Monday, June 25, 2018

A new story and some perspective on last post and other thoughts

I am going to start a new story in this post and as always it will go its own meandering way until completion. A different twist about this story; I haven’t decided what the protagonist is going to do. I have a decision to make about which direction he will head in. I know the premise, the ending, and the setting. I need to work out his direction quickly to move the story along. So, since I post these stories in random installments I must leave open some flexibility to decide. And as always there is a purpose and a point to the story. I promise this will be interesting and if you happened to like “That Damn Lottery Ticket” story you might like this one for completely different reasons. There is more of a message in this story than the lottery ticket story. That was mainly for fun with attempts at how corruption can be a precursor to trouble.  First though a couple of comments.

I know most of the national and local media seems to disagree with me about the Mavericks first round draft pick. Everyone is ecstatic he was chosen. I still believe we should have put our most pressing need first. He may be better than I believe, yet we need a center even if we have to draft a project and develop him. I would have preferred Jackson, but Memphis got him. I read a story that says even with Doncic it is one piece at a time which is my point, we have a super need and that piece should be first. And with the Doncic pick we lost getting another piece next year in the draft since we traded away our first-round pick. (up through #5 protected and if we are that high up sheesh there will be a Mavs fandom rebellion).  Everyone wants to be a scorer so finding someone to share the ball with DSJ is a bit easier than finding a modern center prototype such as Jackson. Well what is done is done and I am not looking forward to free agency. I have looked over a chart someone published of available centers and the pickings are not that exciting. If Cousins didn’t get injured, well that would be different, however, I do not think he would have chosen Dallas anyway.  I will come back to the Mavericks next week. I haven’t seen much on the Stars draft pick, but I will try and do some research and get back to you with the Mavericks update. And it was fun watching the Rangers win some games, still not enough, but fun.

On the National front, I’m just tired of it all. Why is it that people who are supposed to be leaders spend so much energy trying to be popular with their side by coming up with the most demeaning post about the other side? This is not governing. This is madness and extremely sad our leaders have fallen to such lows.  As always, we need new parties to bring us new leadership. The current batch on both sides prefers to posture than lead, govern, and create public policy for the people. The bunch needs to retire.

And now for the story:

Sometime in the somewhat near future:

Mr. Samson sat at the head of the boardroom table chairing the quarterly meeting. He seemed bored to the others. And quite frankly they all needed something new. Their company was one of the largest on the planet. Competition was virtually nil in their industry. Mr. Samson had led them well and consumed all the other companies. Their stock value continued upward with acquisition after acquisition. Yet something was missing. All of them felt it. The reports were read. The numbers were applauded. They sat on top of the world, literally actually. Their corporate boardroom now stood almost a mile above the surface of Earth. All the prominent corporations had buildings that reached this high up.

Each person left the boardroom knowing their individual wealth still reached new heights. Each person knew exactly where they stood in the pecking order. Most were happy, a few still felt like trying to usurp the person ahead of them. Occasionally someone tried, sometimes they were successful, sometimes they weren’t. No one held anything against the person for trying and they only fell a few rungs down the ladder in the pecking order. Everyone’s place in society was now assured at birth. If you were born to the world of the upper echelon, you lived, worked, were educated, at the top. Others lived in the layers as you worked your way back to the surface. Each layer in the buildings and foundations of the buildings separated the next group of people from the top.

Once born into an economic situation, you lived it, breathed it, drank from it. The closer to the top, the better quality of air, food, water, healthcare, education you consumed. At the bottom or the surface no one really knew how bad it was, well except those that lived there. It was where all the trash went, where the scraps of society and humanity collected. The surface was covered in pollution and the people covered in disease.

Mr. Samson knew how bad the surface had become. He observed. He didn’t care, he just kept track. A morbid curiosity on his part at best. He kept track on all the levels. It was about the only thing interesting going on anymore. All his executive peers didn’t have any life. They came to work, managed what was left to manage. The world was on automatic pilot except for a few people. Artificial intelligence did all the work. Vacations were virtual reality of forgotten landscapes of the surface. The higher up in society the more vacation time you achieved. Vacations were living in a fantasy world based on a world no one actually participated. Robots did the work, simulations gave people something to do.

