Wednesday, September 13, 2023

It is not my side, it is your side.


I may have written about this before since it irks me so much. I cannot remember and I am not going back to look.

It just keeps coming back over and over again. I am surprised that more people don’t blow a gasket. Maybe because I am independent that it bothers me, yet I have seen it in a work environment that had nothing to do with politics and it drove me crazy.

The Republicans and Democrats continually point the finger at the other side whenever there is some story about political malfeasance and yet will back up their side with impunity no matter how heinous or morally deprived an action on their side. And the devout followers of each party will loudly proclaim the other side is much worse than our side without realizing they are only compounding this exact problem.

Sure there are many Democrats and Republicans that maintain at least some impartiality, however they usually sit on the sidelines and do not jump into the fray for fear of who knows what, but probably loss of connectivity with the larger group. They need to stand up because this is only getting worse and contributes to the growing divide in our country.

The most recent example and this is much worse to me I guess than to others. It is the story of the woman running for the State legislature in Virginia who apparently made a specific sex video her and her husband shared. Of course when Republicans found out, they pounced on it. Yet a person from the Viriginia legislature offered up that this would be a great fund raising opportunity since well doing it with your husband publicly is something to be proud of(?).

I am sorry. I don’t think so. There are many things you can do in private, and maybe even publicly if that is your bent, but to do something of questionable thinking and then run for political office. What were you thinking? At some point you have to realize your moral compass is not set for political office and making public policy. You may actually have some good ideas, or even solutions to problems, but people are supposed to be able to look up to you. How can you go to your constituents and say “hey, vote for me, but don’t tell your kids”? Kids read the news, too.

And yes I know we are overwhelmed with politicians of all stripes bathing in the sewers, but we also need to step back and decide exactly what am I supporting when I publicly back someone who made questionable decisions. We are way past time for some serious reckoning with who we are in the body politic.

Yes, this one bothered me, not just because I have minor grandchildren who might run across this story when I am trying to open their minds to better civics in our world, but also because someone thought they should not only show support, but suggest this is a fund raising opportunity. You can internet search for the story, but their logic was beyond me except for this was someone on our side who was persecuted (?, She published the original video) by the other side so must be immediately rallied around with some questionable justifications. Because she supports what we support? Tell me exactly how I am supposed to think your ideas are what I want or can trust when you push this on me.

Sometimes people ask me why I do not run for office and I sit quietly because of youthful indiscretions from 40 years ago or so. And what I did is no where near the shock value we get in today’s world. And shoot it is legal in half the country now anyway.  So maybe I could run without too much worry, but I still believe that if you are going to be a leader or role model you should be someone people can point to with pride. You do not have to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but people who have affairs, steal, lie, expose themselves to public in sexual display while maintaining a different public face maybe not the best representatives for public office. I am not sure I could actually vote for an adult entertainer, but if they always represented themselves as such at least I might be more inclined to listen to their ideas over someone who lives a clandestine life.

It is bad enough politicians say one thing and then get in office and do another or do nothing and then abuse their office, but honesty at least deserves a listen.

As always we need new parties to start holding these entitled Democrats and Republicans accountable to how they represent themselves and subsequently what they actually do once in office. Yep I am in Texas and Ken Paxton is also exactly what I am talking about. There are some that are going to support him no matter what because he is their guy, but really what does that say about them.

Not much.

And the next time I hear a politician talk about values, I will try hard not to choke.

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