Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Guess what is the difference between Robert Kraft and Donald Trump? And other comments

1)      Real success vs fake success
2)      Confidence vs fragile ego
3)      One paid about $349,800 less for emotionless and non-intimate adulteress sex.

How much new did Michael Cohen really say today? He just fed into the rumor mill with a bit of proof of something or another? Maybe a new rumor that Donald Trump wasn’t being audited and this does make President Trump’s taxes even more interesting.

There are just some Republicans who must go along to get along no matter the consequences. I think if I was going all in on supporting someone, I would rely a bit more than that person’s word. Or is there a different conspiracy theory different deep state out there? After everything Donald Trump has said and done over the years, you better have a fall back plan in place if you think he is the savior of America.

I saw an article today on the shrinking value of property in certain beach front towns. No matter whether you believe in climate change, fossil fuel driven climate change, or what, you better think twice about buying beach front property as an investment. My non-supported and do not rely on me for good advice opinion is buy about a half mile back from the beach and wait for it to become beachfront property, then sell. And if you follow my advice, don’t plan on suing me when it goes foul, I am broke. You were warned.

There was an article saying The House of Representatives was trying to pass a bill to find out Putin’s net worth. The goal is to expose how corrupt he is or show Russians how much corruption is involved or determine is ability to wage disinformation wars on Western Democracies or if he runs a criminal enterprise or some combination of all this. They want our intelligence community to release information to help determine this or find out this information. I would think this is something we need to know to help counter act what he is doing to ruin our country. One flaw in their logic, this is Congress, 535 people who live and breathe lobbyists with maybe just a few exceptions. Okay go after Putin, but add some legislation about campaign reform and overturning the Citizens United decision in the mix.  Realistically we do need to do something about his campaign to destroy the West. He is definitely all in on that goal.

Okay, I have enough trouble not to be stirring up too many pots. I fear I step into it deep too often as it is.


Monday, February 25, 2019

Two reasons some pro-lifers aren’t pro-lifers.

As you know the full meaning of pro-life in the social political sense is respect of life from conception to natural death.

There are many people who say they are pro-life, but miss about 90% of the battles, hence the war is harder to win.

And as you regular readers know, articles in the news can set me off. There were two incidents this week. One was well published and is still making headlines and the other not so much. Both though are important in truly understanding what it means to be pro-life.

The first is the arrest of the New England Patriots’ owner Robert Kraft. First, I will clear up one fact, he isn’t part of a sex trafficking ring himself. He is charged with soliciting prostitution or something along those lines. And I am not out to attack him. I reference him to reference the story, otherwise this story may have made one headline nationally and a few locally. The real issue is human trafficking.

Some people make so much noise about fighting abortion they forget there are other abuses of the dignity of life that are just as important. Human trafficking is almost faceless in the news, unless someone like Mr. Kraft makes a huge mistake and becomes a victim perpetrator.  President Trump will use the term human trafficking in a litany of reasons he wants to build a wall or have stronger border security. And both the Democrat and Republican Party will have a blurb on it whenever they release a national platform. Yet, no one really addresses the issue. It is side stepped when it comes to the budget which shows how weak we are on the subject. Everyone agrees human trafficking is “bad”, but no one wants to get their hands dirty and do something about it.

How much money is dedicated to it each year in law enforcement or for the FBI? It barely has a line item in the national budget compared to other items. The Republican Party screams about giving money to Planned Parenthood but does not counter with any amount for human trafficking, nor do they breathe a whisper on the subject. Thousands upon thousands of people are caught up in this disaster. They are faceless, forgotten, ignored, hurt, killed, injured, sick, hungry, abused, and more. Do you hear their plight make the news? Oh wait, they just did for half a second because someone famous got “caught” as a customer at the end of the line for this human horror.

