Monday, December 3, 2012

Random reflections, sort of

A few thoughts starting with the most superficial

If you want to have a well appreciated event, you know the type where you bring in some real good talent etc,and have them perform don't make your main audience a bunch of pseudo rich, pseudo culture trendsetters. Warm rounds of applause just seem to be too much for these types of people. Went somewhere the other night and the crowd just seemed to let the performers down, and there was some really nice performances for free.

I am getting a little tired of the phrase "the reason for the season" and of all things you would think that would be the phrase to rally around each Christmas. Nowadays though it is becoming over used and yes commercialized. Was out and about this weekend and someone handed me a card, on it was the discussion of putting Christ back into Christmas and Bible verses etc and at the bottom was, yes it was a catalog for buying merchandise telling people to put Christ back into Christmas and there was no mention if it was a non profit or anything sponsoring it. And as the kids say "really" REALLY?!

If you go to Downtown Dallas, please don't park in any lot owned by Platinum parking. I have a major bone to pick with them and it is mainly about customer service. If you pay for parking you shouldn't have to pay for their made up fines. And if you want to dispute they ask you to follow certain steps. I did. They are their own judge and jury on the matter and still wanted me to pay for part of their fine,(which is pretty hefty) even though I had a receipt showing I paid. The reason they still wanted part of their fine is because someone had to write their ticket. First of all the person is checking the lots anyway so its not like he got called out there, and then when you pay, well you've paid. What kind of crap is it to charge people just to charge people? Anyway please avoid them. Businesses shouldn't take customers for granted.

And that leads to the next point. As much as possible this holiday season, no matter which holiday you celebrate please support local and small businesses as much as possible. I know this may be hard because certain popular products will only be available certain places, but where you can try to make an effort to support local businesses. And this is made even harder sometimes because local businesses can't offer the discounts the big places can. Do make the effort though. The large corporations will get theirs, we benefit more by buying local, or from products made here. Yet don't be afraid wherever you go to expect customer service. If retail makes most of its money this time of year, large or small company, they need to treat you like you mean something. Reference back to my parking complaint. The other day there was much more on the brain, but today it is late. I still wanted to get something out there though on supporting small and local business and paying attention to what type of customer service you receive.

I am a big believer in enjoying the holidays, even shopping a bit, so get out and about, see people, visit places, and spend a bit of each day reminding yourself, even if just a minute or two, what we are truly preparing for when we make our holiday preparations. Take time each day to be thankful for what we have and what we will have, reflect on the wonders given to us here on planet Earth, appreciate the moment, and don't forget that Christmas is not just December 25th, there is a Christmas season to enjoy. Take time to prepare now, not just the material things, but the spiritual and be able to have true Joy this Christmas season. I always tell the kiddos, don't think that buying presents is Christmas preparation, that is party preparation, Christmas preparation is solemn reflection on who is coming.

Some lingering thoughts on a way too warm December evening here in Big D. Gotta love living here though.

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