Sunday, March 13, 2022

What could the West give the Russian people to stop Putin’s war?

 Does it really boil down to coming up with something that can offer more opportunity to the average Russian than what Putin offers?

I do not know, but let’s talk about a few things.

First for a millennium Russia has wanted to be a major player in world events and it appears Putin is trying to create his Russian vision of what that might be. Of course the major issue is he is going about it in the most inhuman way. 

So is the real problem twenty years of a small group of oligarchs benefiting from a person with a modern day caesar complex trying to create some type of dynasty based on a historic dream.

Actually though there is nothing in the world that should prevent Russia from having their dream if they were to find a way to do so as an economic leader and not through a false militaristic dream. 

In some ways Russia does have a destiny to fulfill and could be as the connecting economy between Europe and Central and more of Asia. This is what Russia should have been given the chance to do when the Soviet Union broke up. There were no leaders prepared though for that task in Russia so the corruption began. 

Now a few people have complete control of the Russian economy so the people of Russia were not given enough of the opportunity they needed to learn to become a vital economic power. If you concentrate too much power and wealth in a fledgling government, the people suffer and the destiny of the country is robbed.

Somehow Russia needs to replace Putin, the oligarchs need to reinvest their wealth in the country to open up large swaths of the untapped potential to allow the people of Russia to flourish.

It would do the world a wonderful favor if the US and Russia could invest more in their countries in the people instead of their militaries. Russia could use its resources and even their oil resources to invest in renewable energy along with Europe and the US. This partnership could change the entire dynamic for the rest of the world not only in fighting climate change, but also terrorism. 

So lets offer Russia the chance to end the war, come to the table to negotiate new nuclear treaties, offer them the chance to join the European Union so they can participate in all the growing economies which would do what they want and move NATO off of their border. A vibrant Russia participating WITH the US and Europe benefits the world. Their economy grows as they can begin their own investment with the countries of central Asia and bringing forth a new route of trade. This development works south to India and creates a new trade and economic dynamic that helps Russia to grow and brings forth new economy and trade with Europe. Russia becomes the center of a new dynamic and takes it’s place as a leading country in world affairs. 

All this instead of trying to force a change in borders that only creates a cosmetic change on a map for a few years. There will be no victory for Russia in Ukraine, however Russia could change the dynamic by claiming its true place in the world through the northern route to Asia. It does not need to make Ukraine a vassal state to Putin, but a partner in the growth of Russia. The Ukrainian and Russian people are not the same people, but the share much of the same history and culture so they both could benefit from connecting the West with the East through Russia. There is also a few other Eastern European countries that benefit from a more dynamic economy with Russia taking over the development of this new opportunity with investing in central Asia. 

Russia becoming an economic leader, raising the status of the Russian people and engaging others through development will make them a much greater country than the path Putin is taking them in his misguided concept of building an empire. 

So Russia needs to stop Putin, come to the table, Russia and the West need to help Ukraine rebuild while Russia takes new steps forward becoming not a physical empire, but a leader in the world dynamic. 

The world is not at war with Russia. Putin is at war with the world and changing that reality goes a long way to Russia becoming great. Putin’s way keeps Russians down and only hurts the country more and more with every passing day. 

It is not an olive branch we need to offer, but a hand and a vision. It still lies with Russia to change their destiny. 

Russia leading the charge to bring central Asia into the 21st century  with renewable energy, electric cars, large train routes for transporting goods and tourists, preferably electric, mining of rare minerals, continue to expand their agriculture with new developments, building tractors to sell instead of tanks so to speak, continuing to develop a space program and more.  These simplistic examples and more allows Russia to offer the surrounding region trade growth to begin their ascent. 

I probably should include a map to show you the potential, yet go find one and start with the Black Sea and head east for a long way.

Just a bit of open thoughts or different avenues to find a way to stop the needless suffering in Ukraine caused by one man. We have had too many like him in history. It is time to change the narrative. 

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