People will stand on street corners outside abortion clinics to save one baby. They will march in annual parades. They give generously to candidates who say they are pro-life to prevent abortions. They have no idea how prevalent human trafficking is in their cities. And they could care less. Fighting human trafficking admits we have problems. It is the kind of issue that forces us to look in the mirror and lie to ourselves and say I am not that type of person. I have no blemish. I fight evil by fighting abortionists and communists. I can stick my head in the sand and be quite content. Human trafficking doesn’t exist if I do not stand up on a soap box and rail against it.

The Democrats think they have a pass. Pro-life isn’t their issue so they try to avoid it in different ways. They hide behind we are better than the other side, we want people to be good. We aren’t hypocrites, but their silence is also deafening. Where are they when the woman must wait until her masters let her eat after her work is done. Where is her sex education telling her how bad her body is being abused? Where is her 40-hour work week, minimum wage, health insurance?

Occasionally a Democrat will say we need to legalize prostitution so we can regulate it. That doesn’t solve human trafficking. That only legitimizes it in a small degree. Some people will choose to make a profession out of prostitution, for most the career choice is made for them. Drug addiction, poverty, ignorance is some of the tools of the trade that recruit people, yet these tools are anathema to human dignity, to give a person the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and most importantly self-respect.

Tell someone you want to run for office, and you are going to fight the good fight against human trafficking as your main platform and see how far you get. I hope you get far, yet I am not too optimistic for your chances.

And the other issue is part of the definition of pro-life, till natural death. We do not do well in this area either. There was an article making the online news about a picture of an elderly woman face down in a pillow on some counter. It wasn’t a pretty picture. And neither is the way we treat the elderly in general. Now families take care of their own, but as an issue to fight for in our society, the picture is much uglier than a snapshot on the internet.

It starts with the basics of life. How can we care for ourselves in old age if we do not have a decent living during our life? Or how can a family take care of their elders if they are struggling to make ends meet? People rail against socialism, saying we cannot have the government pay for people. Well if we are unable to help and you won’t let the government help, who cares for them, or who cares. Start at the beginning or start at the end, but sooner or later if we believe in dignity of life till natural death, then someone must fight for a natural death with dignity. Dumping our elders in a crap shoot of nursing homes where some are great, some get by and then we spend a fortune on elder care advocates for the homes that do not do so well.

So, issues such as health care throughout your life, education, decent wages, if we pay into social security shouldn’t it be part of our retirement along with Medicare? Is that socialism when we contributed? Or what else is there? Is it socialism? Maybe, but it is better than ignoring the reality we all will face. Yes, it is nice to be successful, but if we believe in a competitive world, not everyone wins. It is okay in sports because there is always next year. In life if we do not allow for a next year then why play the game. I am for people who work hard, being successful and enjoying the fruits of their labors. Their fruits should not be so excessive they ignore the dignity of others. You can choose to allow people to thrive during their life or you can help at the end of their life or you can tell the truth and say you do not care about pro-life.

I am pro-life from conception to natural death and all of it in between. This means treating others with dignity, with love, with respect, and doing what you can for them to thrive in their life. Some can do more than others yet do what you can because it all boils down to one rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you or love your neighbor as you love yourself. Anything less is not pro-life.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

The problem with economic snapshots and other comments

I read through a couple of articles and they were addressing one point and how it affected the economy. One mentioned that tax refunds were down significantly this year and was worried about how that might affect the economy. The other mentioned that retail sales were down 9% for the holiday season. Both articles by themselves or in a vacuum may sound bad for the economy, yet neither commented on situations that may have another affect.

And I do not know if my comparisons effected the points being made in the original articles, yet I think we need to look at them. Maybe for the direct effect, but also the overall weigh stories about the economy need to be addressed.

