Thursday, May 29, 2014

surprise! surprise! surprise!

Wow, whoop de do, the tea party won big in the Texas Primary run off. Made major headlines here and even nationally like someone actually expected different.

The first surprise is I am kind of bored with the Tea Party. I still feel worrisome about their agenda etc.., but for some reason they aren't making my blood boil right now. There are many issues they have that trouble me and I am going to touch one a bit this evening. And it is not their issue, it is more of it is nobody's issue, but they seem to be doing a good job of ignoring like everyone else.

And earlier today I had thought of a humorous line (at least I thought it was funny) but for the life of me I can't remember it. I was poking fun at myself and thinking the borg(tea party) had assimilated me. Yes it was a joke about paying taxes and expecting something in return from our government. Anyway that was the theme.

More importantly and this really hit home this week we need to do something about elder care. I have brought it up before. I don't always talk about why I think it is important, but I have very strong personal reasons and because of that I have seen some of the horror of bad elder care. Not every organization is bad, but there is enough to worry a nation if we don't start doing a better job.

I may be wrong, but I worry people don't realize the depth of the expense this nation is about to face. And I know if you support Obama you are also very supportive of the ACA. It is hard to get the supporters of Obama to realize there is still much to be desired. I know the Republicans have beat the issue to dust because they just don't want Obama to even begin to look like he did something worthwhile, but I hope people could understand that for real healthcare reform there is much lacking. Yes more people have insurance, but healthcare is still run by the people making billions; the insurance industry and institutional healthcare providers. Which leads me to my issue and my conundrum. The healthcare providers etc are making a fortune of our parents. Their major product development is in ways to keep people alive longer at greater and greater expense (read, their profits). This is putting a burden on families and our taxes as most of elder care is paid by medicare and medicaid.

My conundrum is I am a believer in dignity of life till grave. How do I understand when a person's life is no longer a life? That is my personal issue. What I would like you to think about is how we can create a better health care system that is actually productive and helps those who truly need it, plus one we can afford. Unfortunately the ACA is woefully inadequate. Too many lobbyists had their paws all in it long before it became law to really create healthcare reform and elder care is just one example of it's inadequacies.

I know Reps and tea party are just trying to repeal it out of spite, so please don't look at my criticisms the same. I truly believe we can do better, we must, and somehow reduce the coming financial albatross on the next few generations.

I have watched one parent die a very long painful death. It went on for years because person was a fighter. Now watching another parent dying an even worse death. Unfortunately this person has received horrible care and family was suppose to be taking care and monitoring, because they took elder care for granted. Long story short: I watched my wife and her brother drive overnight with their Mom dressed only only in a hospital gown strapped to a wheel chair in the back of a panel van to get her some place better overnight. She was needing immediate medical care, but the facility she was staying at had so dropped the ball this was actually the best choice for her. Did anybody in the family do bad , no, but if you aren't careful and diligent things can go sour fast. Their lack of attentiveness put this woman in jeopardy. Now the woman, who was already very sick, suffers much more than she should.

And get this, the facility she was in is a : for profit institution. You would think their need to make money would create a desire to do a good job. Nope. Anyway sorry I got a bit melodramatic, but I fear things aren't going to get better without serious concerted effort. And this brings me full circle to do I have any confidence the tea party can create any decent legislation on any issue (nope again) much less do something for this most critical issue.

Anyway we have my Mom in law back near us not doing well. My wife is happy she got her back. The situation is sad for us for the obvious reasons, but also because for a few years we took care of her in our home doing the best we could for her. Now to see her is frustrating. We did better as family than a professional organization did making money off medicare and medicaid. She was becoming sick to the point of needing 24 hour care so it was sad for my wife to give her up. Now it is sad to realize we, as a society, aren't prepared for what is coming.

The scene I described above actually happened over a year ago. There was an article in the local paper where she was previously detailing problems other people experienced with this facility published this week Brought up some bad memories.

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