Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Comments then more story

I am sure you have heard the phrase don’t cry over spilled milk, well,,,, what about spilled Crown Royal. Ha ha ha ha ha

Don’t you get tired of working with people who kiss _________ then when you point out a problem and fix it, management treats you like the bad guy.

I have seen more families fight over nothing. No one is happy and nothing gets resolved.

I am on a campaign to get people to realize there is a difference between alt right and Russian trolls versus people who voted for Trump because they are just flat our angry. Sooner or later when the deal goes down on Trump we need to walk them back to regular America or they will be prime candidates for the real crazy alt right characters.

One of these days people will realize the Democrats have nothing to offer anymore. Nothing. Republicans have the responsibility of Trump and yet Democrats won’t win because there is nothing inspiring about them. Think about it. Clinton and Pelosi were the leaders of the party for a while. And it is not about them being women, it is about they just do not have a clue as to leadership, nor do they have any ideas to move this country forward. And ask yourself this: who do you think are the Democratic leaders? Especially on any type of youth front?

Now the story continues______________________________________________________________

Samuel had called the clinic and was told they could handle a patient for a few days. The problem was and Samuel had forgotten this, someone had to register and be responsible for the patient. This meant there would be a trail to follow. He had tried explaining to the Doctor the need for privacy and quiet, yet the Doctor would need to explain to corporate management what was going on, if they found out. Samuel again was glad he ran a local hospital and had large amounts of autonomy.

Daniel walked into Samuel’s office. Well, he asked when are we moving Greg. Samuel said he was still working on the details. He got an idea and called the clinic. The doctor there agreed. Basically, anything and everything that would be used from a band aid to medicine to any emergency procedures would either be replaced by the hospital or would register as done in the hospital. He could then bill Greg’s government insurance through the hospital and bill as a hunting accident. This much was already in the system. This allowed him to show Greg as a patient while in the clinic and if anybody checked on him at least all the bills would be coming from the same entity. He could rectify with the clinic later and the doctor agreed.

Now how to sneak Greg out of the hospital. He needed to load him into an ambulance quietly. The SUV was still in the back of his mind. The night admittance employee knocked on his door.

What? Did they show you ID? How did the FBI find out about Greg? The employee said he didn’t know and they were at the front. Daniel went to check.

He asked them for ID. They told him they were FBI and had heard a prominent person had been shot. Daniel asked them again for ID. They said they would be back and the FBI didn’t have time for local hacks like him.

Daniel knew they were not FBI. He had worked with them before and knew this was not how FBI agents acted. Now Daniel and Samuel felt a real sense of urgency. Did someone tap into the computer system and get the information that a hunting accident victim had been admitted. They had not entered his personal information yet just because they did not want the locals to swarm the place. Now they really wanted to keep his info private.

Daniel walked around the hospital and saw no signs of any SUVs on side streets or the couple of local restaurants near the hospital. He didn’t feel reassured.

Samuel spoke to Sandra about moving Greg and the need to be ultra careful.  He told her he didn’t feel comfortable about the Greg staying there because it may cause a stir either with the press or the local community that would make it difficult to run the hospital. He did not say anything about the so called FBI agents.

Greg was moved very carefully through the back of the hospital. He was taken down a freight elevator to the back door. Samuel had briefed the head nurse and a couple of others they were moving Greg and he needed their silence. They willfully agreed. Greg is still very popular.

He also had called the nurse that knew Greg from their youth and she agreed to meet at the clinic. He was glad she would meet there. Better to have less traffic in and out here. He was ahead of himself now. He was moving Greg before he really took over what he needed from the hospital, yet the urgency of getting Greg to the Clinic was paramount. He called and orderly to a different floor and asked him to load into one of the vans some equipment. The orderly knew something was up but agreed to quietly load half the equipment from the room. Samuel asked him to wait about thirty minutes then bring the van to the food loading area and load from there. It was late now so most of the kitchen staff would be gone. The rest probably wouldn’t care so better not to say anything to not peak their curiosity.

The back of the hospital had employee parking and behind that some side streets without much development, a few doctor’s offices and a pharmacy. Mainly the streets leading away from the back of the hospital could be easily viewed. Daniel left out the front door and got in his car. He headed away from the front of the hospital headed west, made a wide circle around town always checking his rearview mirror and then patrolled the streets behind the hospital.

