minorities, so if you want to fight for education justice we need to fight for education across the board. An educated public which includes better education for ALL is a goal that needs to be fought by everyone. It is time to quit dumbing down the process so when you go back to the state legislature, take up that fight and you are taking up your fight.

So are the winds of Southern Dallas really changing, lets hope so, they actually could be the winds that does good for more than just itself.

And to tie up the education point, Mr Johnson's speech did cover a great deal of history and with his comments on the need for education justice I am wondering did he think his audience needed a real good history lesson. Maybe way out of context here, but watching the audience listen to him it was interesting.

And for the the title the hint is it wasn't the winds of Southern Dallas changing, go back to the National Review and seriously search the archives. I still owe you a blog.

to try to finish below

Worked on the last post in a hurry, but re read it and not as bad as I first thought, but...

First: There are many people who do work hard and contribute to society and I don't want to take anything away from them. Many people can balance a very hardworking productive career life and still get involved with the world around them. These aren't just type A people. Usually the so called type A actually have a hard time learning to balance, they get so focused on the one goal.

What is wrong is the expectation that all of us must give up our lives to please someone else and then the people who take away your life turn a blind eye to the problems in society. Blame it on everyone else but their own selfish desires or their demented idea that only making money is everyone's goal. Yes many of us do want to be rich, but some of us not at the expense of not just our quality of life, but being comfortable with our neighborhood, the children walking down the street we don't know, knowing our neighbors aren't abusing their children or spouse, that people who need it can get help, again you can create an endless list of a better society.

To try and put this more succinctly yes I can work hard, and contribute to the company, but I don't want my life or society's destroyed by a work ethic concept that is corrupted by leaders in corporations or people who support their mentality that is beyond the scope of the idea of working hard to get ahead. You shouldn't have to be on call 24\7 just because you have a job. And going back to what ticked me off in the first place the person on the radio was buying into the idea that the corporation does own our life. And right now with the job situation the way it is, we just have to accept it. Well that is saying to yourself that you want to be a slave with benefits voluntarily. You cannot use a bad job situation to destroy society by taking people away from the things they need to do to be involved to help make our world better. People need to participate freely and with their own time to get ahead not just in the company,but in their life.

And for the who knows how many times, a better world is really better for business. If you don't want to pay too many taxes don't let the problems of society become overly burdensome. And you cannot hide from them either or your employees can fall into traps that hurt your company. Just think about it. Really if all your employees get so stressed out they beat their children, well now you are buying new prisons to house people that no longer work for you. What good does that do you?  (okay over simplistic example, but...)

Kind of goes back to the argument of stake holder capitalism v shareholder capitalism to a small degree.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

new email law for Brazil and comments

Listening to the radio the other morning they said in Brazil that there is a law under consideration that corporations must pay people if they access work email at home, basically I guess saying if you work at home you should get paid for it. The people on the morning show were discussing it, and basically one of them was saying that corporations shouldn't have to pay for extra time.

And to me this is another issue in our society. This acceptance that we must always put the company first. That our time is not our time and that our whole world MUST revolve around work. Now I am not against doing work at home, getting things done etc,,, but the idea that everything goes to work first is one of the reasons why we have problems in society. This is idea that we must bend over backwards just to make shareholders richer is insane.

Think about all the issues in our society that get put on the back burner by people who spend their whole life working and not realizing or addressing the problems we face. This is one of those blogs where I could go on forever, but a few thoughts here.

First of all the concept of working all the time should be to get ahead, either financially or in the corporation, we should not be expected to work all the time if we aren't making a decent enough wage just to keep up. It is becoming expected that whatever the corporation wants and wants to pay us for it is normal. Folks look at yourself in the mirror. Why should you give your whole life to an organization that at the drop of a hat will lose you. I believe in capitalism, but not at the expense of being a human being. If a corporation wants me to work all the time they need to pay me for the time. If I want to get ahead I can work extra to do so, but I shouldn't be expected to forgo my life, family, my soul, my children's education, etc, just so some productivity report looks good.

