Monday, April 29, 2024

Piggybacking on others work


Yep, since I am not a reporter why not jump on someone else’s article. Seriously though I was reading an article in the Dispatch which was a straight forward piece or analysis of the state of the GOP campaign apparatus since Trump’s people took over 6 weeks ago.

I do not have much to add with substance, just some extra opinionated commentary on the situation. For those that do not know, the Dispatch is quite a bit more professional than this blog and speaks conservative commentary that is not aligned with the MAGA universe.  Basically real conservative commentary. And they are professionals so they even write in full sentences.

There is an accompanying picture with the story and whoa, Matt Getz looks like death warmed over. Granted the picture is credited with being taken in February and most of us white people are relatively pale at this point in time, however Matt appears to be struggling. There are four people in the picture, Lara Trump and MTG are showing some color. Michael Whatley is definitely white, but is more of the I haven’t seen the sun since October. I have seen corpses that appear to have more color than Matt Getz does in this picture. I would like to have seen the panoramic of the whole room because there is an interesting dynamic in this picture. MTG and Whatley are looking to their left at something or someone it appears. Matt is just staring straight ahead rather blankly. Lara Trump is standing at attention with plastered smile also staring straight ahead with that Stepford wives look. Not saying anything, but it looks rather weird.

In the article there is concern expressed by some in the GOP that a ground game for the election isn’t materializing yet and that the one being developed before Trump’s takeover had faded away. Some in the article expressed confidence one was coming, others that it might be a bit too targeted to just presidential battleground states and some wondered about what was coming at all. My thoughts were Trump is in charge so how is anyone expecting a full blown plan. The man is notorious for shooting from the hip and if he is anywhere close to being involved with the strategic thinking I will not accept anyone saying the 2024 election was stolen because ineptitude seems to be more the reigning problem now.

And specifically election integrity is the basis for the gameplan, not boots on the ground campaigning which just further leads to the election stolen gambit should not work. Yet I will bet there will be many in the GOP operatives that know better will stand up in November and say the election was stolen even though they know how shoddy of an operation is being developed.

One comment was that third parties may be hired to do some of the footwork and other campaign activities. And this caused me to burst out laughing. I hope they ask to get paid upfront because if anything the Trump campaign will hire them, then he will keep all the campaign money and not pay them if his history is any indication of what may happen. I would definitely cash the check before doing any work for the Trump campaign.

As always people can change, but I am not betting against the house on this one.


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