Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Headlines and comments

 Okay earlier today I saw a story that there are people living in Palm Beach who are suing to keep Trump from living at Mar-a-Lago. 

Trump homeless? We all know that won’t happen, but that is hilarious to think about. I am not one to wish bad upon people, but the irony of just the thought is worth a moment.

And then to my amazement there was a story that says Dr. Fauci was making comments about how strange of a virus is Covid 19. And I am looking for a date on this story, yet it was from yesterday I think. We have all known this virus was crazy months ago. Why is he all of a sudden saying we need to study why some people get sick and others don’t? Seriously, they should have started this study in April. Anyway I was caught off guard by him having this epiphany publicly.

Oh and I really want to start a whole of host my own conspiracies. I have made half baked attempts in the past, but conspiracies have gotten so out of hand we should have contest or something. And I want to join in. Apparently they are real easy if you know the right crowd. It is crazy. Which is worst? The virus or the conspiracies and just like the virus conspiracies infect some and not others. That is another study that needs to be done even though most of us already know the answer. Kinda leads to that ole phrase an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

Stay safe, stay warm, stay sane

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