First the tax refund article. One analyst from an investment company had noted how much the average refund was down this year and how much it would weigh on first quarter growth. And there is a good chance it might. The comparative analysis that needed to be done to see if it affects the economy as a whole is how much did the weekly paychecks increase the economy throughout last year. We know now that the withholding tables were adjusted incorrectly after Trump’s tax bill and not enough was withheld for many people that normally rely on large refund checks for their budget. If it effected the economy, then spending would have been down for 2018. If spending had small increases throughout the year or other alternatives such as increased savings or reduced debt, then the first quarter loss is mitigated since the money was already back in the economy.

And then the second article about holiday retail sales being down can be countered were online sales up significantly. If that is the case, then we have a shift in behavior not an impact on sales. The problem of course is increase in online sales means less jobs down the road, so this will have an impact on the economy, yet for now people are confident in their situation so it is not the economy but behavior.

Yet if sales were down even though paychecks were up, and online sales only had modest increases or not enough to counter the loss in retail sales then that is not a good sign. The article by itself is misleading but taken into context with a broader picture tells a truer story. Either way though, the eventual loss of jobs will be bad for our economic outlook.

The same goes for the refunds. If people didn’t or aren’t spending extra or saving extra on a weekly basis then the smaller refund checks could have an impact on first quarter spending or debt reduction. I would add savings for the refund check, however historic behavior is to pay down debt or buy large ticket items such as appliances or furniture for example. This could have an impact down the road also as businesses scale back production or inventory for the summer based on lost sales in the first quarter carried into the second quarter as all the refund checks hit consumers pocket books.

Some have suggested the withholding tables were intentionally distorted to give people larger paychecks to make them feel better about the news around the tax breaks. If so, then it might backfire exponentially as less money is spent throughout the year and then less spent into tax refund season. This loss then translates into less production, in turn less jobs and the cycle gets worse year over year. Yet, the billionaires still get theirs. Hmmmmmmmm

Anyway, the two articles on the surface sound bad for the economy, but to truly tell if bad you need to look if what is reported bad was accounted for somewhere else or not. I do not know either way, but it did bother me the articles had a tunnel vision problem. The tone of the articles was not good and I fear they really reflect a potential slow down in the economy, but we need fuller pictures before we make that call. Thoughts?

And to follow up to some of the last post, I have been slowly working on categorizing all my posts. I started from the beginning and am working forward. I am almost to the point where I wrote a very verbose set of posts on a platform for a fictious new party or rehash of an old party with a platform I still believe in. My last post touched on some themes I had written before and a couple were ideas I added over time. It may seem my perspective is all over the map, yet if you really understand it, there is consistency in the whole. I will update you when I arrive at these posts as we watch the madness about to unfold for 2020. And update again when I reach some of the one off posts I wrote on other issues that I have strong feelings. 2020 should be far away, unfortunately no and we will have to listen to clueless democrats and wait to see if any republicans have any you know what to challenge commander in incompetence.

One of the anchors for the local news is retiring. They are running some human interest stories on the person they have hired to replace him since he is from out of town. I saw one today that caught my attention and not in a good way. I have many children and many are daughters. The new anchor was talking about his children and said the oldest is _____years old and then said the boy is ___ years old and the other is _____ almost ___.  It was subtle, but he identified the male child, however did not identify he had daughters directly. To most this may not seem a big deal, yet people identify their children. I have x boys and y girls etc.   I do not know why, but I caught the way he presented the info on his children and it bothered me. Sometimes it is the little things that say much.

 I do not know how many of you watch a show called “Young Sheldon” which is a spin off from the “Big Bang Theory”. In tonight’s episode mixed in with the over hyped make fun of Texas attitude, which I am not appreciative of, was a statement about corporate quality. Sheldon notices that his bread does not taste the same and learns it is because a company has taken over the brand of bread he is normally eats and now makes it quicker and oops I cannot remember, anyway the point is the brand is now a subsidiary of a larger corporation and is not as well made. Sheldon ends up having to accept the lessor quality bread to appease an over hyped version of an anti-communist community.  As regular readers know I am a big advocate of not succumbing to corporate driven profits over quality attitude. I get on my soap box about how we should not let corporations tell us how to behave as customers and they should make effort to win our business. Too bad the show glossed over the more powerful point to laugh at Texas. So, does the show fall into the same corporate category where poking fun at Texas hoping to appease one audience takes away the more quality driven point it could have made. Hmmmmm again


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I found out what is wrong with the world and other random comments

I was walking along and there it is, this memo.

