Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ounce of prevention, pound of cure part one

Been a busy week or so . Thought of this the other day and hope I can remember.

This is really two topics under same heading
I haven't read any of Obama's health care plan,so I don't have much comment on it. The issue for me is we don't use much common sense or practical thinking. We really should focus more on preventive care than our current spend a fortune to fix the problem. Our current way is just like everything else in the country. It is dominated by people who benefit, however, we should change to benefit the people. I am about to pick on the wrong side of the coin but we have to change thinking for everyone involved. And this example talks to saving taxpayer money. Think about the large number of people who receive medicare for many health problems that are preventable with just taking care of yourself that hadn't. Yes you could end up creating another large bureaucracy to track who did and didn't go to the Dr regularly and exercise etc,so you have to be careful, but there should be some accountability to how we spend taxpayers dollars for medicare including making them pay more of their own money for healthcare. And yes I do believe the larger problem is the healthcare industry. They are profit motivated and spend a fortune lobbying Congress. Again another reason to reign in the lobbying industry. The point for today is we must take some personal responsibility too. And the overall notion of ounce of prevention is worth pound of cure.

Next up thoughts on crime and poverty where we really fail with the idea an ounce of prevention etc. lunch has ended and using cell phone to do this so cannot check editing till later. Again the 2nd my real drivrr.

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