Tuesday, April 5, 2016

It’s not that difficult folks,

It’s just not that difficult.

Let’s start with some premises.

It is okay to be rewarded for hard work, to gain from effort even if at a point you have more than others. In general, that is not a problem.

There is no utopian society, nor will there ever be one.

So what does all this mean. It means we make it much more difficult than it should be.  The real premise is simple. If you respect your fellow man first everything else should follow. No one person is going to solve all our problems yet if we pull together we can solve the ones we need to.

Yet in so many ways we hide from ourselves.  We hide behind God, we hide behind heroes real and imagined, we hide behind monsters. We will run to hell and back to avoid doing what is right. People will try to legislate morality. You cannot legislate morality. Morality is already engrained into our psyche or at least most of ours. Morality needs to be taught not in the same way we teach math and science, but taught, give people the chance to bring out the best in themselves. Legislating morality is hiding behind God and shirking your responsibility to God. God gave us the tools to do what is right. We fail to use them.

Now in solving problems; there will be hard work. Sacrifices will need to be made. Resources will need to be committed. It is the approach to solving them that leaves us lacking.  We can solve them. We let others run away with what is ours and accept the lies because we are afraid.

Our forefathers created a government that allows us to do best for ourselves and our fellow man. It accepted that some people will have more than others, this was inevitable in life. The idea was to let the rule of man make the best decisions for all or at least the majority without infringing on the lives of others. No one is to have a hold on another person’s life, their freedoms, their right to continue to be treated with respect even if their beliefs were different than others. This was not perfect, yet it was designed to allow us to evolve to do more each generation to move man further in our day to day world.

We, as individuals, can be successful and it is not bad. We, as people, can govern ourselves so we can make decisions to benefit the whole of society. Our forefathers gave us the instrument to do both. We fail in our endeavors. It is okay to be successful as long as we do not leave others behind or in need. We have a right to succeed, even if on some days we fail. No one is above another. It is not about sharing or socialism. It is about using our resources to continually give one and all a fighting chance and then helping those truly in need. We are not all born equal, yet we are all equal.

We have been given life to live. It is a gift. Along with this life we have been given resources all the way from our brains to our planet. Why do we let everything that interferes with what we have been given be taken away from us? Why do we make this so difficult?

There are hundreds of good answers to our problems today here and all over the world. So why do the problems persist?  ………………………..Yep, I do not know.

The madness inside today has been strong. What with the choice of candidates, the Panama papers, the greed overrunning our Congress, ISIS, the hate shown by my fellow citizens, and much more has permeated every synopsis in my brain? What foolishness does my mind play on me today? (Fighting the madness I did get a bunch of work completed)

When this next thought is running rampant like a bad hit on AM radio over and over again inside your head you know it is time to find respite.

I tried googling or searching to see if a similar quote has been made, this thought sounded so familiar. A cursory search produced nothing. It did produce quite a few bible verses that were not close which threw me off. Also quite a variety of other insanity, but nothing that had similar verbiage. I apologize if this is a quote and I do not give it proper credit, yet I feel maybe not too many people have been this overcome so today:

They are going to crucify me for I have the innocence of a child and yet I know all too well the ways of the devil.

Strange and true, so if you know of a similar quote or thought, would you please forward it to me. I am trying to make heads and tails of all this madness.

And yet it is not that difficult. We can do what is right. It was one simple commandment, one simple piece of information, one simple thought and if we just begin to implement it in our world we can make our day to day lives a joy, an internalized joy, not just the fleeting moments of happiness, true internal joy. “Love your brother as you love yourself.”

This does not take away from success or riches or being the champion of a sport. It only adds to the wealth of us has humans. A wealth not measured in numbers, but in ourselves.

It just isn’t that difficult folks

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