Monday, February 29, 2016

I keep trying

Yeah it is late and I should be in bed and fixing a drink won’t solve the world’s problems.

And I look around and realize why is it so difficult?

Tonight my family enjoyed dinner as always. We stepped up and tried something new, well sort of… it was a new way to prepare chicken. And we enjoyed it. A simple thrill and a very enjoyable one.

Yet for the last hour or so I have been stalking my inner brain with all the hate and malfeasance of the world and trying to think of something to post to address what is wrong with our politicians etc… And it doesn’t matter or it shouldn’t…. yet it does.

I have actually erased words typed on the computer that I almost posted this evening. And I have replied to internet posts to stories that contradict myself. Why I ask myself? And the answer is, life can be good. Sure we should work harder to change somethings. We have leaders completely clueless to what they are doing to us and yes they do not realize to themselves. This can be cured.

Realistically though and I say it again, life is good. The real question is when we will make it good. All the hate and violence and disrespect of man to man needs to be overcome. This is a perpetual war and one that needs to be fought day in and day out. At the same time though life is good and can be made good.

I forget.

I forget that what makes life good is more important than anything else. Others may forget and it does great damage to us as a people, yet we must remember. We must remember that family, friends, love, respect for each other must consume our days. We cannot let the hate and violence consume us.

Let us rejoice.

Let us rejoice in each other for in rejoicing it is the first step in combating evil. Evil will fight back, why I do not know. Evil wins nothing if humans lose everything, yet if humans win evil loses nothing since evil had nothing to begin.  Evil only has envy and hate and remorse which should be nothing to us. No we let evil consume us. And we mistake our frailties and our weaknesses as evil. It is only evil when we let it consume us and hurt others. If we overcome the confusion or ask others to help us get better, we are rejoicing in the victory of living. Living a life that was given to us to live.

Life is good.

 So tonight I wanted to write on social security, but I couldn’t because of my anger at the futility of our politicians or how we, the people, are forsaking our duties as citizens. I was consumed by anger, an anger so useless that I wasted time or at least a good night’s sleep. Instead I finally reminded myself how wonderful we are as people. How wonderful life can be, if only we let it be wonderful. The food was good even though it wasn’t a five star steak dinner, it was good because it was shared with love and family. (and it did taste good).

We do need to work hard to make our day in and day out lives better. We need to fight the oppression of irresponsible leadership. We need to fight against tyranny around the world. We need to fight against the horrors inflicted upon our fellow man by our fellow man. This must be done.

We must also remember life is good and it is a gift and that is why we fight.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

something for teenagers happening right now

I always say I want to promote the positive things in life, well here you go.

This is an organization for young people primarily of a Hispanic background, however, anyone can join. They do a variety of activities to help people learn leadership and more. This is a national organization, but the live stream going on right now is from the Dallas/North Texas group.

Today is Saturday 02-27-2016 and it is 3pm central time. They will be running the program till 9pm. There may be a break every now and then, but they are running as continously as they can.

This is an information stream and a fund raising event where they are auctioning off some autographed footballs from Dallas Cowboys players. They are also taking donations if you are so inclined.

If you have a moment check it out. This a group that is doing something positive for our youth.

Otherwise I do promise I will be continuing the social security posts soon.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Rant against the Machine

Okay so I am not a leftist heavy metal rap band, but every now and then your brain explodes.

It seems the people most needing to do something for themselves is the people doing the least and still accepting the Democrat and Republican party machinery dictating to them what is best for them. And this is done with a helpful dose of media befuddlement. Yep the media is just now starting to understand why Mr. Donald Trump is so popular and Bernie Sanders is capturing second fiddle honors

It isn’t his platform, it isn’t his experience, it isn’t the money, it isn’t anything they want us to believe, because if it was something they would be able to figure him out. Nope it is because he is throwing up one large middle finger at the establishment of DC, the two parties, the media, and a host of other institutions the country is tired of lying to them. I really do not think he is what his fans think of him, however, he has convinced many he is the anti-establishment candidate. Mr. Sanders is making the same noise and has a platform which will continue to appeal to a wide host of liberal idealists.

And after all this time you are starting to see articles in the press that admit to this idea. had an article that the Republican party is broken. The Tea Party knew this years ago they just couldn’t get the party to recognize it. The right and the far right are more engaged so they are responding to what Mr. Trump is offering. They do not care that he does not have a viable platform. The more the establishment winces at Mr. Trump the more they adore him.

