Sunday, March 21, 2021

Some of the real American heroes

 First of all I said I would follow up to the previous post about the minimum wage crap and I will, but this thought came to me this morning.

In today’s world of hate your neighbor because they do not look, sound, or yell like you I thought I would discuss some of our neighbors who have done well, but do not always receive many accolades.

And the first thought that may come to mind are the first responders, police, fire, doctors, nurses, teachers etc, but not today.

There are thousands of successful business owners, CPAs, attorneys, doctors, Judges, and other successful professionals who do more than you know. And most of the time they plow through life doing what they do and maybe at the end of their life they receive some type of professional recognition or community recognition that acknowledges some of their work. 

And the unknown suspects are the type of professional who is successful in their chosen field, yet it is the CPA who also does the taxes for small non profits year after year for free, or the attorneys who participate in a city’s attorney volunteer program representing people who cannot afford an attorney on a regular basis, the doctor who works at various clinics for free, a County Judge for a rural county who manages the county for years trying to figure out how to afford road improvements, manage the employees, sit as the Judge in a whole host of different cases that fall under their jurisdiction, and untold other tasks only a County Judge would know and still find time to represent the County in statewide endeavors or do community work; or a businessman who quietly donates to all sorts of causes that somehow leads to a disabled child living in a state hospital having a bus ticket to visit their parents for the holidays because they parents cannot afford to come visit since it is out of town. 

I am sure many of you could create your own list of professionals in your community or your world in a large city who not only live the American dream and have a nice financial life, but also spend inordinate amounts of time going beyond and contributing both time and money to their community and no one really says anything except maybe like I said there is a professional organization or a club that one days says so and so has been doing this for the last thirty years and we would like to show our gratitude or something like that happens.

They are not the Rockefellers or the Gates and never have hospitals or museums or have other large public recognition. Many may die without any recognition, yet they have done much. They may belong to a local civic group, but they do more than embody that group’s mission statement. They may do much for their church, but many members know not what they contribute in time and money.

These are some of the people that make America great. They do this because they care for people like you and I. Some may call them self a liberal and some may call them self a conservative, but in reality they are neither, they are good citizens who do what is needed for the greater good.


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