I want to be rich, but I am not getting so working for someone else. So I should not be expected to make that person rich without some compensation for it. I see way too many that just buy into the fact that the corporation can rule their life. Folks that is inherently wrong. And if you don't see that then don't complain about your children, the public school system, the way the government runs, your personal life, others, crime, street repairs, the list goes on. We as a society need time to be a part of society. that includes being involved with your community, church if you go, family, understanding what goes on in your child's life, spending time with them even when grown, and the list goes on.

And something else that drives me crazy and I know you can see it too. It is people at work who spend the whole day socializing at work, but looking busy, then stay extra, or take work home to look like they are working extra. Corporations really need to look at what they expect from people and quit rewarding blowhards with promotions. That would cure some productivity problems in a heartbeat. I am not saying people shouldn't work extra to get ahead or if something happens and there is an immediate need to get something done, yeah you may have to work extra. We all know once on salary you do give up some of your time. It is the expectation that the corporation is your life that needs to be changed and it must start with you.

How can we expect to improve our selves and our society if the only thing that matters is pleasing some entity that in the long run could care less about you?

Oops got to run, will get back to this later

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Category: Wish I had said that

Sometimes it seems hard to believe for some Constitutionalists that the Supreme Court can screw up. It has and most recently with the decision that has lead to the Super PACS. I am still trying to wrap my head around how insane and dangerous this is going to become. This is more than just a case of the Supreme Court having its collective head up its butt.  This one is seriously dangerous.  Long live the Constitution, the consitution is dying. How can anyone believe that letting large amounts of anonymous cash get involved not affect politics and people? 

For this post though we deal with a little history, and the decision that said that corporations are individuals. I was watching the Colbert Report last night and Bill Moyer was on it. They were talking about some of these decisions and Mr Moyer said that he had a friend in Texas who said that he will believe a corporation is an individual when Texas executes one.   You gotta love it.

More to come on the 1st paragraph, and from even most general news shows it seems people are starting to get the fear.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

You know it could be just that simple (not related to post below)

Well some polls are showing some separation in the Republican race. This week could get interesting.

I am still perplexed as to what any Republican will do though. The mantra against Obama is still we must get him out of office because he is hurting the economy and will tax us to death. Yet that doesn't say anything so I have been thinking about that.

The Republican faithful are still really buying into this thought above, but you can feel they still aren't quite sure what to do with their choices. I talk to many people around the country and the Republicans are blindly blaming Obama for the situation now completely forgetting he inherited this mess, yes he hasn't fixed it, but not his fault.

So where do we go from here.  It goes back to some previous posts and a bit more. Two things need to happen to help us out. One we do need to reduce spending. A comprehensive look at our spending would be great, will we ever get it,   well definitely needs to be seen to be believed.

The other aspect is we need to raise revenue.(and revenue doesn't mean new taxes) Now some people including Obama use the concept of raising taxes to raise revenue. And he runs into the problem of a good realization that only the rich have money to be taxed so he comes out saying the rich need to pay more.. Not the most productive move for him. The rich are spending millions to get rid of him and they use his attack on them to rally the Republican faithful about taxing us to death. Most Republicans are middle class to upper middle class and do not see the separation about taxation for increasing for rich only. Another obstacle in the way of Obama when it comes to taxes and he realizes it, but doesn't communicate it well is that the middle class is already taxed to death.

Not only do we pay income tax, but some pay state tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, sin tax, the list goes on.  If you truly broke down a budget the middle class does pay a disportionate amount of taxes than the rich. And of course Congress doesn't help because they don't care about the middle class. The Republican leadership relies on their faithful to come together at election time so they can elect a puppet to protect the Republican leadership's interests and money. The faithful still don't get this because well there isn't a true conservative voice out there to give them a real choice. There are the faith based conservative sound bites from some of the candidates, but truly protecting our middle class economically and value wise, well you can forget about it.  But I am diverging.