I am not a fan of either and am jealous of both. I still hold out hope the middle class and the middle of the country will recognize what the machines of both parties have done and remove the shackles of the two party dominance. The middle class is its own worst enemy. They love life. They love softball games on Sunday, or movies on Saturday, their kids performing in the high school play, fighting for a playoff spot on their basketball team, watching their child in dance competitions, eating dinner with family and friends. The young like hanging out at bars, playing video games, working out, eating at chic restaurants, and doing many other things they cannot afford because they want a good life.

All see living paycheck to paycheck as dangerous and yet watching more each year being deducted from their paycheck for health insurance and their copays going up also. Rent goes up every time they renew their lease. After 7 years of people trying to convince us to buy a house again, many are skeptical or are hoping things are getting better like they are being told. They scream: Please do not confuse me with multi trillion dollar government debt, or ISIS, or trade balance, or what kind of job I may never have or a host of other problems that if not solved will be the end of the idea of middle class living in a democracy. No please tell me things will be good so I do not have to worry about my future.

Things aren’t going to be good with politicians telling you they are going to be good, and yet the middle class will not open their ears and minds to reality. The politicians, the press, wall street  etc are lying to you. And as long as you buy the lies; things will not get truly better. The machine thought they won years ago and put their message on a recording that the middle class will not tune out. And as long as that message is playing the middle class will wither away.  

Time to wake up and realize the reason Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders are popular because they found an audience that is tuning out the machine. Unfortunately, neither is going to benefit the middle class. Mr. Sanders cannot expect the federal government to continue to solve all our problems, it is too daunting of a task, yet he is convincing his followers it can. Mr. Trump is awakening an ugly giant of right wing fanaticism that could roll over Mr. Trump unless he continues to take on even more extremist verbiage and then at some point he may actually have to act. If he does or doesn’t the resulting fall out will be ugly.

And the middle class will look to the machine and say what happened. And will be lied to again. Unfortunately, it may be too late for our country. 

We do not need a revolution, we do not need a new government, we do not need extremism; we just need to pay attention to the quiet voices in our heads that say when things are not what they seem; we need to make them right.  We can keep softball games, our children’s activities, our lunches, our families, our friends, we just need to spend some time with each other to right this ship before it breaks into three pieces with the middle sinking to the bottom of the ocean and the two sides branching off into hysterical pseudo populism.

The machine has failed; only you and I can rebuild our dreams

I still plan on finishing up the Social Security thoughts because if we ever get it together we got some work to do.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

It is absolutely maddening

Well at least to me.

I will get back to more practical posts like continuing my thoughts on Social Security later,…

However, I cannot sit here and read about the current Presidential candidates and have my sanity survive any longer. This seems like a bad dream.

There are so many people doing extraordinary things every day in this country, people going above and beyond for others yet we have a kindergarten class running for President. And please do not say it isn’t my party’s candidates that is the problem. And throw in a Congress that no one approves of and what will happen,,,,,,  they all get reelected.

It is maddening maddening and more maddening,

Please go look at yourself in the mirror, ask yourself am I really proud of the people running, do I think they are anywhere close to the best we can offer ourselves and if you answer yes, then please go somewhere completely away from the noise, no phone, no computer, no news, no Kanye west and Kardashian family, no fantasy leagues, no TV …. just relax your brain for 24-36 hours. Just get away

Then come back and look at the candidates. Are you really sure about these characters???????

Everyone is telling us how bad the other party is; no one is taking a close look at what their party is offering. I am serious. How can we be proud of this group?!  I am not saying they are evil people. Some may be pulling stupid stunts, yet no one is evil.  I am just saying you have to get away from all the name calling, hate, and bashing of the other side to get some perspective. Too much noise and no substance.

Can you really tell me what any of these individuals is going to do as President….not their slogan, not their sound bites, but really tell me what they are going to do.  Seriously

I am really impressed by the people who came up with the movie title “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” unfortunately it just seems to apply to our whole political process right now.

We have people who do better day in and day out including you,,, so why is it so impossible for people to realize how bad it is in politics. Think about this, how much better of a job could you do in your state legislature, your city, in Congress then please tell me why you accept people doing so much worse. Even if you do not want to participate, there are better choices out there. Time to give them a nudge.

Okay now you can go back to your regularly scheduled sanity since I seem to be losing mind. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tackling Social Security

Don’t you hate it when someone makes an absolute comment like social security is one of the top five issues facing the middle class in the United States. Oh yeah I did that in my last post. Subjective comments are so wonderful. Yet I think most people would agree that trying to address Social Security and the subsets of Social Security is something many Americans would agree would be beneficial.

Actually coming up with a solution to make it what we all want it to be….. well,   I am known to dream.

I still want to at least put on paper some ideas of what potentially can be done, or at least offer some discussion points for moving forward with social security.

