Wednesday, April 24, 2019

So much to discuss, so much forgotten, oh and continuing a story at some point

Well I have been out of town and out of touch for the last ten days and even more considering we were getting ready to leave beforehand.

Yes, thanks for asking, I did have a great trip. And watch out I am completely out of sorts right now.

We were in Spain and I am recovering from a day long journey back and wild weather once we got back. We get all the way back to DFW and then the weather goes crazy. I do have to be grateful that we landed before it went wild, but the ride home from the airport was almost two hours not because of traffic, but because of the storms that hit late last night. Just leaving the airport complex was almost an hour. The whole-time visibility was barely fifty feet and our ride stopped multiple times on the shoulder because of this visibility problem. The winds were so strong they were blowing branches off the trees that lined the road. One branch was so big it stopped traffic completely till people could go around it. And it is raining today off and on. And normally this wouldn’t be too bad, especially since we took this day off to recuperate, but it was raining almost the whole time we were in Spain. I am a bit tired of the rain right now.

There is so much to discuss, but we do have one responsibility that I need to address this evening, so this will be brief.  Actually, I have many, but spent over an hour on hold with the IRS and then when I got someone and was speaking to them and the line disconnected. Now calling back they are saying they are too busy to take anymore calls. Ugh!!!!!

The main one though is a meeting the better half and I need to attend. Other than that, taking it easy today.

I enjoyed Spain and the better half took a beaucoup of pictures, so we have the memories to last us. I am an old American I have determined. There is much different and adapting was somewhat difficult.  They like their ham in Spain and I am not too big of a fan of ham and it gives me indigestion unless I eat very small amounts. It was interesting though to eat some and tasted much better than it does here in the States. At one restaurant they were treating us to some ham they thought was special and it was very tasty. I did have a couple of very small slices. The wine is a different story. We definitely had more than a glass or two throughout the visit and enjoyed it all very much.  We kept trying to go to restaurants to eat Tapas, but wherever we went it seemed like we never had that opportunity or were just missing the boat so to speak. We did eat a variety of food we had never had before. At one place which was probably the most fun they lined up plates on the counter to choose from and brought around hot dishes throughout the evening. Everything was charged by the size of the stick that came out of the food. You just piled them up on the table as you ate them. Interesting concept, but it led you to try many different items since each serving was equivalent to a small sandwich. One interesting plate I had was smoked salmon wrapped around cream cheese glazed with eel sauce. There were some dishes I tried and please do not ask me what they were, just be happy this old dog could try a new plate or three. One was scary as heck looking, but I went for it and it was quite good. No, I did not eat any squid, octopus or whatever. I have tried that before and no thanks. My daughter and wife did get fried calamari at one restaurant and two or three bites is the extent I eat of that.

We did much and walked an extraordinary amount, but all in all a great trip. I would say we would go back, but since we have such a limited travel budget for the last ten years, I would prefer new travel experiences. If we ever have the budget to have an extended trip in Europe we would circle back through and maybe see either the north western portion of Spain or the Barcelona area. We were mainly in Madrid with a couple of day trips to other cities. I do have to say Toledo was great and could have been better, but the whole day was full scale raining, so it dampened the whole mood. (pun intended and meant).  Glad to have gone and glad to be home.

Again, so much to discuss and I do not know if I will circle back. The Sri Lanka situation was made even more frightening since we were out of the country and apparently there was some small-scale plan to attack Sevilla while we were in Spain and that was a city we had as a possible destination. The Mueller report came out and as always too much political hyperbole by both sides and no real plan to address it properly.

I do want to get back to my story so will work to include in my next post. Time to get ready for tonight’s meeting. And if I get my act together, I will post a few pictures of our trip.


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