Saturday, January 15, 2022

WTF Democrats/pretentious left

It is scary that I have already seen two headlines on this topic and that is two too much.

In 2014 I warned the Democrats in this blog not to do this, but they did. First their platform of platitude politics was bad enough, but to have nominated Hillary Clinton was so bad Donald Trump was elected President. Do I have to say this again? The Democrats nominated Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump became President.

Why why why why why would anyone, ANYONE think they should consider Hillary Clinton again just for that reason alone. And probably more important is that people still do not like her. Probably the majority of this country does not like her, not just Republicans. So why does anyone think she might have a chance. So stop thinking about it, we have enough headaches in this country. 

I am not going to vote for a Democrat no matter who they nominate, but please save me and the rest of this politically beat up country the horror of her running again. Please someone get in touch with whoever is starting these rumors and  have them stopped.

On a secondary note, if Putin wasn't President of Russia I would love to travel to that country, it is beautiful.

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