Saturday, November 9, 2019

Same tune, new more appropriate words?

It’s beginning to look a lot like commercialism                                                                                     Everywhere you go                                                                                                                                 Take a look at the dollar store, trinkets once again                                                                              with stacks of candy and aisles that overflow
It’s beginning to look a lot like commercialism                                                                                          toys in all the walmarts                                                                                                                           but the ugliest site you will see is the junk that will be                                                                           stuffed in all those carts   
A pair of faux fur boots and a pistol that shoots                                                                                      will be the death of Janice and Ben                                                                                                  Monster dolls that cackle and caw from Halloween movies                                                                         will be all that’s left in the end
It’s beginning to look a lot like commercialism                                                                                     everywhere you go                                                                                                                                there’s a tree in the fading mall                                                                                                                 a fake one down your hall                                                                                                                          a plastic one the children only know 
It’s beginning to look a lot like commercialism                                                                                        and soon the bells will toll                                                                                                                            for all -------   our -------  souls  ---------                                                                       
Okay okay, I love Christmas, but I get tired of how much crap gets thrown at us starting now. Yes, I buy my children and grandchildren presents and love hot chocolate and wish upon a star for snow in Dallas on Christmas so I am not a scrooge, yet we need to sit back and re-evaluate what we are doing.

This should primarily be a time for family and traditions and yes I said that because this is how a culture, society keeps its values and principles going. People stress themselves out and have no Christmas joy. I hope and pray that you spend more time between 12/25 and 01/06 (12 days of Christmas) buying and giving your presents, shopping together, eating together, going to movies together, and most importantly talking together. Get over your grudges, they are not worth it, forgive your relatives and smile. Breath in the true meaning of Christmas, feel the joy, listen to the music, reach out to old friends, and celebrate the blessings of our lives. Some years are better than others and yes some are tough, but if you put the joy first over commercialism, you can make it work. 

And yes I am not the only person who has said Christmas is overly commercialized, but that cannot be said enough until we put the spirit before the crassness completely. And it is okay to splurge some for your family and friends, but why are you splurging? Make it because you can and the giving is coming from your heart. Otherwise, do what you can and be happy that you did what you could. Don’t judge and don’t feel guilty, that is not the spirit of Christmas. Enjoy the holidays, smile again, and spend some time in reflection as to the fact that we are blessed (most of the time =-)).

Preparing for Christmas has nothing to do with shopping and decorating at Thanksgiving. It has everything to do with introspection and spiritually preparing for the coming of Christ.

And yes the Mavs laid an egg last night so I am glad I am keeping perspective about how good they are as per my previous post. Still optimistic, just cautiously optimistic. I may have said this before I did put $2 down in Vegas via a friend for them to win it all, so I am slightly optimistic hence the fun bet.
Otherwise enjoy your November, your Thanksgiving, any warm days you receive over the next few months since the cold is inevitable and hopefully we all receive a beautiful calm picturesque snow during the holidays.

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