Monday, January 20, 2014

Humans are forcing a quick break

I have been out and about much this weekend. Some observations. I will keep posting on the platform and probable topics are immigration, foreign policy, and energy.but first:

90% of women who were yoga pants shouldn't. Just......don't.

100% of women who wear yoga pants should just wear them to yoga.

And on that line don't wear pajamas anywhere. Not taking your child to school, not to the grocery store, nor the mall, just not anywhere. They're pajamas, you sleep in them.

And from the lets wear our pants below our butt club I saw a young man walking across a store proudly displaying the color of his underwear. Except there was one small problem. He was attempting this feat while carrying a young child. After he struggled along for awhile he put down the child looked around and pulled up his pants. The rest of his walk seemed much easier.

And for those who like to be the "fun saver" (20 pts. if you guess where that reference comes from) just take the picture and move on. You do not need 30 more just one more pictures. Or don't take a picture every ten feet. It is the same group at the same place. A few at most will do.

Where is Andy Rooney when you need him?

And on a different note and this is based on empirical evidence, but whenever there seems to be a landslide victory in an election the abuse of power scandals tend to rear their ugly head. Seems close elections are better for everyone most of the time.

And I apologize, I keep saying I will try to keep this blog positive, but temptation got the better of me. Too many outings this weekend.

I will end on a positive note. Monday I hope you get to spend at least a few moments reflecting on a truly great and positive man: Martin Luther Kung, Jr. Enjoy the day and appreciate his memory.

Okay, okay one more. The sports press in Dallas is insane. They keep trying to talk about what the Cowboys need to do to get to the "big game". The Mavericks had a better chance of winning the NBA title LAST YEAR than the Cowboys ever having a chance to win anything as long as Jerry Jones is GM.

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