Saturday, March 3, 2012

There is a difference between being a conservative and being a prick.

I believe in right to life or that the government shouldn't pay for contraceptives. I am also disappointed that the senate failed to respect religious beliefs and that certain organizations have to pay for contraception etc in their health care. Especially this last one, it is an affront to the principles that founded our constitution and against the constitution in general.

What ticks me off just as much is some blowhard that calls himself a conservative and then uses his position to bully, name call, berate people and act like he is making a conservative point. This type of behavior actually hinders the conservative cause because it makes the rest of us look like an idiot by association. The fact that the Republican party isn't denouncing him more just shows they are more concerned with being image conscious than truly being conservative.

Rush Limbaugh is not a conservative. He is a wanna be kindergarten sandbox bully that intefers with truly trying to get a conservative agenda going in this country. Unfortunately too many people in this country tend to like this behavior not realizing this doesn't help us get back our values, nor protect the constitution. His constant use of bullying tactics does not represent what a true conservative is about.

The values of our country are based on honest discourse, Judeo-Christian thinking, free speech, an understanding that change will happen, free enterprise (not necessarily pro corporation, but pro trade and commerce), and RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER AS INDIVIDUALS. Mr Limbaugh fails to understand this so for him to call himself a conservative is an insult to anyone who cares about us as people. Mr. Limbaugh there is a reason for what our founders wrote and none of it shows up in what you say.

His behavior along with a couple of other so called conservative personalities resemble more either the Gang of Four using their position to challenge who is following policy correctly and deciding who is politically on the right side or pages from Mein Kampf than true U.S. constitutional values.

Conservative means treating people with respect, not trying to be the loudest kid on the block.

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