The point really is about raising revenue. And this is where Obama is failing. We don't need to raise taxes ( actually they do need to be simplified) but finding ways to raise money within what we have. What the Republican faithful doesn't realize is that the economic oligarchy that runs the Republican leadership
 doesn't get that ruining our economy isn't in their best interests so they don't listen to any new ideas. Okay I am diverging again.

The point is to help our country's budget is to think about raising the economic standards of the middle class again. You don't have to raise taxes if people are making enough to pay taxes. In fact you could lower them proportionally if everyone had a decent income. Basically the more people that can pay means there is more coming in and so each person pays less at the individual level. Can we get a President and Congress to realize this, well we need to or we are shot as a country.

So if our brillant Republican candidates want to capture the country's attention they need to break off from the economic oligarchy, forget the Fox propaganda machine, and develop ideas that force the wall street to spend more time earning money with economic development rather than making millions trading off every swing the market. We have brillant minds working 90 hours a week trying to use leverage and arbitrage to squeeze out every dime they can from this volatile market and they can because even the most average trader knows with the right tools you can make money whether the market goes up or down. This is a huge waste of talent and time. Raise revenue by taxing the hell out of this behavior and then give breaks to corporations who truly develop new businesseses and industries that create jobs that grow our economy. Who among the Republicans have this kind of balls?

Decent income, better spending, smart use of taxation policy, not just raising taxes can help this country. It is as obvious as hell especially if some sophomoric hack like me can see it.

Otherwise you get the situation like in Thelma and Louise for the Republican faithful. you already have the middle class heading over the cliff at a hundred miles per hour, what the upper middle class doesn't realize is they are right behind them attached to the middle class car by an unbreakable iron bar that unless they wake up and slam on the breaks they are about to go over the same cliff when the next deal goes down.

simplistic example

It seems people just have too much trust. Congress going to lobbyists for advice is like you going to a mattress store because they have a sale then asking a commission salesperson for advice on which mattess is really best to support your back. We tend to think we are going to get unbiased advice in each situation.

Now Congress knows it doesn't get unbiased advice, but obviously they don't care anymore or we wouldn't have the crap in Washington we have now. It just seems that Americans don't get that they are getting screwed in both situations.

Yes my back is killing me this morning and I have no idea (or money) about what would be a better mattress for us. Such is life.

How can anyone expect Congress to make reasonable legislation when they are dominated by people who get paid millions to tell Congress what to do? If we are to get anywhere this has got to stop.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Master of the obvious

see below

Quick Iowa thought

CNN had an article about the five things we learned from Iowa (caucus). Why can't the national press realize the one truth that Iowa confirmed. The entire Republican field is about as exciting as watching dead winter grass grow. The Republicans aren't going to lose because Obama is going to beat them, it is because they are unable to win. This country wants action, real concrete action and what still gives the Republicans a chance is that this country still doesn't have an idea of what it will take to fix this morass so if they can fool the people with noise they still have a chance. The problem is that walking white bread just doesn't excite this country anymore.

And well actually I think even Fox is realizing the problem above and is scrambling to put a positive spin on the Republican field and also divert attention with trumped up attacks on Obama by their gang of four commentators.

Romney actually has a chance to get more than 25% in New Hampshire, but Newt said the most telling thing this week when he said 3 out of 4 Republicans didn't vote for Romeny, but neither did 5 out of 6 vote for him. It is going to be interesting to watch come next August when 1100 + Republican delegates collectively vomit at their convention when they nominate Romney.

And really most of the time a President and Congress stalemated is best for this country, basically don't have too much going on, but special interest laws that benefit very little, but we have let too much special interest take over and put us in a situation where we need real action and a Congress that can unravel some of the special interest bullshit. Is either going to happen? Nope, so look forward to the street cleaners spending the day after the convention washing the streets with fire hoses to get all the bile into the sewers so things don't smell as bad as they really are.

Long live the Constitution, the constitution is dying.  Or can the middle class figure out that they actually can take back this country with some effort.  Like I always say and well documented by many others a strong middle class is a sign of a strong vibrant democracy and economy.

