Saturday, March 3, 2018

Catching up on a few things

First the alt right and the pretentious left are both bullies; they just go about it differently.

Second people keep wondering how President Trump was elected. I have one pretty simplistic theory. We are trained to buy. For decades Americans have been trained to buy what is put in front of us. We accept the information presented as facts even though the seller is the one presenting the facts. We do not question what the seller says. And this is engrained into us as children. This is why politicians in general do so well even though they do not have our best interests at heart. And this worked for President Trump. He made some outrages claims and statements and since we are taught to accept, many people did. It is hard for us to question authority or people who appear to be an authority. And in Trump’s case, if it is what we want to hear, well you see the results. It is not good and an extremely dangerous condition for us Americans. We all fall for what we want to fall. Even the people who hate Trump will buy something that fits their mindset. We cannot look at something critically, just can’t. Corporations rule and they have spent fortunes perfecting the art of marketing, so we will bend to their wishes. If we can overcome this problem, maybe we can get our country back on track.

Trump’s tariff is just a bad idea. Many people have their theories, yet one being bantered about is he was angry and just decided he needed to do something that makes him look good. He plays to his base and knew he had made campaign promises to protect American jobs. Most everyone else is of the opinion that trade wars and tariffs are failing policies, except him and his base. He may not even believe in tariffs, but he knew he would make news with implementing them. Even worse some people believe he is doing it only to fight back against all the people and disasters hitting at him. Either way, this is not a way to run a country except into the ground.

And it is primary season in Texas. The ads are driving me crazy. The republicans are eating each other up and it will be interesting to see who wins. I really do not care except the worse is coming to the forefront. The accuse each other of being the less conservative, when realistically none are conservative just full of talk. As well known, the Republican base, not the moderates come out for the primaries and since mid-term, it will be only the base voting in the primary. And since the base is being pushed to the alt right, I fear for our country.  I wouldn’t fear if the Democrats had a clue, but they don’t. So….?

And what happens when the deal finally goes down on Trump. Will the alt right troops come to his defense in the streets or will they hunker down and look for a new leader? My paranoia doesn’t like the possibilities. It is now a matter of time, not if anymore. The writing is on the wall. Jared is on the hot seat and he is young and really doesn’t have a history of overcoming adversity. Trump has somehow found the help he has needed to survive his incompetency, but the help cannot come to his aid anymore. He is way too public and all eyes are glued to the White House. There is so much paranoia crawling through my brain, it seems to be as infested as fleas and cockroaches are to an abandoned house. And if the fears are correct Trump’s deterioration is going to be uglier than any swamp you can imagine.  Here is to hoping I am totally wrong.  Cheers!

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