Monday, April 18, 2011

quick thought on government deficit

Right now we do need to get our house in order. The problem is as always any fixes are short sighted. We just cannot cut to cut.  We need well planned out cuts, reduce duplication and bureacracy.

The other side of the coin is we need economic growth. The last few years we had govt in the black was in the 90's. Not the direct result of Clinton,but he did not do anything to stop the growth we had going on.

We do not need another new deal program,what we need is an economic development plan that is set up by public policies, but invested with private capital. This way growth will continue because there are players in the game that have a stake in how their investments do.

Some people forget that the New Deal did help, but left us with a legacy of excess bureacracy in government.We need to learn how to manage public policy without creating excess government to manage it.That is why we need a large plan that is establised by private capital,local, state, and federal government. The plan then benefits more people.More independent wealth and more jobs can come from a long term economic plan than trying to reduce spending without a purpose in mind other than reduced spending.

I am a little scattered on my thoughts this evening, but wanted to bring up a few points while I was thinking about them. What has been really dominating my thoughts is a long term coordinated economic plan. This is a project that would have muliple layers and steps. Once one project is completed it leads to the next logical step which in turn creates more jobs, and previous success in the first step allows for others to develop more independent wealth such as new companies and corporations. I know it is hard for some people to grasp, but the more wealth is spread out among more people the more even the current wealthy people benefit. So you don't want the government redistributing wealth you want economic growth and productive use of capital to accomplish this goal. At this point in our country's history we need to create a long term plan that uses the aforementioned use of private capital and all levels of government cooperation to achieve long term planning.

Any way still too scattered in my thinking since it has been a long day and I am tired.Much happening on the homefront and my wonderful underemployed job takes up a good chunk of time nowadays.

I have thought through some projects and hope to put together something with serious editing and research so it actually looks like somewhat of a proposal. I will create a new blog to launch these ideas. I will update this sight as I get closer to putting it together.

Hot as heck in Dallas in early Spring. Way too soon for the AC to be on, but it is.  Also Mavericks in playoffs and Rangers starting fairly well so some sports excitment in Big D.

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