Be back in a few millennium  --God

If I was creative I would have tried to post exactly how I saw it, but I can only reproduce the message.

Did my civic duty today and went to Jury Duty.  Nothing exciting

And speaking of Constitutional items and founding Fathers and other documents, they need to add the phrase life, liberty, and the pursuit of insanity or life, liberty and the pursuit of caffeine. Nothing worse than getting to work and realizing there is no coffee to brew in the morning. I hate wasting money on over-priced coffee shop coffee.

I am sitting at home eating leftovers this evening while the better half is out saving the world or humanity or whatever group she is saving with her friends. And I thought I will just finish up this one dish so it won’t go to waste. Believe it or not, I did finish it up and now I want more. Good food is good food. Damn I do have a taste for more of it though.

And I am upset at McCabe, my own timing or the world. Pick one, I can certainly pick all three. The headlines are full of McCabe talking about the gang of eight. Shoot, this weekend I was going to talk about the gang of five. McCabe stole my thunder.

Anyway and I know no one will agree with me, but the gang of five Trump, Pence, McConnell, Pelosi, and Schumer all represent some part of what is wrong with Washington D.C For each it is different, but you can point to each of them and in them you find one aspect of the problem of DC. I am not saying government, but that is part of it, but it is what and who are being put into Washington by us, the people.

This has nothing to do with the above paragraph, but what is it with Schumer and his glasses. They way he always looks down through them. Any picture of him with those on are like the poster on the wall for the look of the pretentious left.

I know, I know everyone hates a critic, but also loves their guy or gal so no one will be happy with my statement above, yet in my eyes you can pick apart each person and find an aspect of what is wrong with politics in America.

And by the way, Bernie Sanders is running for President again. I still cannot figure out why. There are multiple problems here including there are too many “Democratic Socialists” for the majority of the country. Some of the women running are going to run on the same themes he will. No offense, but Bernie and Biden are old. The office of the Presidency wears hard on people.

We do need to legalize marijuana in the country, but Senator Harris you should keep your private life private. And I have a whole set of public policy ideas around legalizing marijuana, yet will leave that for another day.

It is not a good idea if you have a cause, to do something stupid to make a point or whatever that guy Smollet did.

I think I know why I struggle with my political identity. I still say I am an independent conservative, but it might be hard pressed for some to see that. Here are some platforms I believe in, yet not in any particular order of priority.

I am for renewable energy, but I also understand it will take a generation or two to wean us off fossil fuels. I have ideas around this, well I have ideas around all my platform so I will just leave it at that for now.

I believe in small government. We should balance our budget.

I believe in the free market. Wall Street is responsible capitalism’s worst enemy. Wall Street is just greedy, not productive for business. Please do not be fooled.

We should legalize marijuana, but come down harder on the addictive drugs. One note here, we should bust dealers hard, but treat addicts as people that need help or sick, not as criminals.

We need to do something about mental illness in this country.

I believe in the second amendment, but there is a difference between supporting the second amendment and being an over the top gun advocate. There is a difference. And I wonder if most people that scream the loudest about protecting guns flouting the second amendment struggle to be able to be licensed for a gun. Just a thought.

I believe pro life means treat life with respect from conception to natural death and it means this in its entirety. Too many people give lip service to pro-life, who don’t come close to truly being pro-life.
As for the above, we need to plan better for our seniors, Social Security, healthcare, retirement savings the whole nine yards.

We need better public education.

You cannot legislate morality. You have to teach it, and we are failing in that regard.

