Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bigger thoughts brewing

Been hard to find time to write, but my head is full of more ideas. Working on even more specific examples of better policy ideas. I hope to find time soon to start writing them down.

I think we need a moratorium on lobbyists in Washington and campaign funding until 09/01/2012. Lets put our representative's to the test. Let them do all the work and then let the voters decide if we should keep them or replace them. This way they are accountable for what they do and cannot gather campaign money by working with lobbyists until the next election year and really down to the last couple of months. I think if they had to sit down and work on our country's problems  by themselves and be accountable to the true majority of this country we might see some better policy from our government. Anyway food for thought for now. I hope to have some more ideas out soon.

Its not about changing the government (constitution) its about making it work.

Even capitalism can be good as long as the people run the policy and not the economy running the government. Enemies can be external and internal and the internal ones can just be people being self absorbed and not thinking of others. Solutions are easier than you might think.

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