Sunday, May 2, 2021

A few observations

So, the news is the news today, but reading through some stories got me to thinking how fast the Republican Party is hurting itself over and over again.

First of all, just a reminder if you do not read this blog regularly, I do not like either the Democrat or Republican Party, especially at the national level, but these are basically some  general and more local observations on some madness going on.

On a side note, usually when I talk about stories specifically I try to mention where they came from or some other reference so my apologies to everyone. I was reading throughout the day on my phone in between chores and eating so I do not remember where these stories originated. 

First there was a story that Republicans cannot get people to realize they do have some honest policy questions because the conspiracies and other related madness dominate the headlines about the Republican party. The argument was the left leaning press plays up the idea that all Republicans are conspiracy touting nuts. Maybe not exactly this statement, but the gist of it was close. The author did bring up a specific policy that was concerning that Republicans could not get any traction. I am not getting into that because I didn’t like the policy, but generally the author is probably correct. Most Trumpian Republicans and Democrats aren’t really listening to any policy ideas coming from the establishment Republicans right now so I bet there is some frustration on that end. Personally I think FOX News and their ilk has made the national Republican party CINOs anyway so it doesn’t matter. My real concern is there is no credible voice espousing true conservative policies right now.

The second story that caught my eye created some humor in me, yet is also  dangerous. There are some policy and laws being brought up in the Texas Legislature this year around voting and poll watchers. Basically the Republicans in Texas are trying to make it easier for poll watchers to go to various areas and challenge votes as they happen. And the article brought up an incident where apparently someone was trying to recruit people from upper middle class presumably white neighborhoods to go be poll watchers in certain neighborhoods of color. Soooo, what happens if people from these same neighborhoods decided to be poll watchers in the upper middle class neighborhoods? They would have the same right to be poll watchers as these Republican recruited individuals. So let’s just not be shy and say; how do you think a 70 year old white lady is going to feel about a guy with dreadlocks halfway down his back staring over her shoulder while she votes. ‘Excuse me maam, but your drivers license says you are 70. You do not look a day over 60 to me. Is this you?” Maybe the Republicans need to rethink this.....just sayin’  lol

And finally let’s talk about coal. We shouldn’t, but Wyoming has decided to earmark taxpayer money to continue down a path of financial ruin. Apparently the Republicans in Wyoming are trying or have earmarked just over a million dollars for lawsuits to protect the coal industry in Wyoming. Now to be fair the coal industry in Wyoming historically has been important to their economy, yet the article mentioned that coal production has dropped significantly over the last decade. You would think the Republicans could read the writing on the wall. If it is dropping year over year and in a decade you are now half or less than half of what it was, isn’t it about time to think about change? Apparently not. The people of Wyoming probably need this million plus much more to start shifting their economy into new industries and businesses. If I was in charge I would have the coal mining companies take what money they have left and clean up. And also probably help them reinvest into some of the new industries. We do not want people to lose their jobs, but this million is money that won’t bring any jobs back or even hold onto to many for much longer. Better to start making the change so you can retrain the workforce and start investing into the future. Yet, Republicans are in charge, you know conservatives who aren’t conservatives, either Trumpians or the crypt holders of dying industries or both. Shame the people of Wyoming do not have better.

And speaking of the dying coal industry. Maybe Biden should include money in his infrastructure plan that helps the coal industry die with some grace and allow the people in this industry a way to move forward in new industries. Tell this to a Republican and ponder the blank stare you get back or duck as misguided anger gets directed back at you.


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