Social Security Act of 1935   Preamble:
An act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind person, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes.

Quite a monstrous task they created for good ole social security. And from this preamble we have come to a behemoth legislative juggernaut, tax and budget sucking, and is it worth it all; government program.

And everyone wants something done to “preserve it”; “rid ourselves of it”; “fix it”; or “make it better”, yeah you know completely reorganize one of the largest institutionalized programs in the world with a Congress that for decades cannot pass a reasonable two-year budget.  Or heck even agrees to try.

Actually the reorganize statement is my wording. I am not quite sure how everyone else wants to address Social Security since probably everyone else has a different opinion. Somewhere down the line we need to start discussing what we want and what we want Social Security to look like now and in the future.

Where do we start?

And there are many ways to start. Some major decisions need to be made before we can start and that is answering what do we want it to look like going forward.

So I will start by proposing a few ideas as to what it can become.  At some point we, the middle class, want our retirement. I do not think people want to be forced working till they die. Yes, there are some people who like to work or would have no idea what they would do once they quit working, but I feel comfortable stating most of us want some sort of retirement. And I will leave the what I am going to do in retirement up to you.

The issue is how do I afford to retire. Over time the concept has gone through many changes, I would have said evolve, but that connotes improvement and I am not sure the process to retire is improving. At some point it had.  Many workers could look forward to a small pension, social security and by the 1980’s even 401ks that gave people an opportunity to create savings not just income for retirement.
Alas pensions are drying up or facing shortfalls, 401ks are in the market and Wall Street is effectively making this a dangerous retirement plan. (On a side note mutual fund companies should be better advocates for their customers when it comes to Wall Street excessiveness.  Whether they force better behavior in business models or support government programs that manage Wall Street behavior I do not know (I have one tax plan as part of a solution), yet they should do something. The middle class to upper middle class best option for savings were the traditional mutual funds where managers made good long term investing decisions. Sad to say with all the volatility in the markets partially caused by dynamic trading this isn’t a strong long term solution anymore. And of course my beef about Wall Street is that it only supports itself not business in American which is another problem.)
The third part of a potential sound retirement plan should be social security. If all three parts are working in tandem, it is a bit easier to work with modifying social security for the future.  Unfortunately, like when social security began, social security is the only retirement income for many Americans. This will not work going forward.

One reason it doesn’t work by itself is cost of living and the second is life expectancy.  And even though social security is supposed to help us with medical benefits; the growth of the medical field and the cost is far outstripping the average person in the middle class to keep up. One note here and I will come back to it is the high cost of living with the medical field. This will need to be addressed either in tandem with social security reform or on its own. Obamacare was supposed to address this and is one of the reasons I feel Obamacare has failed the people it was supposed to help.  Let me put that aside for the moment.

The first problems to address are income for social security, what do we do to either protect 401k investing or strengthen pensions. I can try but I do not think we will get back to having all three as viable combinations for everyone. And when I say 401k I mean all workplace savings plans like 457 and 403bs.

Since we are talking about social security I will mainly discuss ideas for increasing revenue to continue offer a reasonable check to retirees. Some of the reforms for the pensions and 401ks will seep into the conversation.

The first statement I want to make about improving Social Security is we need to pull it completely out of the rest of our government’s budget. This has to be a stand-alone identity. Every aspect of how it is administered could be directed by Congress (and should), but the actual administration and budget has to be separate. One reason is because it has become so cumbersome that we need to find ways to streamline it and also make the numbers better accountable to the people.

The first priority is determining how we are going to increase income into social security or find ways to decrease need for social security ie better pensions or some new program.

I bring up the pension vs social security for many reasons. We first need to consider is whether employers have to pay into either or both.  An employer must pay social security taxes that matches what the worker is putting in. This is somewhat backwards in the visual, however, I feel more people will have a better idea of the problem if they realize the employer is contributing an amount alongside what they withhold from your check to send to the government. The obvious problem is when they do this they have less money to add to a pension.

So where do we start? Make Social Security private, increase taxes, have a social security lotto, invest the funds like a pension fund, or place your own thoughts here. Actually there are some options, however, they take away from something else. This is the push me pull me of taxation and having government programs that work or benefit the people they are intended.
And increasing social security taxes could work in different ways. First and probably one of the ideas regularly done is to increase the income level for taxation purposes. Basically it includes higher and higher levels of income being taxed. And this increase affects you and your employer. So know you have businesses arguing well you can increase for the worker, but not for me since I cannot afford increased taxes on what I pay people. And in a reasonable world this argument has some merit especially if the company is offering pensions or 401k matches etc… Is it possible to find a balance of lowering the employer portion of the taxes so they can offer more to their employees? This is a possible discussion point, but not all companies may take advantage of this so now are we going to tier social security payments based on what different employers contribute. I am going to leave this on the table and come back to it.

