Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Let’s just go ahead and start the 2024 prediction show

I will still be ranting and raving we need new parties.

Trump will not be President for the same reasons I predicted Hillary Clinton would not be President in 2014 for 2016. Not too many people liked her then, and not too many people like Trump now.

The Republicans will run the same gambit they always have still trying to make it look new. Lower taxes for the rich, crime is coming to get everyone with the added touch of immigration adding to crime and more, and mainly hoping the Democrats screw up which they will take credit for. And since the Democrats are still clueless, this may work yet again. But to have an actual plan to help the working and middle class be successful, ha ha ah oh stop ha ha ha, please you are hurting me, please stop, ha ha ha, just too much, Republicans doing something for us, lol lol lol, no no no, stop... I am laughing so hard it hurts.

If the Democrats had just two clues the Republicans would never win another election, plain and simple. First clue, why the heck did they not see the Republican take over of state governments over the last two decades? The second one, the Republicans really do own the libs. Don’t believe me, then why do Republicans keep winning elections? Because Democrats are clueless.

And one point which Biden did a good job of avoiding and Clinton totally espoused. Biden stayed more on point about a general plan for the middle and working class. Clinton tried to appease everyone with a platitude policy when she ran in 2016. Pretentious and clueless plain and simple. 

We all know the polls say the majority of this country does not want Biden and Trump running again, yet when has anyone in power listened to polls. DeSantis may break through and he is playing it smart for now by laying low, but sooner or later he will have to show up nationally. And the DC press, even the conservative groups could chew him up pretty quickly if he is not prepared. His big win that might carry over nationally is attracting some of the Hispanic vote, but the Florida Hispanic vote is not the same as California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas Chicago, New York Hispanic vote so lets see what happens. He will eventually have to say something or come up with a national platform, hmmmm. 

And the Democrats have the same problem they have had for ten years. They do not have anyone young that can attract a large audience. There just isn’t anyone. At one point I thought Kamala Harris might have been able to, but she is not garnering any attention at all nationally to make her star rise. And it should have risen by now for her to have a chance. Being a black woman, even as a moderate, she already has quite a bit to overcome so she really needed a running start. I don’t even see her walking yet.

Are we going to elect a woman this time; Haley, Noem, ? ? ? the Republicans do have some popular women in Republican circles, but right now any of them would not attract a large enough general populace to stand a chance. 

Which leads to how much the independent vote will play a factor in 2024. It will be monumentous. The independent vote has become the major factor in most elections. Gerrymandering has saved the Republicans for now, but more and more the independent vote is growing and could diminish some of their advantages soon. Will the Democrats push into these areas via the independent vote or will finally other parties start to grow?

Which reminds me, what happened to Andrew Yang’s Forward Party? I have heard nothing on them since the first news splashes awhile back. I just internet searched the name and most hits were articles from July and August when they started announcing themselves, not much new so far. Yet they did come on too late for the past biennial election. Maybe they can create some waves by 2024.

So actual predictions for 2024: someone will get elected and over half the country will be hissed.


PS and as we get closer I will begin developing an alternative actual set of public policies for the working and middle class once again. (okay an updated rehash of what I have said before, but I have been right the whole time anyway so why not)

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