Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trying to race through the world with democracy

It seems Fox News is trying to convince the country that Obama is driving the country over a cliff at full speed. They are bent to get rid of Obama and trying to convince the country that this is the only way to save our country. Some modern day political snapshot of Thelma and Louise or something. Of course the idea of what they want to do after Obama is out is still missing beside the trite and true Republican broken record that offers nothing new just their noise.

Lets try another analogy. Lets take a look at a car that is trying to beat the land speed record. The people that build it are going to test it, when they get up to full speed if things start to break they stop, review progress fix what needs to be fixed and go forward till they are successful. They know that there is going to be problems. Each failure is met with another try, but they constantly work to make it better. They never let it go until it falls apart as it races across the landscape. All in all though it is a constant experiment because as they break one record there is another one to break.

Imagine democracy as the car, it is racing along through time, and at times there are things to fix. Unfortunately we cannot stop the car of democracy and put it back into the shop. We have to fix things as the car is racing along. We want it to be successful. This means we have to have the right engineers etc to be able to right wrongs, fix problems on the fly. Right now our engineers are Republicans, Democrats, the economic elite, and the media. At this point these engineers don't seem to understand they need to work together to make the car work. So we the passengers in the car (middle class in the US) are caught up going full speed over the cliff being led by people who don't seem to understand they are the problem.

We need to fix the car before all the doors, bolts, tires, and people go flying off the cliff. And the great thing about our constitution it allows us to find new engineers on the fly without having to change the car. Time to find the new to preserve the car and keep it going full speed ahead into the future. Our political system is still the best car built in history, lets keep it strong and on the straight ahead path to continue to beat new records.

People came to us in the 1800's because we offered hope, lets take the car to the people of the world and show them hope again. We can expand what we do without forcing it down people's throats. Our car can drive forward with people trying to copy us if we do this right. Vaguely crazy thinking from late last night.

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