These are just a few thoughts.

I am still hungry so I am going to rummage the frig to see what else I may find.


Friday, February 15, 2019

You just cannot rest

As I have Talking Heads “Life During Wartime” playing in the background (actually the Whole Stop Making Sense concert), I am trying to determine if Trump’s National Emergency is a non sequitur or the worst Constitutional Crisis in our history.

How do you undo a National Emergency? Is the Democrats plan to create legislation enough? And if Trump vetoes it, what happens? Will the Republicans stand pat with the President or vote to override a veto? And then if it is vetoed, what does he do next?  And on and on it may go, hence the Constitutional Crisis. What if he calls up the National Guard to oust Congress? Okay an extreme, but right now I fear anything is possible, the worst mostly or he could just flat out tire of the whole thing. Who knows?

What is crazy one of the lines in the song after Life During Wartime is “ the President is crazy, did you hear what he said” I must have had that in my subconscious when I decided to play the Talking Heads.

And as any reasonable person knows, the same amount of border patrol it would take to monitor the wall every time it is breached is exactly what we could do without the wall. It wouldn’t hurt to put a bit more personnel patrolling the border, some drones, an airstrip or two just to keep an eye on things. Once we build the wall we are going to need these same people to find all the breaches in the wall if Trump is correct with how many crazed illegal immigrants are flowing across the desert into our country. Sheesh.

To me it seems like the Democrats love illegal immigrants just to annoy Trump. I know that isn’t the case, but there is no need to embrace illegal immigration. We can maintain an immigration policy within reason and maintain a sense about who immigrates here and people who are here illegally on expired visas etc be shown the door. There is this incredible belief among the left that we just have to allow anyone and everyone into the country. For many reasons the left doesn’t want to admit that just isn’t feasible. There is a balance somewhere between Trump and the far left, but the atmosphere in this country won’t allow common sense to exist. (Yes that is a bad pun based on the music I am playing, but also very true).

“You feel like talking to someone who knows the difference between right and wrong”
Isn’t that the truth?

The power play developing in Washington is unhealthy for the majority of this country, yet as always there is no traction for anyone in Congress to start producing rational public policy. The Reps and Dems knew the top may come off if the government shut down again, so with an insane and unnecessary deadline thrust upon them created a budget bill of sorts. Something that should be done routinely, but we elected a nutbag and the Republicans do not have the cajones to stand up to him. They say it is his base, but it is him ranting about them they fear more. His base only follows his target of the day so if they all stood up to him he couldn’t keep up. And his base that shows up at his rallies are the diehard extremists. Most are angry, but they aren’t mad. If Congress actually stood up and did things that they felt addressed their needs the need for Trump would wither away. People who work hard and have something to lose, are not in the mood to watch it burn up.

It is just getting them to realize there is hope, beyond the extreme.

“And you may ask yourself, how did I get here”

“Letting the days go by”


Monday, February 11, 2019

Political fatigue

I think most rational people are really getting tired. It is hard to maintain energy when no progress is being made or at least any progress that can be seen.

And there are some Trump supporters though who are not feeling this same fatigue. When you feel an injustice has been carried out or is being carried out, a person can derive more energy than someone who feels justified in their actions. Anger carries more energy than a moral high ground. It may make no sense sometimes, for example, the energy to create a human wall at the border, but once there it is hard to dissipate or even more importantly bring back to rational thought. They may not keep the human wall forever, but they can keep their anger for a dangerously long time.

And the Democrats are not doing themselves any favors by declaring for the Presidency. It is not just how many, nor how soon, but it is jumping into the fray without any direction. With so many Democrats declaring themselves there is already a hodgepodge feeling instead of a unified front. For all the moral dignification we have against Trump, there is still a strong ground swill of Trump supporters mad at the establishment. Trump successfully manages their anger and is turning it against our institutions without them even knowing they are destroying what makes it possible for them to support Trump.

