Tuesday, November 15, 2011

remember the phrase too big to fail

Really some of these banks are too big to be successful or even more important able to help their customers. Why is wall street and everybody obsessed with larger and larger. It costs the consumers too much for companies to get too large.

Just one more thing I wish the consumer would realize and support small and medium size business. Got to give the credit where due for the groups that were trying to get everyone to switch banks earlier this month. Didn't hear too much about it so I don't know how much the public in general got the message and I wish I could help them get louder with the message.

The large banks are in the way of our economy now. It is not about loaning money like in the first part of the recession, it is everything. BOA's debit fee debacle was really just a visible example of how bad things are getting.  Large banks keep trying to pigeon hole customers into their business model, but as a customer you really can't get help when you need it. It is play by our rules or well suffer the consequences. This sucks when you are trying to work through something not of your choosing and you have to deal with the idiot policies. You cannot fault the front line staff they don't make the rules. The executives hide behind them and create policies that really even hurt their own institutions with non connected bureacracies, supervisors who quote policy not try to help you solve the problem, (again the executives fault they don't want problems solved) and inflexible guidelines that really don't produce results even the ones they are trying to produce (profit). And guess what customers get pissed so sooner or later the bank change will start to happen, people just need to be educated that it is okay/better to go smaller.

Think how many large political economic groups spend millions on advertising to try and convince the populace that their policies are better, based not on fact, but on their viewpoint ( read crap).

It would be great if the credit unions would ban together and spend some money on national TV campaigns to show how they help consumers and communities much more than large banks do now. I know the credit unions do have some lobbying presence in DC, they should turn it around and spend the money talking to the public. Voting is still an available way to change things. And even more important people's pocket books are the best way to change things.

Actually it is time that some executives realize their policies fail and maybe they should be in the unemployment line.  Too big to fail, we have a problem with too much cronyism (inbreeding) at the top and executives are failing us as consumers, which kills me that they don't realize they are creating the failure that is going to be too big for anyone's good. 

All this consolidation to become bigger is the big fail. It is not capitalism, it is stupidity.

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