Monday, March 14, 2016

Random posts on a random evening

Below is a comment I made to one of the story boards to a Trump article. One of the many about him or his supporters. I thought I would add it to my blog, well just because.

I know I keep promising myself to quit reading and posting on these boards since it is so frustrating, however, now that we are knee deep in the sludge of the primaries I cannot stop myself. This is probably what I should have given up for Lent. And below this comment is something my youngest came up with that I thought was a very good and fun analogy. My post is from a few days ago and see below my post for hers.

I did edit it a slight bit, but overall it is copied from my original two minute moment:

Trump is right, there are angry people at our government. He is not harnessing the energy correctly.

He needs to give the whole country a very detailed non hyperbolic plan in how he plans to accomplish his rhetoric.

This gives everyone a chance to determine if he can be successful.

I ask the Trump supporters to consider two things. ( and maybe everyone no matter who you support)

First turn off the TV; don't read the stories; basically get away from everything and write down a one page outline of what you think needs to be done. Look at your priorities, what is feasible, remove emotional noise: so is it jobs, wages, social security, taxes, lobbyists, wall street, health care etc..? And put a note to each item notating pro or con and add an idea of YOURS that you have to make it improve the issue. Take your time.

Once done step away from it, go about your business for a day or so then re-read it. And determine what you realistically think can be done in one term.

Second and this is mainly for the Trump supporters, however, it wouldn't hurt for everyone to review their candidate.

Think about this: Trump is tapping into a legitimate anger especially with the job situation. Now remember Trump is a billionaire, he has spent his whole life working and playing with the very same people you are mad at today. How much of his life can relate to yours? Just because he says he is self funded and not beholden to Wall Street etc does not mean he is not part of them. They golf, eat, do business together etc... These are his friends. Do you truly deep down feel he is going to turn his back on them?    Really????

Some say Bernie and his end game sound good; it is we are too far in debt and with deficit struggles to even begin to implement anything he wants. And even if he was to win, Congress is so infested with self serving interests he couldn't raise one cent of the taxes he says he will to pay for his programs.

We want and need new leadership, new ideas, someone who understands it is 2016 and the planet is ever dynamic and has ideas for the future.

America is great. Lets keep it that way.


My youngest is a bit more creative. Here is her Bernie analogy and this is copied from what was written. I love all my children no doubt, but you gotta love this:

Bernie Sanders is like an angry old grandpa trying to protect his grandson (the middle class) from getting bullied. The DNC are the parents of the grandson who aren't really helping in any way. The parents offer "advice" such as 'maybe if you didn't smell so bad you wouldn't get bullied" instead of doing something productive like buying shampoo and soap to help the kid.  The parents (DNC) see Bernie as this old senile man that they need to put in a nursing home because he is so old, but the son (middle class) loves him so now what Bernie is doing is going to the principal (the corporations) and yelling at them to put in more discipline against the bullies and the principal really isn't  doing anything just seeing this crazy old man yelling at him and says that their going to do stuff just to make him shut up and go away, but when he sees that the principal shows no interest he decides to take action against his grandson's bullies and helps his grandson win a prize in the science fair. And last place is the bully because they found out the bully cheated and bought the science project online or something.

I would have changed the "principal" to government from corporation and yet overall she still probably did better than I would have done with this bit of story.

Way too hot too soon here in North Texas

Have a great evening.

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