Friday, September 16, 2011

The Jobs Program,another Democrat band aid

The problem with band aids is they eventually get old and fall off.So for a short time they can heal a small cut or scratch, but a seriously deep wound like the economic crisis we have had for the past three years band aids are useless.

Over and over again we hear old outdated ideas used to solve this crisis. The situation requires some new creative thinking.

Spending public money right now to create jobs isn't the best idea, we have way too much of a deficit and the results are too short term. Yes having people employed helps, but there is no sustainability to these jobs.

And what is ironic is the jobs program wants to rebuild our schools as part of the project. What we really need to do is rebuild the whole education system. Big difference between the building and what goes on in the inside.

What we need is some public policy that forces wall street to invest money in creating new jobs, jobs built on new industries and products we can export to create some sustainability to the jobs and decent incomes.

I heard the other day on the radio that one company was going to spend $600 billion to buy another company.I don't know if I heard the amount correctly, but whatever it was it was staggering. This doesn't do anything to help the economy.What we need is taxation policy that encourages companies to spend this money on new business development and discourage companies buying and selling themselves. Nothing new is developed and usually some job losses occur with the consolidation. This is a counter productive move for our economy.

And with creating a new tax policy we need to be flexible. We institutionalize way too many laws. We need policy that is adaptive to the situation. In a few years we may need a policy to encourage consolidation to protect struggling companies, but for now we need corporate America to become creative. So policy should reflect what the times demand and right now the times demand policies that reward companies that create new jobs and sustainable new businesses.

Will we get some creative thinking from Washington, I doubt it.   The President and the Republican leadership are constantly at odds. The President wants to talk compromise, but really this wouldn't do any good, no matter how much compromise you have if either sides ideas are useless then the compromise is useless. And with both sides spouting out the same ole same ole then we get compromised same ole same ole.

So until our leadership wakes up and realizes they are clueless or the people of this country wake up and elect truly new leadership this economic crisis will continue to plague us.

And lets sing praises to the Supreme Court for allowing Super PACs,,,,Long live the Constitution, the Constitution is dying.

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