Had fun watching the Daily show with Jon Steward this evening. His show can be entertaining most of the time. And even Letterman has it together more than most News stations nowadays. Freedom of the press, hmmm it would help if they put some teeth into their questioning of the candidates on issues instead of making it too sacharine (yes ?sp).  They act like they question, but it is either their platform they are espousing or the reporter is trying too hard to get the candidate to like them. Okay a few are worth some salt, but overall watching thirty minutes of TV coverage of anything political is like cutting your toenails, somethihing you dread doing until they get so long they are cutting into the skin so you end up having someone do it for you. Or something like that.

Okay I am tired and trying too hard this evening to say something simple. The Republicans are dull and listless, , the press is trying to find something to make exciting, and most of this country doesn't know what  will work, including the people running for office and current President.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Continuation of post below

So trying to get my train of thought back on track and waiting for the Cowboy game this evening. Cannot believe this team still has a chance. This is a team that is consistently inconsistent. Yeah I know someone else has used that statement before, but it truly fits this team. Well we will see what happens.

The next example is somewhat recent. You have to think Perot had an effect on the Bush the Elder v Clinton election. Kind of gives creedence to the idea that a non party affliated candidate can swing an election. Some of the numbers are pretty similiar here. Obama isn't going to win a landslide election even if the Republicans put up a far right candidate. Or it seems so now. There is no excitment at this point for Obama so unless things change drastically I don't think he is going to get a ground swell of votes like he did last time.

The most succesful attempt at trying to break up the Republican and Democrat monopoly happened a century ago and is credited with electing Woodrow Wilson. What is known more famously as the Bull Moose party split the Republican vote giving way to Wilson. And what is interesting is there are some interesting side facts about this, but first what made this probably the most successful was the fact that it was a third party that acually put people in Congress. And this fact is why the America Elect group will fail even if they win. They aren't putting up the mechanism to fill Congress with support for a Presdential victory. The Bull Moose party or Progressive Conservative Party not only worked to get Teddy Roosevelt elected, they also put people in Congress and kept up some of their momentum for a few Congressional cycles from what I have read. So if Roosevelt had been elected they may have even created more momentum in Congressional elections and we might have a completely different landscape now.

And now for some interesting facts about the Progressive Conservative party. If you look at their platform it lead to some changes that helped the development of the middle class. This may not seem a big deal now, but to the best of my memory they supported a minimum wage and other changes that eventually came into being. And it was their policies and ideas that captured enough of the country's interest not pandering to money that almost led to their success. And what is more interesting even though their platform would be outdated their basic philosphy is probably the best idea for our country right now and could actually garner a victory in this year's election. And with the fact that they would be a party not just a candidate they could find the support throughout the country to elect congressional support. It is probably too late to get a new party on the ballot, but could we find the type of candidates from the Republicans or Democrats to bring about this type of change. Basically my thought here is the party that would best represent the people of this country right now have been out of business for over eighty years.

And to bring it back to America Elect and what they could do to be successful once elected. They would be stuck with relying on the American people to put pressure on Congress day in and day out for their candidate's mandate. And even though Congressional poll ratings are way down, trying to rely on a country that spends more time keeping up with the Kardishians than Congress spells failure win or lose for America Elect.

So here we are today the first calendar day of this election year and the Republican candidates are boring, boorish, and trying way  too hard to crawl over themselves trying to prove they are the most conservative ( but if you look at the facts, they are not espousing true conservative viewpoints, but calling protecting the rich policies conservative policies and yes I do need to explain this somewhere down the road) which is leading to a complete disenfranchisment of most Republican voters. So these voters  are being left in the lurch so it will be interesting to see where their votes eventually fall. ( Again Bull Moosers need to unite). And Obama has failed to do anything to improve his inherited mess so can he create any energy or better yer create any policy that has a positive effect on the economy when basically the people with money don't want him to win so they are not going to do anything to drive economic growth even though like Obama or not it would benefit them to re energize our economy. Or can you say consipracy theory and the moneyed don't want a strong middle class.   hmmmmmm

Happy New Year everyone