Monday, April 4, 2016

Confessions of a Nuked brain

"Watch out, you might get what you're after
Cool babies, strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house".     Talking Heads

So let's back up a few days. I was shopping at Barnes and Noble. I had been saving an old gift card that had a little over ten dollars on it. I wasn't sure what I really wanted so I was wandering aimlessly about the store. I just couldn't convince myself to buy anything. There was much I wanted and yet I couldn't part with the ten. I am that way, you know read as cheap. So I thought I'll go to Half Price Books. Still no wallet opening inspiration.

A day or so later and now my wife wants a book. I mention the gift card. Now contrary to me and my frugalness my wife will buy if she has a need. As much as I say I believe in Capitalism I do not do businesses any favors too often. We buy the book she wants and also stay to look around. Again there are hundreds of books I could buy. I just can't settle on anything.

Then out of the epiphanical light slams me upside the head. There was this great socialist plot created. Created pre Marx. And it is one of the most dangerous ideas ever created if you are any and/or all of a fascist, tyrant, right wing fanatic, religious extremist, elitist, and many names or labels of people that do not want the peasants rising up and taking their place in the world.

I could go to the public library. Yes, free books. A government sponsored institution that only some radical free thinker might create. Yes, the biggest weapon against oppression ever invented. I am going to be a taker. A person who will enhance his education at the expense of the taxpayers.  Feel the Bern baby.  And it ain't the books burning.

Who am I kidding? As cheap as I am and I haven't thought of using a library in decades is definite proof positive the neurons in my brain are long since fried beyond burnt bacon in texture. I couldn't believe how simple the solution. It has been decades. I am now the proud owner of a new library card.


Now this may not be the best first book to attach to your name when you are already known for espousing the complete dismantling of our two major political parties.  Oh yes all us paranoid political junkies know the NSA has our permanent record kept somewhere. And I am checking out material written by the virtual king of political junkies and habitual craziness.

Top it off this particular book was kept back in a special room, supposedly to protect it since it was older. You had to request it. The man at the counter was very helpful. I had other questions. He was the one who explained the need for protection. "Putting books on the shelves was very hard on the books" I had to go with it. He knew his stuff for my other inquiries.

Now though, they have this on my record. I am sure an older NSA computer was trying to kick out an alert to someone. It was mid Saturday afternoon. Let's hope the staff on duty was asleep at the wheel. Libraries are dangerous instruments of the people. We cannot up the ante with the NSA. They will report this activity; to whom it doesn't matter. It has been reported. And if to the DNC and RNC all hades could break loose.

Another problem with the two parties is they feel they are a branch of the government. They may be smart enough not to admit it if an inquiring mind were to ask yet their actions reek of bureaucratic indulgence. They will try to stop someone usurping their hold on power. This would be un-American in their eyes.

Quite frankly their forced demise would be the most American thing to do. They have no clue to the damage they have done to this country and the middle class. We, the people, want to keep the Constitution, it is the jackals that are usurping it that need to go. The DNC and RNC are high on the list.

Well I have digressed. Wasn't this supposed to be a simple post about a good idea and a trip down nostalgia lane. I enjoy reading the good doctor and there is much of his writing I still need to explore especially his later stuff. The problem is I have read much of his material sporadically so when you read a compilation you have that vague memory of some of the articles. I haven't finished the book yet. I will quickly. When you are out feeding your mind and causing great concern to the far right that you might learn something you need to get the book back on time. You do not want to attract any more attention as a taker and incur a fine.

And speaking of nostalgia just got around to seeing STAR WARS The Force Awakens on the same night I took on the evil empire and got my library card. And so what happened to "resistance is futile"???. As with everyone I have parts I liked and parts I didn't. It is Star Wars so there is much that has to be taken as is. Hopefully there will be some tie in to the next episode that flows a bit better. If you actually haven't seen it by now like me then spoiler alert:   I am going to miss Han Solo. I have actually stayed completely away from any info on the movie so I was completely caught off guard. So you ask why did you wait so long to see it.  I say think about it for a second....yep..dollar movie.

So I go back to reading the good doctor and yes I still hold some anger towards him for his final decision yet I am just a fan. I hope his family got the closure or understanding they need and deserve. Which leads me to a curiosity about Mr. Thompson

First off as you know he sprinkled his material liberally with quotes and references of his favorite works and authors. In many of his articles he uses quotes from The Book of Revelation. He states he uses Revelation because "I love the wild power of the language and the purity of the madness that governs it and makes it music." He goes on to describe that at times being on the road it is the only resource available and has an interesting nod towards the Gideons. This maybe a reference some of you younger travelers and empire fighters may not get.    Go get a library card and learn. We must continue the fight.  I digress again.

So for all of Mr. Thompson's availing himself of religious knowledge he never categorically denies God on anything I have seen. And yes he mentioned in some articles the demise of Swaggart and Bakker he seemed to enjoy their downfall not in a sense of hatred but some sense of morality. For all his talk, shenanigans, crazed behavior he seemed to think underneath it all there should be something better. His support of Democrats or certain aspects of what Democrats want us to believe they represent or at least writings in somewhat of a positive light gives this reader a pause for reflection. Did he mask a very strong moral compass? And if so it makes the end even more maddening. I do not know. I try to find the best in people and somewhere in him he fought the fight because it meant something to him. Too bad the crazed masses we have now are just crazed. I may be taking some liberty with this next thought yet here I go:

For the myths of religious extremists and fanatics we dispel;
And look for God's true and real love to reveal

On many levels and in part for his memory we must keep up the good fight or why was man ever created in the first place. We need to quit hiding from the truth.

"Long live the Constitution, the Constitution is dying."

PS. I seriously thought about trying to write this in his style, but there are two flaws to that thought. He is much better of a writer than I and then there would have to be confessions of a nuked brain. 

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