Friday, December 30, 2011

The America Elect Idea

Well there seems to be an actual attempt at trying to find an alternative to the democrats and republicans brewing so a couple of thoughts about this attempt. First though I have been voting for non democrats and republicans since 1980 on every major election and most minor elections. If no alternate choice is available I may choose one of the two or not vote for that office at all. I have been a proponent that the Democrats and the Republicans have been out of touch with the middle class for decades and for years many of my friends have thought I was wasting my vote so I am feeling somewhat vindicated that other people are coming around.

I have actually thought about what it would take to get a third party involved etc, and of course had fun when Perot ran in the 90's. It seems that some of the liberal press is concerned that a successful attempt to get an America Elect candidate up and going would split the vote and allow for one of the more conservative Republicans to win. Or basically take away the moderate vote away from Obama so allowing a back door victory for a hard liner. And for this group proabably a realistic concern. I am moderate to super conservative depending on the issue, but the current group of Republican candidates really aren't addressing the needs of the majority of the country right now. This attempt by the America Elect seems to be trying to address a moderate stance and getting the moderate vote.  

An aside here: moderate politically and doing what is right for the middle class may not be the same thing. Yes most middle class are moderately conservative historically, but right now what we need to do may take some real innovative thinking so trying to say taking a moderate position to win an election still may not be the best answer for our country right now. And I am not talking about taking extreme positions when I say innovative thinking, but actual innovative thinking.

Now back to the comments about the America Elect process. I am not going to get into the splitting of the vote, CNN and others are pretty ramped up about that. And yes it could be a concern, but lets take a look at the America Elect group actually winning. The problem is that they have no other support. Legislation gets passed when you have support in Congress and most of the time that comes from your own party. American Elect is not trying to create a third party so they run into a huge wall when dealing with Congress if they win the Presidency.  This would create a gigantic stalemate or even something more interesting where Republicans and Democrats agree on some issues and pass what they want and override Presidential vetos left and right (pun intended). So the goal of America Elect is thwarted by the very group they are trying to by pass to run this country. Basically we get more of the current situation which is partisan arguing and no real and new policy development. And if you are a libertarian you might be able to claim victory this way if the government cannot do anything for four years.

So lets briefly look at some historical examples of third party involvement and what happened that has some play on the current situation. 1968 many people think, and I don't think correctly, Nixon won because Wallace took votes from Humphrey. Well that doesn't play out since most of the people who voted for Wallace would not have voted at all because of the civil rights issues of the time, most that voted for him may have never seen a voting booth before or since. And what this shows is the possibility that there are enough hard line votes on the right to actual pull off a back door win for a hard line Republican if the America Elect group truly takes away moderate votes from Obama.

Oops gotta run, will come back to this later

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A quick addition to a previous post

This goes back to the social conservative bloc of voters in Iowa. I was thinking another moral issue not discussed in Iowa is the concept of a decent living wage.

And I wanted to reemphasize the importance of what is happening to the youth in our country and serious lack of direction being shown by them. Yes there are many good kids out there and what is funny probably a good amount in Iowa, but it is the big picture that is lost when we get to primaries or caucases. We really need some serious leadership starting to come out of Iowa and we are now getting the "negative" campaign.

Straight up, the Republican candidates are seriously inadequate to lead this country. It is not just the moral issues, or the issues that are derailing individuals like Cain and possibly Newt, but a total lack of understanding of where we stand in history right now. Our country needs people to step up, but pandering to this social conservative group just to win shows serious weakness. I think the nation as a whole would like to see someone from this group step up and be their own person. They might not win in Iowa, but some real individualism and creativity would start to impress the nation as a whole. And right now we are getting the same crap we have for decades and right now this country just cannot survive with this mentality.

I am going to get some time and try to write something about one of my favorite authors. There are some interesting things going on and a discussion about him would really bring some things to light. I hope to be able to sit down and really prepare something instead of my usual quick hit thoughts. So this is my year end goal. Hopefully I will accomplish this because I would like to include some well thought out discussions sometimes. If anything though I will put something down even if not up to what I want because I have a few things I do want to say.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

It is getting close

Merry Christmas,

The last couple of days have been real nice, mostly sunny and cool,, great days for December, but a change in the wind is coming.

The true Christmas season now dawns upon us, so time to count your blessings and give thanks for this past year. I know times have been tough for many, but it is still something that needs to be done. I did have to sit down and think a moment, but overall I found much to be thankful for. I hope that many blessings find you over the next couple of weeks as we head into the new calendar year.

So take a moment to relax from this overly hectic manmade craziness and enjoy time with your family, find peace in your heart to share with others, give with what you can, don't let the commercialzation take away the true joy of the season, and spend time with God as we approach the birth of the son.

And if you aren't of the Christian persuasion, then I hope you still take time to get away from the ills of the world to find a peaceful moment in your life.

So Peace on Earth, Good will to Man, and again I hope many blessings come into your life.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Interesting to note

The Republican Candidates are spending time courting the conservative faith based vote on their issues heading into Iowa. Something that is expected since this group makes up a huge bloc of votes.

What is interesting is that these people claim to represent values yet they stick to their expectations which are very narrow in focus. At a time when we need to concentrate on very serious issues for the country at large we have candidates climbing over each other to prove they are more faith based than the other. I am okay with that, but someone needs to redefine what faith based is especially if they are calling themselves Christian.

