Friday, February 10, 2012

buzz word of the day; then another observation

Have you ever noticed or is it me that no politicians seem to answer the how question. Maybe they do, but I don't see it. I have become disenfranchised over the years in watching politicians speak and listening to questions from the press. For what I do see and hear the "how question and answers just don't seem to come up.

They always seem to have answers, "ways" to solve problems, but truly does anyone see or hear the how?

Just a late night thought on a chilly weekend evening.

Is Google becoming big brother? I know I am not the only one thinking this, but can we stop them before it gets any crazier?I know they have all this legalize in place so they can keep all my info now, but really. I don't care about all their so called making my life easier. I would rather do my own thing and what I want public I put public. I do not want to have every interaction in my life stored in some data base. Please, can we get some rationale put back into what Google thinks we want. I saw an article on CNN where the author said he looked for the delete my stuff button (okay simplistic version) and couldn't find it. I think we need to find a way to get that on. Google and Facebook, but really with Facebook you are kind of asking for it. They give you the latitude to shoot yourself in the foot. They do need to let you delete permanently though.

And yes I did hear about the Dad  who shot up the laptop because he was pissed at his daughter's post. Dad one thought for you. What caused her to get so off track in the first place? Maybe you and her need to spend more time together, hopefully you can do it without dragging in a Dr Phil type and really save your relationship. Kids want their parents attention and if they only get it when they get into trouble, well guess what, they are going to cause more trouble.  Believe it or not, kids need structure, not presents, not freedom, not pistol whippings, just plain good old attention and direction from their parents. And they need it from the beginning.

Stay warm everyone.

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