The more stature you had, the more depraved you became until you even became bored with depravity. Wars were fought by soldiers on computer programs. Once a side won a battle, the results were tabulated by computers and an appropriate number of humans from certain lower levels were killed. This was one way the population was controlled, and people kept in check. One day a person could be going to their assigned work, which wasn’t work it was just a title with some prescribed duties they did to achieve their weekly allotment of pay, then poof they would hear about a war. A few weeks later they or their friends would be sent to the war platform and all would be executed. No one fought it, they didn’t have anything else to do, nor did they think any better of it.
Most days everyone below the upper tier had a certain amount of hours they were assigned to work based on formulas created generations ago. Workers near the bottom were required to 40 hours a week, with promises of overtime for more money. The overtime never came because the top tier wasn’t going to pay, and the actual work was done by robots who could work 24/7 365 days a year and were only down for maintenance and repairs. The workers slid into their jobs and performed menial tasks to help the robots. Their work wasn’t really needed, but the upper tier knew they needed to keep the workers somewhat busy and distracted just in case someone might figure out they didn’t like their station. So, they worked, went home and lived in virtual reality dream worlds the rest of the time. The quality of the dream world was way behind what the upper tier had, but they had something. There were no more relationships, marriages, interactions with other people except when they bumped into each other to and fro from work or the occasional moment when they would step out and have drinks or games with a few people that were designated friends and matched coworkers. They had team building activities. No one knew why, they just did something with co workers once a month. It was required. More interactive games were played during these times.

As you went up in society, you had jobs that technically required more education or training. They really didn’t, it was still the same, you sat in a work station for more hours per week, received more pay, yet computers and robots did all the work. They had better virtual reality games and the living quarters were a tad bit better than the ones right below them in the structures. This continued upwards till you reached the top and the likes of Mr. Samson and his peers. Mr. Samson’s group had the newest of everything, their virtual worlds were more involved than could be imagined. They lived in fantasy worlds completely foreign to the rest of humanity.

Humans, from the poorest to the wealthiest were made by robot doctors that removed eggs and sperms from humans while they were in their depraved games completely oblivious to their own existence. The embryos were placed in hospitals till they reached a certain age, then they would appear in their level of status and complete growing up with some schooling and indoctrination into their position in society.

Actually, the true bottom dwellers did not have technology. They still lived a primitive life. There were no virtual games or environments, only the reality of scraping by with what they could find discarded from the levels above. And there was much discarded. Scraps of the processed food piled up everywhere and they feasted on these scraps. Many were very obese and would die of horrible afflictions. The food most of humanity ate was processed. The nutrients necessary for life were incorporated in the food and other pills people ate, but people only saw what was in the past real food, food from the ground, that grew they saw in the virtual reality games and environments. Taste buds were non-existent now. There was no need for them.  The bottom dwellers had taste buds, they even ran across real food on occasion in the remote areas away from the cities. There wasn’t too much land undeveloped anymore. Occasionally a break would appear between the cities that grew to the sky. Strange, but they enjoyed this food and when someone would run across some it was truly fought over, more like the wars of old. They did not enjoy the health of the people above though. The scraps of the processed food were old, and the nutrients had diminished. And the real food was few and far between. Many of the women died in childbirth, impregnated more by rape and prostitution than by relationships. Few children survived so the population of the bottom dwellers never became a problem for people like Mr. Samson to worry about. The artificial intelligence that managed the affairs of the planet also knew of the bottom dwellers and would keep track of the population just to be safe, but it never grew to worrisome levels. One thing to note, the bottom dwellers saw things no one else saw. It did not mean anything to them, but the artificial intelligence managers or people like Mr. Samson never saw it or thought about it. It was a different world looking up at the rest of the world.

Yet in all this structure every now and then a person would be different from the rest. These people did the work, they created new technology with the robots. Most worked with the robots to create the scenarios for the virtual games and realities. Some aspects of culture still came through with these people. They were very few and far between, however, the artificial intelligence valued these people because their creations helped to keep the population as a whole safe, basically meaning distracted so they would not upset the structure, or the tiers people lived. The artificial intelligence that controlled the environment of the planet and did the bidding of people like Mr. Samson could not replicate the creations of these people so they were treated a bit different from the rest of the world. Mr. Samson and his peers made sure though it was only a bit different and they were segregated from everyone else. Many board members did not know they existed, their existence was that segregated.

And very rarely one person would come about that could interact with the artificial intelligence to create new levels of technology to move artificial intelligence forward. And one such person was Dave.

To be continued.

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