An example of better faith based thinking might be looking at what is happening to the values and mores in our country as the wealth divide increases. We have serious issues with young people losing any sense of a value system. More and more we have leaders and people with money showing absolutely no moral compass and poor young people see this and wonder why they should even try. The concept of working to get ahead is lost. Truth is no one became mega rich working for a living, but if people see themselves able to attain a higher standard of living many people will try to achieve that goal.

There needs to be a wake up call within the so called conservative faith based group on what is really happening to our country. It wouldn't hurt them to expend some energy on demanding more of our education system and reintroducing ethics in all levels of schools. Also attending events that the middle classs and working poor attend to see what is happening to our youth. And this does not mean creating a system of Nazi type controls on the situation, but more an understanding of why our values are failing among the working class and then demanding more of our leadership to lead by example.

I admit I am getting a bit lost in what I am trying to say, but I see a serious divide in attitude amongst the people who have and don't care and then the ever increasing poor and people sliding into poverty about what expectations they should be having as they grow up. It is scary to see people who demand our leaders follow their beliefs, but in reality they have no clue to what is happening to the larger populace. You cannot expect America to continue to lead as a country if you don't realize what is happening to the people who make up the bulk of the future. Or worse yet you take away a potential of a future for them.

Again trying to put together the thoughts, but want to get something out there as we head into Iowa and all the faith based voting bloc having such a heavy influence on the outcome. What is Christianity and what should be our answers as Christians to the future of our country right now. Yes I am pro life and have similar expectations for our leaders as the so called faith based vote, but right now we need more from our religious groups than singular issues, but a better understanding of what our country needs to maintain its moral compass and the ability to achieve our goals. The future of our country needs more than groups trying to define a few issues, but a holistic approach to the problems at hand. So today maybe better education, more responsible leadership, economic growth that creates opportunity rather than more minimum wage jobs, and helping our youth learn that their is value in their lifes would be a better agenda from people who try to define what faith based voting is all about.

Right now we may not get prayer back into public education, but maybe we should put back what we can that allows children the power to grow and contribute as human beings and responsible members of society. We have dumbed down the education process, reduced values to a joke, made a mockery of responsible leadership, and destroyed our economy. As a person who believes in a better set of values for our country shouldn't faith based people look at the whole picture now. Or is it going to be another election year of singular issues and pandering to perceived power groups to become President and then have no idea what to do when you get there. We will probably get the latter. Sad,,,, we still can be the greatest nation on the planet with a bit of effort.

Long live the Constituion, the constitution is dying.

Oh a side note, boy local cops are getting way too much power. Does anyone remember there is a constitution and probable cause is written into it. Heard and saw a couple examples recently where well damn. Cannot believe can just do what they want. I don't want crime, but there is a time where abusing power just because really doesn't prevent crime. And especially when you read about so much abuse of power at high levels. the scales of justice need some serious balancing. 

And finally will someone tell "the Donald" to shut up. It is really tiring to have someone like him play the big power broker for our Republican primaries when he is one of the biggest examples of someone without a clue what our country needs for the future. How Fox News has glorified him up to some exultant King maker is really ridiculous. The idea that he can wrangle so much power on these candidates shows how weak the Republican field really has become.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It is getting crazy

And we need to get crazy back. Well back on line after another round of viruses took over the computer.

It is time that we have the anti Geneva convention on people who write and/or propogate viruses for computers. I am still amazed at why there are so many. What good is it doing to hijack people's computer and infect it with viruses that do no more than eat up the computer? It seems most viruses we have been running across are just tearing it up. Who knows maybe they are trying to get something from us, but I laugh, we have nothing after almost three years of financial disaster and now getting 1/3 the income I use to, I hope they realize the waste of their time, but it doesn't seem they do.

This is just costing us money we don't have just to get online. And the kids cannnot do their homework, getting behind in school, of course the lack of facebook for some in my family is frustrating, but overall it seems you can get viruses everywhere. It is getting to the point where I don't want to get online, (maybe that is the reason,, yeah right) but there seems to be no stopping these monsters. Shoot I maybe getting one just writing this post. It is absolutely ridiculous.

I hear of other horror stories too. People having to fix computers all the time. You try to update your virus software, it never really seems to keep up. Harddrives get corrupted, you lose important info or family pictures, work, who knows what, but you have no recourse against this crap.

So someone needs to put some teeth in doing something about this, an international convention where these criminals can be hung by their testicles publicly or their fingers chopped off. Basically forego the Geneva convention for these people. They don't seem to care about their fellow humans so why should we care about them. Okay so I am a Christian and not allowed to think this way, but really something has to be done.

Anyway back online and there has been a virtual plethora of things to write about recently especially the Republican debates. Can't believe I missed all this fodder.

Also we are approaching the 40th anniversary of something most people won't give a rats ass about, but I was thinking about it the other day when Johnny Deep was on Letterman (was a repeat) when I saw it that got me to thinking about it and the author again. I still have my thoughts buried deep in my memory so hopefully I can dig it out and write some notes here soon. Interesting for me to think about it and also the Republican debates at the same time, but if you have already guessed you can figure out how they tie together.

And finally Happy friggin Holidays to all the virus writers and all other idiots destroying the average person's life. Last year I mentioned that the only Christmas special that quotes scripture is Charlie Brown's Christmas, still haven't seen another one, maybe that is why our world is so screwed up. I am not on the Tim Tebow bandwagon though, I get a bit upset when people over amp their Christianity.

Just some quick notes on a rainy cool evening preparing for the holiday season here in Dallas.