And independents like myself can tire easily of this madness and become complacent. Sometimes I need to force myself to continue battling my battles. I know most people are hard pressed to accept my ideas of needing new parties. Even many self-identified independents spend more time picking and choosing between the two parties instead of truly separating themselves politically and making a statement or choosing independent or third-party candidates. I do not fight this battle alone, but the two parties still hold sway over the body politic in this country. I know we must break their monopoly on the political system yet getting people to make that leap is very challenging.

Our Country tires of the madness. Shoot, even Stephen Colbert is struggling making jokes night after night. Trump offers no future for our Constitution and our Country, but there is no one that can rally the people to the same level of energy he can amongst his supporters. And that is what it is going to take to remove this cancer from our country. Someone who can overwhelm Trump at his own game. And hopefully that someone will have the same values for our Country and Constitution that most of us have but cannot muster the energy to save it. You can always find a despot to beget more madness from madness. Right now, we need someone energetic who can muster the same anger at Washington that Trump managed to corral amongst a much larger and unified front. A person who can redirect that anger back into something practical and breaks up the DC establishment at the same time.

The Republicans at the National level may hate Trump, but they use him for their benefit, so they say nothing. Republicans are joiners, they want to be on the right side. Taking chances on something new does not come easy for them. So, Trump portraying himself as the man who understands them and is here to save them makes it easy for them to jump on his bandwagon. Supporting change is difficult for his crowd. Trump described change as going back to the dream world they thought existed in some fairy tale America. There was an idolization of the 1950’s that seemed to exist. All the turmoil brewing didn’t happen then, and it wasn’t supposed to happen. Everything that changed that fantasy was bad. It didn’t exist, yet you cannot tell the Trump supporters that. Bad (to them better described as change) was happening, it just wasn’t in the headlines yet. Now two generations later you have people who were sold a fairy tale and for some reason cannot accept that ship never happened, and the ill truth is whatever part of it that did exist has sailed.

This country is greater because of change, change in the 1960’s, 1860’s and 1760’s. Change causes pain, uncertainty, frustration, anger, and the larger the change, the larger the angst.

Today’s angst is not a healthy angst though. It is predicated on a false belief system and right now too much anger has no purpose. It is there though wearing on many of us. This fatigue is dangerous because real problems are developing for our true way of life. I am not saying we need a hero, we need a person that wants to put them self above their own ego and drive our madness back into being mad at all the real injustices facing our country so we can continue to be great.


There was an idea, then it was gone.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tell me Tell me Tell me

And also some combination of why extremes cause more problems than just their own extremeness… Did I just type that?

I started thinking about this post this morning long before the Super Bowl that I said I wasn’t going to watch. I did pretty good. I only watched the second half while we made and ate dinner. I do not like New England and have absolutely no skin in the game for the Rams so I could try to convince myself I had no interest. Anyway over dinner the better half asked me why New England was so good. Good God, now I have to explain why they are so good, unfortunately it only makes you either hate them more or appreciate them more. Thank goodness we were working on our second adult beverage so I could stomach this conversation while eating.

Anyway this post is not about the Super Bowl, football, or sports in general. This is an honest question that I would love for somebody who does have skin the game for the Democrats or Republicans to discuss. Please convince me either party has a plan not just for the future, heck for tomorrow would be good.

There are upteen Democrats running now. Actually I have no idea how many, but it seems every day for the past two weeks somebody announces they are running.

And the Republicans have their head so far up Trump’s back end they cannot come up with a game plan in case he does have the huge crash and burn we keep expecting. And none of them have the you know whats to stand up to him and make an honest run at saving the Republican party.

So tell me why anyone in this country should even bother with either party. Yes, I know I berate both parties pretty bad regularly, yet I am open to have anyone explain to me what they are really doing. I hear verbiage from both parties, but the one or two ideas that get espoused with any certainty from either party starts moving it further left or further right.

