Monday, November 27, 2017

Left right…Right left,,, both sides are deviating to the wrong path

I am not good with certain topics and this current wave of sexual harassment and assault is throwing me a curve. Even when I was young I was somewhat of a prude, or at least naïve. Yet, here we are falling apart at the seams as a society.

Heck I do not even know the exact definition of harassment or assault. I know you can look these up on Webster’s or the local statutes for the criminality. What are people calling each though?

I am 100% that we should respect every human being at every turn so there is no excuse for any behavior that disrespects another.  Yet how are we defining these assaults?  The news is very ambiguous. And, I really didn’t want to write about this topic. I see it as a symptom of a much bigger problem we have as a society. We lost our moral compass. Throughout history men have pretty much abused women in some shape form or fashion, yet over the last few centuries we slowly built up the thought process that women are more than property. The direction of mankind was on an upward trajectory. It was still pervasive, yet up until the 50’s or 60’s a sense of responsibility towards how we approached women was growing. It seems our leaders still view their positions of power has a tool to obtain more than what is rightfully theirs. And the topic is abuse of women; the reality is the total collapse of respect for others that they feel are inferior to them.

Take the infamous Supreme Court decision of the 1970’s where the Court ruled materials were obscene if they appealed to a prurient interest, showed patently offensive sexual conduct, specifically defined by a state obscenity law and lacked serious artistic, literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.  The Court was trying to still protect first amendment rights and simultaneously give communities a guideline to prosecute people for disseminating pornography. This was never an easy task. And left many people holding the bag because what has artistic or scientific value? What does it mean a “prurient interest”? Who is the Judge of these thoughts?

You can argue all day about what is protected by the first amendment. You must be more forth coming about what is assault. Why? Because now you are charging an individual with a crime and most rightfully so. The problem is prosecuting a crime needs to be tried in front of a jury and the burden of proof is on the criminal justice system which is arguing for the victim. And in most cases sexual assault only has two witnesses; the victim and the perpetrator. This makes prosecution very difficult. It does not mean there wasn’t a crime committed. It just means obtaining a guilty verdict and punishment are very difficult to achieve.

The alternative has become lawsuits. And while this can create a secondary justice for the victim it also allows others to cheapen real victims by calling them a money grubber or worse.  We still blame the victim in our society and the more money is involved the more we side with the person charged. Why? I do not know. And there are a few people that do milk the system to achieve monetary awards they may or may not realistically own. All this plays to the perpetrators and doesn’t help true victims.

And women historically treated lessor still resonates in our society. I mentioned it was slowly dying off, but all these current allegations suggest maybe it wasn’t. We were not as advanced as a society as thought. I think different. I work, socialize, engage in other projects with many people I am comfortable. And this comfort level comes from certain levels of trust. Are they all perfect? No and neither am I. And one or two probably has disrespected a woman to some extent in their life. They would not brag about this or employ a disrespectful attitude though on a daily or regular basis. They consciously understand what is right and what is wrong.

When our leaders are consistently shown to behave this way though it shows a deep-rooted problem that still exists and teaches young people the wrong lesson. That is why in my opinion we need to have strong definitions of assault and harassment and strong legal definitions of both. We cannot use the vague “I know it when I see it” test that was stated in a 1964 court ruling before the above ruling for pornography.  Sexual assault is a crime, not an opinion.

We need to support victims yes weed out the few grifters, but support the victims. We need to be able to put the perpetrators in jail. Society needs to send a strong message that this is not the behavior we want to emulate, project, accept, or teach. Young people need to see consequences apply to all. And of course, this is more than just the sexual assaults, our leaders must be held to a higher standard. When we fail to do this, we are failing ourselves and future generations.

We cannot blame others, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats can or should take a higher ground. Leadership is not moralizing. It is defining the path, forging it, and giving it to the people to expand their own lives on a solid foundation. Respect for others is the first step to building a great society and country. 

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