While the sheriff was driving, Greg was taken down the freight elevator, and brought up to the loading zone entrance. The sheriff called the ambulance driver directly. The ambulance also left from the front of the building, turned back and entered the emergency area. The shift nurse had been watching from a room on the top floor. She did not see any vehicles react to the movement of the ambulance and let the Doctor know. He called the ambulance driver and then this time he very quickly went around to the back of the building. Greg was loaded into the ambulance in less than a minute and the ambulance drove off towards the streets behind the hospital; drove for a bit; all the while the sheriff watched from a distance then followed. No other car or vehicle moved. The ambulance made it to the clinic and circled once before heading to the back entrance. Greg was unloaded into the clinic, however, because the doctor was by himself and still not sure what to do it took some time. The sheriff never actually went to the clinic, just kept a watch around the streets near the clinic.

And luck was with everyone. By chance a person was there who needed a ride to the hospital. He had been waiting up front so had no idea of Greg arriving. The doctor asked the ambulance driver if he could give the person a ride. The ambulance driver agreed, but called the doctor and let him know what was going on. The doctor was glad because if anyone saw the ambulance drive from the clinic they would see the person get out and enter the hospital. The patient was showing signs of having a heart attack, yet if one, very mild. The ambulance will be able to arrive with lights and siren thereby causing quite a distraction and maybe might flush out the SUV guys again so he could get a good look at them himself.

Also, while this was going on, Sandra and the daughter could ride with the orderly and the equipment.

Daniel knew Greg was going to have to stay at the hospital a bit longer and he both hoped the SUV characters would come and not come. He didn’t need any more anxiety about this situation. No one showed.
Soon everyone was at the clinic that needed to be there, the doctor agreed to stay till Samuel arrived and he also generously allowed Sandra and her daughter to use his office couch if they decided to sleep. The nurse and the doctor were going to be up all night.

Daniel drove around for a few more hours then went home to sleep for a few hours. He knew tomorrow was going to be a long day and better if anyone was watching for him to act like nothing was wrong.

The two black SUVs were parked at a motel in a nearby town. Two groups were debating if not fully arguing if they made a mistake when one group of them had entered the hospital. They were not one hundred percent sure Greg was there. They never found him, but they didn’t know the terrain and they had no idea if they had even hit Greg. The uncertainty had put them on edge. The sheriff being at the hospital led them to believe Greg might be there, but no idea if any injuries existed or the extent of them, if anything at all.  They could not spend too much time looking for him because there were hunters walking through the area throughout the day. They did not know he was found by the one person who could keep something like Greg being shot quiet. He had stumbled upon Greg almost right after he was shot and called the sheriff. Unfortunately, he also picked up Greg and carried him to his truck which aggravated Greg’s injuries. He rushed him to the hospital and was met at the door by the Doctor and a nurse and was rushed upstairs to the first room immediately. Hardly anyone realized what happened.
For Greg, outside of getting shot, his luck was with him in keeping his assailants unknown to his condition and whereabouts.

The two groups were to the point of fighting. Their assignment was to assassinate Greg, make it look like an accident and be gone. So far, they had no idea and now the possibility of some of them being on any hospital security cameras, which they were, ramped up the tension. The tension jumped even higher when Paul’s (his real name?) phone rang. He looked at the phrase unknown number on his phone and answered. Everyone went silent. All he said was “ongoing”, no other comment; listened for a couple moments more then everyone heard the click of the other line, even though the cell phone was pressed hard to Paul’s ear. Paul looked sick. Everyone knew this was a very delicate operation and they were picked because there was faith they could pull this off without leaving a trace. Now they knew the people on the other side were having doubts. And they feared for their own lives. They needed to give a better answer tomorrow than ongoing and then leave. They had to confirm or they would be gone by now, not worried about success, but their own hides. And quietly they all started worrying about the local sheriff. He also got a good look at them. They all wondered how good security cameras inside and out were at that hospital. Only one group had gone, so the other group felt slightly better. Yet not much since their employers knew them. 

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