Monday, November 12, 2012

some randomness

This topic has probably been beaten to death, but I am curious as to how frustrated coaches and players get with all these sports fantasy leagues. I really don't pay much attention to them, but you got to think some players are tired of hearing how they blew a fantasy game after they may have just had a grueling bad day. I cannot imagine how pissed I would be if I got harassed from some idiot who put the fantasy league ahead of me trying to win the real game. Just curious what the players think.

After the election my youngest daughter ( I have a few) asked me if we were rich would we be Republicans. After all I rant about including with the family just more proof positive that kids don't listen to their parents. Now this is the daughter that once asked me how much we would get if we won the lottery. I explained to her the amount after taxes were withheld. She became an instant member of the Republican party. I keep telling its okay to want to be conservative, but there is more to life than lower taxes.

We had our Veteran's Day parade here in Dallas today. Somewhat chilly for Dallas, but a pretty good turnout. And to those that served or serving. Thank you

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