Thursday, July 20, 2017

I have a real radical idea

And I must tread real cautiously here. I still remember 1979 and that still holds much water in how we should view Iran, nor do I say we should elevate them in world politics.

Yet I think we should start taking a neutral stand when it comes to the House of Saud and Iran. We need to maintain a strong presence in the region for many security reasons, yet we do need to make some overtures to Iran for a variety of reasons.  They need to come back and offer something in return for what happened in 1979 and I doubt they will offer much if anything, yet we need to open that door. I know Israel will not be happy, yet in the long run this may benefit Israel. There is some delicacy needed here. 

The House of Saud takes us for granted. I am not saying break relations, but they need to change some of their ways and we cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the House of Saud in how they treat their people just to have their oil.

It is time to start changing the geopolitical landscape a bit and make sure we know who are allies versus who is taking advantage of us because of our self-interest.

And this post is some foreshadowing to what a person might learn when I get back to my story. The story though is fiction; this post is to get people thinking. 

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