Monday, February 24, 2020

Here is a novel idea

And I am trying to figure out why I haven’t heard this in mass.

We have all heard the stories about the Republicans wanting to join in the Democrat primairies to create chaos.

Uh, why not vote in the Republican primary and vote for Bill Weld.

If you do not like Trump and you are an independent, Democrat who is going to vote for whoever the nominee is in the general election or a Republican tired of Trump; go out and vote in the Republican primary in your state. I am not endorsing William Weld. I am suggesting you vote for him in the Republican primary to tell the rest of the Republicans Donald Trump doesn’t represent everyone either in the full Republican Party or Nationally. Nor does this mean a shift in my belief we need new parties. We do, this is just a stop gap measure to keep people honest.

Chaos is so much fun.  And just as important pass it on. You can complain or you can do something. Guess which one will make you feel better.  

It is important you pass it on.It is a bit too late to create a brand new conservative party to pick up all the disenfranchised Republicans and other true conservatives for this election. Someday and hopefully soon rational people will rejoin the political narrative in this country.

And not stopping the Russians or any other country from interfering in our elections is tantamount to treason. Think about it.


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