Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I want to apologize

 for Ken Paxton, I’m not, but I want to, no not really.

I didn’t vote for him so he is not my responsibility, yet those that did vote for him are cheering him on. Why you ask?

Damn good question. I wish I had the answer because it is more than mind boggling the hold Donald Trump has on so many people in this country. 

I am more conservative than Donald Trump and have been for decades, yet “conservatives” seem to think he represents them. Any real conservative knows the truth about him, yet somehow millions of Americans are blinded by something Donald has that no one else seems to have. Thank goodness I do not have it. 

Some need to be told what to do by a strong leader would be one thought or reason, but he isn’t really strong. He whines excessively and makes lots of noises, but he is not strong. 

He has no agenda. He has no pie in the sky ideas. Paul Ryan then Mitch McConnell used him to get a few things they wanted, but Mr. Trump has not produced any public policy. Sure he played with Tonka toys on the border sand and some semblance of a wall exists in certain areas, but policy??? Even his wall is a failed concept and does not actually produce any results. Illegal immigration goes on. So his actions do not benefit his supporters.

So why do millions of Americans believe this crazy notion that the election was stolen from him? There is no proof whatsoever. None or none they have produced, yet these millions of Americans cannot seem to get past this notion there was fraud, the election was stolen and their world is going to fall apart. It isn’t, but that doesn’t stop the belief.

One iota of a factor is they feel downtrodden because the big ole world is out to get them and steal their livelihoods. Now this is a concern, but the real crooks stealing their livelihoods is the same swamp Trump promised to get rid of. Instead the swamp got bigger and Mitch McConnell makes the swamp monster from the 1950′s look like a catch.

So why am I saying the obvious, there is nothing new to say here. Most rational people have watched this develop for the last nine months and expected this madness. So what gives? 

What gives is how do we hold the Trump and his gang of four (plus) responsible for their actions without alienating his supporters or base? Seriously we need to somehow find a way to move them forward. That is one problem, but the more pressing problem is how do we hold Trump responsible? Somehow the Supreme Court needs to hear his cases or Paxton’s case or whatever and read them the riot act on National TV. I mean have them look all these lawyers in the eyes and say put up or shut up and if you don’t put up and then don’t shut up there is a cost you have to pay because that is the root of the problem. They can do all this madness because there are no consequences for destroying democracy. None. Nothing. They can wash rinse repeat this madness forever. 

Someone has to say you can’t burn down the house, scream fire, watch as everyone riots in the streets and not be held accountable. So we need real consequences for these actions. AGs need to be disbarred, Rudy, Jenna and now Eastman need to be disbarred, all these politicians that keep shouting fraud with no proof need to be sued for trillions of dollars, yes trillions, put them in debt to the American public. Heck they aren’t protecting us anyway, might as well have them pay our bills. And this money cannot come from the government, but from their pockets. I know I am exaggerating, but the consequences need to hurt them so it will make future fascists think a bit before they might act. 

The only fraud is the fraud of Trump and his minions lying to the American public about fraud. And that needs to stop and again they need to be held accountable in ways that it hurts them or otherwise they will destroy democracy and for what? One man’s ego. How sad is that? There needs to be razor sharp teeth in the consequences for this destruction of the country we all love, even most of the people that support Trump. Can you spell sadly ironic with capital letters? I am talking money and jail time here folks. 

And on a side note; is Paxton just trying to make sure he gets a pardon since he is under indictment for securities fraud?. How sad is that?

So I won’t apologize for him even though I am from Texas. A true Texan would never have fallen in such lock step. The root of Texas is being independent, not kowtowing to a very weak demagogue. And this last paragraph goes for little Teddy Cruz also. That man is so not a Texan. 

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