Monday, June 5, 2017

Hey, Reince Priebus I got a proposal for you

I hear the fake news saying you may be out of a job or some sort of shake up or you may be unhappy or all sorts of fake news stuff.

Well Mr. Priebus let me help you out. Why don’t you resign and give me your job? I can be completely compliant to Mr. Trump. Shoot I will just put up a sign on my office door that says, “the buck stops over there” with an arrow pointing to the Oval Office and call it a day. Shoot every now and then I get a hankering to learn how to play golf. I do not think anyone would mind. 

And on my off days I could continue this anonymous blog and write even more productive pieces on my ideas for better policy in government. No one down at your office would notice. I could even run them by the Congressional Budget Office and maybe work out some kinks in my thinking. Mr. Trump won’t care. He doesn’t pay attention to that office anyway.  I might hit on something that works. Who knows? I might be productive. Or actually get true conservative ideas and policy passed

It is the infamous win win for both of us. You get out of a dead-end job and maybe before it is too late get a waiver from Mr. Trump and lobby. And you might be able to salvage your life. I get a significant raise to better take care of my family and like I said above I might accidentally hit on real policy to actually keep America great once Mr. Trump is out of office.

And if the shit hits the fan, well I am long past trying to be popular so I can just turn State’s evidence from what I learn poking around the office, go into witness protection, move to Vegas, and actually try to finish the great American novel I keep stumbling around on. Maybe even learn to write a complete sentence or finish a sentence without a preposition.

Heck everyone knows you tried real hard to ride his coattails and be the one that rectified the candidate with the Republican Establishment to get that wish list of plutocratic policy initiatives passed. The good ole boys will give you a pass.

I suggest you think about this quickly. Your window of opportunity is passing fast. Soon people will see you as a failure and things won’t go well for you afterwards. Once Mr. Trump passes on you, all the contacts and connections you have spent a lifetime cultivating will disappear faster than Casper the friendly ghost.  I feel for you “dude”. A lifetime of work thrown out the window because you won’t let Mr. Trump and Mr. Bannon run over you just like the rest of the country. Yep, having even just an ounce of integrity is not doing you one iota of good. Shame.

Well, let me know. You can comment on this post if you like or if you want to work out a deal where maybe you get a better lasting impression, email me. One of the few things I would do in your role is let anybody that asks know you did a fine job. 

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