Monday, November 5, 2012

Some pre election comments

Not much left to say anymore. For some of us this election is an exercise in futility. Not a big fan of government solving our problems and don't feel the Republicans really have the best interests of the country. Or at least the current Republican leadership. The rank and file are just too willing to accept what has been thrown,at them.

It seems they are dancing with the devil because the devil is playing their song.

I think this for many reasons, but especially for one issue. Can anyone really trust him on this I do not know. Maybe he will stay the course, who knows. And there is a small group or maybe large group hard to say making this a one issue race.

I am somewhat libertarian and govt. shouldn't legislate social issues, but can't support the libertarian party because the party platform seems by default to support a bunch of issues I am against. By saying govt shouldn't get involved shouldn't be defacto support to the issue.

Anyway for pro life it shouldn't be a one pony race. There are better ways to support life than by trying to base an entire election on this issue. It is the responsibility of the Church to spend as much time on educating than legislating. I am a firm believer the more people are educated the more they would actually understand the power of the gift of life. Even better secular education in general is good because an educated person tends to ask more questions and wonder where do we come from. Once people are aware they exist the more they want to know.

Also truly educated people can see the futility of the argument of pro choice of what a woman does in private is her business. Which you can say, but it allows for further argument that if a woman self mutilates in private it is okay because its her choice or kills herself, prostitutes herself, does pornography. Yes she can do this in private and it is her choice, but is this truly the best for her. Or even for men. You can say you have a choice but where does that choice leave you.

And this is also why the Church should direct its energies to education not legislation. You can't force people to believe something, it is better if they come to realize the truth. And in this case, it is the understanding that we are created and that all life is precious. Even the unborn.

And then you don't argue stupidly about life because of rape but because of a better educated populace you work on the issues that cause rape. Getting people to,appreciate all life and respect each other leads to protecting women from real problems like abuse and rape. Again education leads to a better understanding of the value of all life vs trying to pound a viewpoint down p eoGUIple's throats. People resist being told what to

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