Another idea is to find ways for social security to increase income besides wage withholding or what I have been calling taxes. The term social security taxes is common, but actually it is wage withholding to go to a trust to be paid. Part of the reason to make social security stand alone is so there is better accountability to the wages being withheld and used for social security. I will continue to use the word taxes because we see it on our paychecks as a tax.
To increase revenue becomes interesting and that is where some people say we can make it private. Making it private, by itself, would not increase revenue, but offers individuals a chance to increase a balance. And of course this has not faired well when presented as an option mainly because no one would trust those put in charge of it. We already do not trust our government with it, but we do have, if we would exercise it, better control of the people in charge: Congress.  Handing it over to private interests to manage creates a nightmare of liability issues if money was lost. Yet being able to find revenue by investing is a possibility. Who manages these decisions and how are they held accountable are very serious questions that need to be answered to offer this in a solution mix. I have proposed in other posts an investment plan that incorporates certain types of investments only and gives the economy a secondary boost.

As you can start to see we do have options, it is actually putting together a plan and a combination of resources together that can move us forward for our retirement. And yet the next obstacle is getting all the divergent groups together or incorporating them in the plan that will be tricky. It can be done. As I mentioned us, the people, holding Congress accountable is how we will get something done.

To start putting some pieces together and by no means do I feel I have all the right answers, but I am going to propose some thoughts so you can decide what you think works, what needs either improvement, elimination, or can take some of what I am proposing and add your own ideas to drive home the idea that we still can make social security a continued viable option to help us out in our retirement and in other areas. Social Security still needs to be a foundation for us, not the whole answer, but since we created social security it might just behoove us to make it the best we can.

So without number crunching:
We need income from sources beyond wage withholding.  I have previously suggested municipal and utility bond investing. Use some of the proceeds from the trust (remember it is now separate) to increase in well vetted revenue or other high quality bonds that cities or other localities and utilities can use to improve infrastructure. Also this could be in some other areas since infrastructure is a highly discussed need. Why does this always have to be addressed through higher taxes? This will not be for every need. You can argue a great many areas of development (not necessarily private development and there is more to discuss there, but separate from social security) could benefit with resources a Social Security trust fund could offer. And with everything there are downsides, but they are manageable with some well thought out guidelines in place. Basically you increase revenue through high quality bonds’ interest income. Will this be a superlative increase of income? No. yet it gives the trust fund continuous income from a well developed bond stream that possibly benefits other areas of our country’s needs.

Second we make a decision about how much we expect an employer to contribute to the employee’s retirement. This is some serious legislating and very specific reward for action idea. And it goes back to my comment earlier do we have tiered payments for employees of employers who take on more of the expense of retirement. And how do we manage if the employer plan fails or the company fails? Do we end up telling the employer their funds will still be given over to the social security trust and the employee manages it? Ends up being one of the same problems people have with the 401k type plans. Can they manage it successfully? Do we give credit for 401k with matches and profit sharing to lower employer contributions to the original tax withholding wage amounts?

Many details to be worked out, but I do support we create a standard wage withholding plan that all employers/employees contribute and then it is increased for employers that do not provide separate plans and stays at the basic or stair step increases with the size and security of the employer plan(s). This would be difficult to manage and yet it gives an employee multiple options to actually save for retirement. I have not gotten to it yet, but I feel people for retirement need both a steady income stream and a savings to fall back on or use for their pleasure. People need both.  And of course how does all this work with people changing employers on a regular basis? First way is there is a standard wage withholding level and second we either put the money in the trust or let employees take them as they do now such as IRA rollovers from their employer plans. We do not have to change everything, just allow some cohesiveness amongst all the plans for the employee with social security being the base line level of retirement. This is what the preamble attempted to accomplish, it is just that times change so the program needs to change. This portion is the most flexible in regards to discussing how to implement, but I think the most important piece of our retirement discussion.  I can answer some of the questions I brought up, but those would just be my ideas. Think about this yourself and down the road I will come back and do a give and take on this portion of the plan.