And there is danger with the self serving thinking of each extreme that they are right the other side is wrong and the only answer is moving further in either direction. Sooner or later someone is going to push back. And it is like a rubber band, the further you pull it in one direction, two possibilities exist. It will either snap back hard or break. Neither choice is healthy for the middle.

Yet, the middle sits around watching the tug at either end stretching and stretching and wondering when things will calm down enough to release the tension on either end.

So, I ask you what plan does either party have to start releasing this tension?

The pretentious left continues to tell us how wrong everyone else is and only they have the answers. And their answers are this so called Democratic Socialism, that is just more of the same ole same ole that the government should solve all of society’s problems damn the cost. Except now they keep coming up with new solutions that involve more and more of the government, completely leaving out innovation much less any practical reasoning. And forgetting most average conservatives are mad at DC and that is why they put that crackpot in the White House.

And the Republicans are so scared of their own shadow and driven by greed they can’t accept the fact they put a self serving con man in the White House to solve the problems of too much government.

Okay I am generalizing like heck, so seriously please answer the question; tell me where each party is doing something to improve the situation.

Here are some issues facing the middle class that I am open to hearing public policy that addresses them in a positive fashion.

Public Education including cost, better and well rounded, help for teachers in the classroom, a way to help students determine what is a better for future for themselves individually, better overall preparation for the real world, adding back to the curriculum civics and other subjects to help people better understand society and include everything from math and science to arts and history.

Wealth disparity, and please real policies that address how people can improve their lot, not more public welfare, or gamesmanship, or not some rehash of trickle down urine, it probaby includes tax reform, just remember taxing rich people more does not solve wealth disparity, it just creates more revenue for the government, but the underlying problem still exists. So don’t tax and give away. You can increase the tax rates where needed, yet do it where there is an inherent gain for others. And I have come up with ideas for this, what are yours?

Reduce the size of the government. I see nothing wrong with the government being involved in trying to solve problems, but be realistic. How about creating some policy that works with the private sector to overcome obstacles facing our society? A government shouldn’t overwhelm the society at large, just be the guide post.

Real thorough and complete immigration reform. Anyone? Anyone?

And same for social security, real reform? Anyone? Anyone,,okay without adding to the tax burden of the middle class.

Please do not try to legislate morality. It ain’t going to work. We need to do things socially to rebuild the importance of family. This is done with teaching at home, even at school, and very importantly our leaders need to show some values and this is across the board, from the President to the school board. And also shrinking the wealth gap because families need security in planning their lives, help reduce the cost of post-secondary education so people have strong opportunities.

And I do not know what to do at all about this situation with protecting our family dynamics, and that is the blitz of information we receive every day. You have TV, streaming TV, social media, radio, internet, celebrities, friends, government, all coming at our children at the speed of light overwhelming parents who even try to pay attention to what their children are inhaling. The manipulation of images shown to these kids is enormous. I thought I was a confused teenager. The noise these kids are digesting is incomprensible. Again government shouldn’t be the answer, but maybe they can be part of the solution. And this problem is exasperated by the push and pull of extremism growing in our society. Everyone is wrong unless you are on their side. My wife does a presentation to Mothers and daughters where she uses this mock up of how a girl is transformed to this supermodel look. The video shows how body image is manipulated. The point is for these young girls to see they should pay more attention to who they are, not the images being thrust at them. This is just one example of fighting the problem versus the millions of images people see that is the problem. Or another words, there is more false truths coming at them, than anything educating them on self worth.

So, please tell me what your party is going to do that is different, helpful, creative, and productive to help our society, not just in government, but overall. Otherwise I will continue to attack the ineptitude of both parties at the National level hoping that the great unwashed masses wake up and start doing their civic duty and finding better leaders from wherever they can be found.


and the dang title sounds like a line from an 80′s song somewhere so I apologize to someone for not giving proper credit, but you cannot copyright two words, no matter how often repeated can you