Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you are blessed with being able to spend the day with your family and friends or at least sometime this weekend with them

We need to be thankful more than ever, time to celebrate our lives where we can. 

I know for many the holidays are difficult times so please take the time to check on anyone you know who may be spending too much time on their own.

As we head into the election year, pray for us to elect leaders who care about humanity, show respect to all, respect the dignity of life in all phases of life, and create policy that benefits the country as a whole. Also pray for and thank the people who have the type of jobs where they might be working today or away from family such as doctors and hospital workers, firefighters, police and military personnel or nowadays the service workers who have to work minimum wage jobs just so the rest of us can enjoy the day; or even the TV people etc... Pray that eventually we can re prioritize our greed where the family still comes first and there is not this exessive need to squeeze every dollar out of us by large corporations. Our values and our lives are much more important than making that extra buck. It is this greed that has eaten into the families of America and makes it harder for us to keep our sights on what is most important.

Enjoy the day, heck enjoy the football games, and remember we are a great country because people fought for our values so we can enjoy the fruits of our labors and days like today.


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