Third and I am about 35-65 for this idea. I do not think we privatize social security, but I think we can invest in private or commercial investments. There would have to be some serious guidelines and I would suggest it would not be a large portion of the trust. Yet having a growth component is important. Now do we invest for what I mentioned earlier and that is income stream and savings or just use this investment growth to cover income stream which only maintains the same benefit we have now.  I think the income stream approach is better and use employer plans and IRAs for savings. Yet if some employees do not receive employer plans this might be a way to set aside a very small amount of a social security savings account. You would have to do some excellent accounting work to earmark the higher amounts of employer contributions mentioned above to allocate to these employees’ accounts, but if you set it up right it might be feasible. There is work to be done on this idea. I just feel we need to look at maintaining social security retirement funds for the long term so it will need a growth component to it.

Okay the above is some ideas and not the whole program. I plan on doing a different post for the medical, another for the social welfare aspect, and the conclusion that tries to tie it all together. I do think there is more to the retirement plan. So again I ask you to think about some ideas and I will circle back to some of this at a future date to rehash the ideas and answer some of the questions I asked.

Remember Social Security belongs to you.

College loans are not financial aid. I do not know why they include loans as part of a financial aid package. It is crazy.   Debt is not aid.    (I don’t support Bernie though)

Have a great evening everyone

Saturday, February 13, 2016

There is no explanation

“…it’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Lola…”  Ray Davies/Kinks

Well we have Congress who won’t/can’t legislate; we have a Supreme Court trying to legislate; and there was a time when we tried to determine what Presidential candidates were qualified to be President, now it is: are they qualified and mature enough to be President.

We live in some serious mixed up times.

And of course our Press feeds us the same drivel over and over again acting like they are informing us.

And hopefully I can pull it together enough in the near future to present some talking points about Social Security and ideas to discuss to hopefully find ways to make it work now and in the future; which basically means I will be doing more than 99.99999% of our government does on any given day.  This is only one of the three to five most pressing economic issues facing our country and the possibility of the middle class having a life at some point.


And as I am about to publish this post the news is announcing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has passed away. My condolences to his family

Friday, February 5, 2016

Totally outraged or worse

Actually there are two things that drove me crazy this week.

First and I am sure many of you feel the same way that computer viruses are absolutely obscene especially for us personal users. What do people get out of wrecking computers especially if they really aren’t trying for money or just throwing stuff at your computer to get money. Hell half of us don’t have a dime, much less a dime to fix or buy a new computer when they one we own is wrecked by this insidious action. And of course the large computer companies don’t really care about stopping hackers and fixing bugs because they make money on us having to succumb to spending money on new computers.

I do not know what to do about computer viruses, but at some point they need to create ways to track back to these people and put them away for life without a computer

The real outrage though to me is Donald Trump being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. This shocked me so much I had to check multiple times with various sources because quite frankly this is so off I thought it was an article from the

Seriously I have done more in one day for world peace than Trump has done in his lifetime and I have done nothing.

How insane are we that he would get a nomination? Then I read Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin had been nominated. Even with all the fantastic people who have won the award there has to be a better way to vet this process.

And finally as I type this the Mavericks are playing the worst basketball I have seen any team play in years for the first half.  And this after the lost two games they could have should have won.

This isn’t a good week. Sheesh

At one point this week, I was going to try and write some of my attempt at humor with some comments about fickleness. Not now

I would like to write something positive maybe to turn around the vibe, but nothing comes to mind. Any help out there folks.  I hope your weekend is better than my week.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Is anyone really happy?

So the voting starts or delegate gathering starts today. Outside of the people who truly support one specific candidate is anyone happy with the choices.

Think about this:

Trump v. Clinton     really?????? They both have offered nothing in the way of confidence they would not support the 1% much less their personalities are off putting, and do you really know what they would do as President

Trump v Sanders    complete unknown as to what would happen on one side and the other side admits will raise taxes and grow the government. Don’t we have enough government… especially since overall the effectiveness is diminishing as the size increases.

Cruz v Clinton     seriously???

Cruz v Sanders   double seriously???

Rubio v Clinton/Sanders   what can Rubio really bring?

Bush v Clinton    isn’t the Clinton v Bush ticket what we were all trying to avoid in the first place. The ultimate establishment and 1% win win

Christie, Paul, Huckabee, Kasich, Fiorina, who else might break through and then well … impress?????

Is this the best our country can offer?  If you are not a die hard supporter of one of the candidates, who would you support. My suggestion to you is: you are struggling on who to vote because deep down inside you know this is a weak group of people to be President of the United States.

Can you see anyone currently running making you proud? There have been bad elections before and there have been bad Presidents, however, in my opinion this year is going to be one of the worst selections historically.

I have previous posts where I go in depth on a couple of the candidates and for the others they just do not excite me or worry me enough to discuss. It worries me that some candidates are so bland you can’t even hate them or they are so extreme the thought they might win is utterly frightening.

Good luck Iowa

We should be able to do better? Why aren’t we?