Saturday, February 17, 2018

Has the NRA shot itself in the foot?

Doesn’t that sound like an obvious quip? And yes, it has been used before in various shapes forms and fashions. Still hard to resist this title.

This theme quip appears primarily in progressive publications whenever they think the NRA has made some political blunder. And yet, here we are with the NRA still one of the most powerful lobbyists in D. C. They say they are a gun’s rights lobby and support the Second amendment. Heck I support the Second amendment, all the amendments, the Constitution and the idea of representative government. So, what is the deal here.

Honestly and they will probably throw a huge hissy fit saying all sorts of madness if they were to hear this, but they are a gun manufacturing lobby.  No one does more for the sale of guns than the NRA. They can couch it anyway they want, yet their support of the second amendment is a smoke screen for what has become their true purpose. They may have started as a gun’s right lobby. Who knows, but now their end result is the protection of the money behind making guns.

And now as with many previous articles have tried to say has happened, have we come to the point where the NRA loses a political battle? Honestly, I do not think yet, but it is getting close.

If the NRA, doesn’t retake the narrative about background checks for the mentally ill, society may finally overwhelm this issue. Obviously, the latest shooting in Florida is dominating the conversation. And the NRA posters have been strangely silent on the articles I read.

First, I hate politicizing this tragedy. Too many people are suffering unfathomable amounts of grief right now. Every time this happens the better half and I discuss how would we handle the loss of one of our children. It boggles the mind how hard is this when it happens. Second, I am not sure if mental health issues are the driver behind this tragedy, however, news articles are mentioning he did have some interactions or sessions.

So, are we ready to seriously discuss mental health in this country? I would hope so and not just for background checks. We continually ignore this problem. One of the most misunderstood problems in our country is also the least discussed. At some point, how large of a tragedy must we have to bring this into the light of day. The NRA seems to be in the way of discussing this issue by pressuring their cronies in Congress to avoid the issue when it comes to background checks for obtaining a gun license or purchasing a weapon. This is just one practical step that will not prevent all tragedies, yet possibly a few. The NRA should accept this, or they will lose the voice in Congress they have held for so long.
In letting the discussion change in Congress, the NRA will see more setbacks to their agenda as progressives finally drive their agenda home. The NRA does not want this to happen, yet continually by ignoring or preventing the background check discussion, they lose much more than they can imagine. It appears they think they are invincible. That is usually the first sign a hard fall is coming.

As an independent conservative, I do support the right for a person to own a gun. What I do not support is this madness to continue. We must address mental illness in this country. We are still using the medicines from 30-40 years ago to temporarily treat people and many times those do not work. There is a revolving door of people going through the system costing families untold grief, county governments a fortune, and creating unnecessary victims from the violence perpetuated by the sufferers of this disease.

Preventing people with a history of mental illness from obtaining a gun is just one simple act that needs to be passed yet is just a band-aid to the larger problem. More importantly we need to address mental illness from top to bottom and help families regain control of their lives and find ways for the sufferer to become productive members of society. 

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