Thursday, September 6, 2012

A bit of advice and a bit of a rant

Probably should have posted the advice before Labor Day weekend. Anyway when driving down the highway be aware of what the drivers around you are doing most especially when crossing new territory. You see caravans of people cruising along 15 or more miles per hour above posted speed and you decide to join them. Okay no problem there, but when about half the group slows down together you might slow down also. It always amazes me when people keep going and soon find themselves getting a ticket. Folks if you don't the terrain then time to do as the Romans. Slow down. When a few people slow down someone knows something unless they all exit. Stay with the crowd. And for gas prices....please wake up and smell the bile. We will continue to be manipulated by oil companies as long as there is no competition. Folks the free market means a free market. Honestly I wish I had a billion dollars to invest without having to worry about immediate returns or a brain where I could develop an alternative to gasoline. Gas prices will continue to push the high end of what they can get for as long as they can get since there is no competition for transportation fuel. I know everyone knows this, I just can't figure out how we can break this monopoly. New energy development is one of the better ways to break our economic impasse. Stay cool

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