Wednesday, August 14, 2013

what does sensationalism in the news do for you

I am curious as to how the rest of the world views the news. It is a well known fact that news in the United States is dominated by sensationalism. And I am at the point where this has become boring. I use to love to read a newspaper or watch the news. Outside of a very few news shows it is hard to watch most news shows and channels. Am I an anomaly or do people turn off the news more than they turn it on.

And I wonder how others around the world perceive news from their countries. I have seen some news shows from Mexico, but that also contains much sensationalism and drama. It is different from U S news so can be a bit refreshing at times.

So what gives? Is Europe different? Asia? And how does the Middle East perceive news? Right now most of the major headlines here are coming out of Egypt. Is there actual in depth coverage in other parts of the world. News corporations tout in depth coverage here, but it gets old and extremely similar quickly.

For myself it is scary to use to be a news junkie to having to make effort to want to read and view news. I have come to the point where National Public TV's news and the Daly show are about the only shows I get excited about watching. And being conservative in my political thinking I find myself having to swallow their editorial perspective just to feel I am watching quality programming.

I hope there is something better out there that many people are watching so hopefully people get information that is useful to them. The crap I get stuck watching just doesn't do a person good anymore.

Typing this on my so called smart phone so editing is a joke. Hope it makes sense. I do have to admit I saw a story the other day about a company called Winco which could become a major competitor to Wal Mart. Anything that goes against that behemoth is always good news to me. Otherwise support local businesses as much as possible.

It is a nice rainy cool afternoon here in Dallas, the tourists aren't too happy, but some of us locals are ecstatic.

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