Saturday, October 5, 2013

Be careful what you wish for

Interesting strategy the Republicans have going. Take something that has passed into law, but bypass it by not funding it. They have failed repeatedly to repeal it, but still want to find a way to get rid of it. Can this accomplish their goal of not having the ACA?

They seem to think so. The Republicans put the country on alert that they think ACA is wrong or bad and they have a noble cause to prevent it. Personally I am not a fan of the ACA, or Obamacare. I think it is too convoluted and compromised to help us out in the long run. So you might think I should be for the tea party efforts to prevent it. I would like to see a better healthcare plan, but I think the tea party could care less about any plan or they would have presented one.

What is happening now is that Obamacare is not the problem. The disconnect is the strategy. It sounds noble and righteous to stand up for what you believe in, even if you are in the minority. Unfortunately the people against Obamacare are in the minority. Most reasonable polls have support for repeal at about 35 to 40% tops. And even some of the people against Obamacare when asked questions about the specifics end up supporting it because they didn't realize what it entails.

So this strategy of not funding it because you can't overturn it is going to open a can of worms no one really wants. I fear the Republicans have no idea the can of worms they are opening. It might not show up now, but somewhere down the road you might fear the various tactics used that derived from this strategy. Our whole way of life held hostage by wild and crazy politicians or small groups holding up funding or debt ceiling limits by not funding them or stopping funding bills. And of course someone will find ways to take this even further.

I am not a supporter of President Obama, but unfortunately he is right that he cannot let this pass. He is going to get hit once people start wanting this piecemeal strategy of funding the government so it looks like something is being done, but in the long run this is a strategy that will do much more harm than any good of slowing Obamacare down.

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